Sunday, March 30, 2014


I like Russell Crowe as an actor, but I think I'll take a pass on going to the show to see him  in the "watered down" version of the biblical story of Noah. (It's gotten a flood of criticism.). But more importantly, let's talk about how we can influence people toward the Lord through it and other trending things. Jesus certainly used current events in His day to evangelize. Read Luke 13:1-5.

So how can we take a trending topic and turn it toward a spiritual conversation? Use questions! Here's a few examples-

*Are you going to go see the movie Noah?

*A lot of people are talking about it. Did you know even Jesus talked about Noah?

Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man." Mt.24:37-39. 

*Do you think God will keep His promise and bring another worldwide judgment on the earth?

2 Peter 3:6-7 says regarding Noah's day that  "the world of that time was deluged and destroyed. By the same word the present heavens and earth are reserved for fire, being kept for the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men."

*Why do you think God hasn't brought such worldwide judgment and destruction yet?

The same passage goes on to tell us the answer. "The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise as some understand slowness. He is patient with you. Not wanting any to perish, but everyone to come to repentance" 2 Peter 3:9.

PS- Those who think the story of Noah and the ark is just an ancient myth, fail to realize that the greatest historian who ever lived also verified such. His name? Jesus.  

1. There are several places in the New Testament that refer to Noah. He definitely was an historical figure. Post a verse you found by simply doing an online search for verses on Noah in the New Testament. (I want you to get used to finding things for people when they ask you Bible questions. There's such a wealth of information available to you at your fingertips. It cost an old-timer like me a small fortune in bought books for such info. Include the link you ended up using. No fair copying the  post of someone else. :)

Because God is holy and just, He had to punish the wicked world of Noah's day. And with the coming day of the Lord, He will punish this world again- but with fire. This month of April, we will be focusing on God's attributes of holiness and judgment. God's holiness means He is pure, hating evil and loving that which is good. Because He is also just, He must punish sin. A judge would not be just if he didn't punish the guilty. And God is perfectly just. I realize that God's holiness and justice are not pleasant topics of conversation to have with lost people. But they must know the truth to flee from the wrath to come to the ark of salvation provided- Christ Jesus.

This month of April, I want to welcome you to a quick trip through several of Paul's powerful letters. We're starting by reading through Galatians. 

2. Wouldn't it be great if you could listen to an excellent overview of Galatians or any book of Scripture? Now you can. Click here- 

Please listen to at least the first few minutes of Galatians by Pastor Ray Stedman. He is so rich, giving an overview of the Bible there as well. So jot down some of his golden insights in your wealth catcher. Now post one gem for me. Thanks! You're fulfilling Gal.6:6. 

You'll want to go back to this site whenever you desire to listen to an overview of a Bible book. What a helpful site to pass on to others over the many years you will be influencing and mentoring others. What a lasting legacy you're going to have!

Bonus- Want just a 4 minute audio overview of any book in the Bible? You got it!

3. Please post one verse you've enjoyed from your daily readings in Galatians. (Don't feel obligated to comment on it.) Wow! You've gleaned a lot of gold this week to enrich you wealth partner with!

Announcements & Reminders

This coming Sunday, April 6th- Prepare for a feast of learning at our NGL Leadership Training Meeting at 11:30. So bring your Bible, pen and wealth catcher. We'll be meeting in the break room again.

Call me as soon as you can quote Eph.2:1-5. c.773-742-2694. It's due by our next NGL leadership training meeting- Sunday, April 6th at 11:30. (That date sounds strangely familiar.)

Here's our reading guide for the next couple of weeks.

30th-  Gal.1
31st-  Gal.2

1-   Gal.3
2-   Gal.4
3-   Gal.5
4-   Gal.6
5-   Eph.1
6-   Eph.2
7-   Eph.3
8-   Eph.4
9-   Eph.5
10- Eph.6

11- Phil.1
12- Phil.2
13- Phil.3
14- Phil.4
15- Col.1

Leadership is influence. Who do you plan on inviting to any of our Easter outreaches?  Way to go! 

Deep thought to ponder- How much deeper would the ocean be without sponges in it?

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Be A Trader, Not a Traitor

The apostle Paul was a tremendous trader. What's that? 
Please click the following link to watch a minimovie on being a trader.

