Saturday, February 22, 2014

It was an Experiment… 2.23.14

Last week we tried an experiment. Some of you were having problems trying to post your thoughts here on our blogspot. So we experimented with Facebook, but that seemed to create confusion. Also, the two sites of Facebook and wouldn’t interface to offer you both options. So I’m glad to be back here with you. If you previously were being timed out here before you finished your post, perhaps the easiest solution would be to compose elsewhere and then paste your post. If you have any problems, please email me ( or call me right away (c.773-742-2694). I want to be able to read your good thoughts. Now since several were confused and missed out, I will re-post for all to respond to- by Thursday night please. Remember, your participation in  all aspects of this NGL training year is being evaluated. We want you to graduate on stage with everyone else.

What book begins with these famous words?

“It was the best of times; it was the worst of times.”

You’re right! “A Tale of Two Cities” by Charles Dickens.

Alright, more importantly, what book begins with these words?

“Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us, just as they were handed down to us by those who from the first were eyewitnesses and servants of the word. With this in mind, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, I too decided to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught.”

You’re right again! It’s the beginning of the gospel of Luke which we’ve been reading through. But skeptics you might meet may question if the author, Luke was just jotting down tall tales, bigger than a tale of two cities. What would you say? Well, first remind them that Luke was a Gentile physician who carefully did his homework before writing his account of the life of Christ and his sequel, the book of Acts. Modern historians rank him as a top notch historian of his era. Now re-read Luke 1:1-4 to discover how Luke explains to a man he was mentoring what he did in preparation for writing and why.

1. How does this give you confidence in reading through the gospel of Luke?

2. Please share about a favorite verse(s) from our daily readings through Luke and what you liked about it.

I look forward to reading your posted responses to those two items.

How are you doing with our M&M passage Eph.2:1-5? Keep reviewing the passage regularly. You’ll have it down before it's due on our next group meeting. And when is that?

Sunday March 2nd at Midway from 11:30-12:30 is our next all group meeting. We will be meeting in “the break room” it’s the room at the end of the hallway past the men’s restroom with the vending machines in it. It should be a better setting for us than the cafeteria. Also, please be ready to share at the meeting the name of the Christian friend you picked to be your wealth partner. See you there!

At the end of Luke, Jesus commissioned his disciples to go and set captives free. The Lord gave a similar commission  to Moses, but he was quite unwilling to go. Let’s find out why in Exodus 1-4. Since we will finish reading Luke on Monday, please read Exodus 1 on Tuesday the 25th, on the 26th read Ex.2, on the 27th read Ex.3 and on the 28thread Ex.4. Then in March, we will begin an eye opening and heart searching journey through 1& 2 Corinthians. So on Saturday, March 1st read 1 Cor.1 and continue reading a new chapter each day. Perhaps, copy these chapters and dates on a card to put in your Bible as a bookmark reminder. These readings are so essential to help shape our Christlike character. Without such, we cannot please God (1 Cor.10:5) and we ruin our attempts to influence others. Remember, leadership is influence- intentional influence.

As you recall, this month’s character trait has been to grow in is “the fear of the Lord.” O Lord, help us to grow in the fear of You!

God can use you!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Greetings NGL members. 2.16.14
So sorry to hear that a number of you have experienced frustrations trying to post your good thoughts on the blog. Therefore, we will be moving to Facebook as of today. Please login to and find us there at newlifengls. As I've been told, you just need to request to Friend me- and of course I will- and then you will be in and able to post. See you there!

Saturday, February 8, 2014


So what is your greatest fear? Sometimes you’ll hear it said that people fear public speaking, even more than death. But think of the controlling emotion, not the event. So it’s not really the fear of public speaking, it’