The apostle Paul is such a great example to us of a radical trader. It's been good getting to know him better by reading his revealing letters of 1 & 2 Corinthians. He was so motivated to lead/influence others to Christ and Christlike living. He suffered greatly, but still remained greatly motivated to reach and teach others. The devil hates such traders and "loves" to stop them from continuing to glorify God in rescuing and serving others. The enemy certainly wants to stop you from being a trader (leader-influencer) for God's kingdom. So let's discover from the life of the apostle Paul what kept him going as a trader. From your reading through 2 Corinthians so far, blog about the following:

1. Share one or more things (principles) you discovered that motivated the apostle Paul in his ongoing service to others. Write out the verse you chose to comment on within your sharing.

2. Speaking of traders, click the following link and read a classic story, called "My Heart, Christ'Home." 
Now share one thing you like about what you read. (You might want to share this great story with your wealth partner. Your call.)

Announcements / Reminders

Prepare for a feast! Starting Sunday, March 30th, we will begin reading through Galatians a chapter a day. Then on April 5th, we will begin reading through Ephesians. On April 11th, we will begin reading through Philippians. On On April 15th, we will begin reading through Colossians. On April 19th, we will begin reading through 1 Thessalonians. On April 24th, we will begin reading through 2 Thessalonians. And on April 27th, we will begin reading through 1 Timothy. That's 7 power packed books in about a month, just by reading one chapter a day. I suggest you use a book mark and perhaps print out this guide as a reminder.

23rd-  2 Cor.7
24th-  2 Cor.8
25th-  2 Cor.9
26th-  2 Cor.10
27th-  2 Cor.11
28th-  2 cor.12
29th-  2 Cor.13
30th-  Gal.1
31st-  Gal.2

1-   Gal.3
2-   Gal.4
3-   Gal.5
4-   Gal.6
5-   Eph.1
6-   Eph.2
7-   Eph.3
8-   Eph.4
9-   Eph.5
10- Eph.6

You get the idea.

Leadership is influence. Who do you plan on  inviting to any of our Easter outreaches?  You'll be glad you did.

Call me as soon as you can quote Eph.2:1-5. c.773-742-2694. It's due by our next NGL leadership training meeting- Sunday, April 6th at 11:30. 

Here's an insight from my readings in the  book of Daniel- "...Daniel had a dream, and visions passed through his mind as he was lying on his bed. He wrote down the substance of his dream." Dan.7:1. Sounds like Daniel had a wealth catcher by his bed. How very wise Daniel was. He knew he needed to capture important truths before they faded from  his memory. How wise you are to use your wealth catcher too. Use it to also preserve good stuff from what you're reading. Right now I'm reading a book about anti-gravity. Wow, I just can't put it down! :)

A christian who lives out of state has asked me to help him on editing a few of his writing projects as they have come up. I've been happy to do this for free. A few weeks ago, he asked me for help again. I have since emailed him, called a couple times and even texted him. (Yes, I've joined the 21st century.) But I hadn't heard back from him. Today, I called again. He finally answered this time. Guess what he said as to why he hadn't returned my calls to help him? "I'm sorry, I've been busy." Ugh! It's been said that an excuse is a hallow reason stuffed with a lie. Promise me that you will never degrade yourself and insult others by ever saying, "Sorry, I've been busy." So are other people. He should have said, "I'm so sorry, I've been very irresponsible. Would you please forgive me?" This is how you restore your credibility with people. Rather than producing excuses, we should produce results. That's what our employers want too. And that's how we increase our influence at work and in the lives of others. 

So now please write out the following two quotes in your wealth catcher- "I will return calls or emails requesting my response within 24 hours." "I will never excuse poor performance with cheap excuses, such as I was too busy." 

Let's make our lives (anastrophe) attractive, not repulsive.  


Don't let any one look down on  you because you are young, but set an example...2 Tim.4:12

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Are You Clear Why You Are Here?

Why do you exist?
Most people can only guess at this. 
But you're a believer.
So why did God make you?

May the following video clip answer such and inspire you.

Yes, you and I were created to bring glory to our glorious God. He doesn't need us to do this, but we desperately need to live for His glory. As you know, the glory of God is our amazing attribute of the month to reflect upon. But what is God's glory? It's the very the outshining of His being. It's associated in Scripture with His power, presence, His glory cloud, radiance, light, fire, splendor, majesty, fame and excellence. So the word the "glory" of God is a word saturated with God. We've seen God's glory mentioned as we're reading through 1st and 2nd Corinthians. The Corinthians had so lost sight of living to glorify (aka honor) God and it showed in their carnal, self-focused living. 

Remember, we will never be able to lead others properly if we do not know what we are to be leading them to- our glorious God- and to what they are to become- reflectors and promoters of His glory. So let's learn from God Himself about His glory. Please click the following link and look over several of the verses listed there on the glory of God- 
Now pick one of those verses listed, write it out and then write about it, seeking to glorify (honor) God for His glory. Write to lead/influence me, your wealth partner or others to also want to glorify our great God of glory. Feel free to write it as a prayer/praise if that approach feels more appropriate to you.
1. Please post that on the blog by Wednesday night.
2. Also tell me in a sentence or two about what wealth you've passed on to your wealth partner. (Ah, that is your God glorifying influence in action!) 

PS- Want to learn more about God's glory? Then check out this minimovie on how the heavens declare the glory of God-
This video and all the other ones from the past weekly blogs are there for you to pass on to your wealth partner and others. They are great tools of influence. I'd be thankful if you passed on such to me. As a matter of fact, if you come across great minimovies, please email such to me. Thanks! 

Announcements/ Reminders

How would you like a "one on one" interview with the greatest Christian leader ever? You've got it! Starting Monday March 17th, we're beginning to read a chapter a day from the most personal of all of the apostle Paul's writings- 2nd Corinthians. Be on the look out for how much he reveals about himself. Don't forget to preserve the gold you discover in your wealth catcher. It will enrich you much as you pursue a life of influence. 

Ephesians 2:1-5 What a powerful passage! Please call me up as soon as you can quote it c.773-742-2694.  Already got it down? Don't forget to review it or it will start to slip from your memory. "Use it or lose it." That's a good quote. Are you preserving such in your wealth catcher when you hear or read good quotes? "Take notes, collect good quotes." 

"A leader knows the way, goes the way and shows the way."

Sunday, March 9, 2014

I want Ana! She's so attractive!

There, I've admitted it. They say confession is good for the soul. But the desire for her hasn't diminished. You want full disclosure? Alright, her full name is Ana Strophe and I've been attracted to her for a while now, okay it's been for a long while. She's so magnetic, even a man of steel would be drawn to her. This may sound like I'm excusing myself, but a man would be a fool not to want her. She's so alluring! She's famous too. There have been numerous write ups regarding her beauty. Here's a short one about my Ana Strophe and her stunning magnetism. "Wives, in the same way, be submissive to your husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior (anastrophe) of their wives, when they see the purity and reverence of your lives (anastrophe)...the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit which is of great worth in God's sight. 1 Peter 3:1-2,4.  Anastrophe is the Greek word for "behavior" in verse 1 and "lives" in verse 2. Oh, that our lives, our behavior would turn heads and hearts to Christ! I think Peter also loved Ana in her godly beauty because he highly commends her thus numerous times in his writings. See for yourself.

As obedient children, do not be conformed to the former lusts which were yours in your ignorance, but like the Holy One who called you, be holy yourselves also in all your behavior (anastrophe); because it is written, "You shall be holy, for I am holy. 1 Peter 1:14-16. 

Dear friends I urge you, as foreigners and exiles, to abstain form sinful desires, which wage war against your soul. Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds (anastrophe) and glorify God on the day he visits us. 1 Peter 2:11-12 

But in  your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior (anastrophe) in Christ may be ashamed of their slander.1 Peter 3:15-16 

But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything in it will be laid bare. Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives (anastrophe) as you look forward to the day of God... 2 Peter 3:10-12

Our behavior is to make the teaching about God our Savior attractive (Titus 2:10). So how can we make our behavior more attractive? Do you walk the talk? Would the following 7 words in the video below be true of you and me? (By the way, I believe the CEO of the company is a Christian, though their movies are made for a secular market.) 

Do you walk the talk?

There's an old saying that goes like this-
Your walk talks and your talk talks,
but your walk talks louder than your talk talks.

If we are going to lead-influence others to follow Christ, we need to walk our talk.

So please watch the video again and write down in your wealth catcher the 7 words that we need to live out well to make our lives more attractive for Christ.

1. What one do you want/need to work on  the most? (That's the first thing to post.)

2. Read 1 Peter 2:11-17. What's one thing Peter adds to the way we are to live/behave before a skeptical world? (This is the second thing to post.) 

3. What is one practical way you will seek to make your life (anastrophe) more attractive?
(That's the final thing to post. Read the simple suggestions listed below to help you or add your own to write about.)

Here are some simple suggestions to make your life more attractive- Smile a lot and express thanks. How beautifying! Respect others. Return phone calls and emails within 24 hours. Respond to invitations promptly- people need to be able to plan accordingly. Be punctual to meetings- other's time is valuable too. Get to work on time and put in a full day's work. Keep your commitments, including your NGL commitments, such as to read God's word every day. (I hope you're enjoying reading through 1 Corinthians. Boy, did they lack attractive lives! The people of the world behaved better than some of them did!) Make it to the meetings with your mentor. Complete the assignments given you. Accept correction from your mentor or others graciously. Think about their input for 24 hours before responding. Use only words that build others up. Show respect to your family members and to all people. Apologize when you blow it.  Don't make excuses or argue. Offer to help. Look for good deeds to do. The more you do the more attractive your life!  


If you have not yet sent me your brief bio sketch, please do so this week, emailing it to me at (Don't post it on the blog.) Include your name, birthdate, phone, address, family background, work experiences, Christian books you may have read that really helped you, if you're dating anyone, and anything you'd like me to know about you, etc. (Brownie points if you can include a photo.)  

Speaking of brownies, will I see you at my house this coming Sunday, March 16th? Our time of "Sweets and Sharing" is at 7:00pm (9541 S. Oakley Ave. Chicago). It's not a Bible study, but feel free to bring your Bible and wealth catcher because it's also an "open mic" time of hearing your questions and comments. Please RSVP if you're coming by this Saturday. Thanks! 

Keep your eyes open for this month's amazing attribute- the glory of God. You will certainly see it as we read through 1st & 2nd Corinthians.  Read the following excellent article by famous pastor and theologian, Dr. John Piper on the glory of God- 

For those who have not yet memorized Ephesians 2:1-5, call me (c.773-742-2694) as soon as you can quote it confidently. It's to be done by the end of this month. The key is repeated reviewing of it out loud, a bite at a time.

"Don't let anyone look down  on you because you are young,
 but set an example for the believers in speech, in life (anastrophe), 
in love, in faith and in purity." 1 Timothy 4:12 

With God's help, you can make your life beautiful or ugly. And to think, my Ana once was far from beautiful- 1 Pet.1:18; Eph.4:22. 

Sunday, March 2, 2014

The Power of Example-
More is caught than taught

When I was about to graduate from Bible college, I knew that I was young and inexperienced to come to Humboldt Park and lead an inner city youth ministry. But I found comfort and challenge in 1 Timothy 4:12- "Don't let any one look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity."

God wants to use you and me to influence others toward God and godliness. For that to happen, you and I need to reflect God in our lives. So let's begin by focusing on setting a good example in our speech. Your tongue will make or break your example and leadership-influence in others lives. There are many sins of speech to guard against, but let's start with one that I've noticed has become common among some Christians- foul language. Please watch the following video-

If you have been prone to profanity, please ask God's forgiveness and help to "swear it off." As James 3:8 says, "no man can tame the tongue." But God can. Ask God to help you fulfill the following command- "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others not grieve the Holy Spirit of God..." Eph.4:29,30. May God help our tongue to be used as a powerful tool to help, not hurt others.

Of course profanity is not the only sin of speech we need to hate and have nothing to do with. Please click and read through the following article-

After reading it and watching the above video-
1. Please post your response to them here on our blog, including a verse you found on our speech.

2. State the first name of the person you have picked as your wealth partner. Then share with him/her this week some of the wealth you've been gleaning. Now you're leading-influencing!


You're all invited to my house for "sweets and sharing" Sunday, March 16th at 7:00pm- 9541 S. Oakley, Chicago. Please RSVP if you are coming by March 15th so we can plan accordingly. Thanks! You're thoughtful and responsible.

Speaking of sharing, don't forget to share some of the wealth you're learning with your wealth partner each week now. (Repetition is the mother of...)

I know you'll get a lot out of reading through 1st Corinthians. What a great book on the need for living an exemplary Christian life. The Corinthians were often such bad examples. Read a chapter a day, underlining things that strike you and putting a question mark by things you want to learn more about. Bring your Bible and wealth catcher to our March 16th get together and I'll seek to answer questions you may still have. Starting March 17th, we'll begin reading through 2nd Corinthians. The apostle Paul bears his soul in that book!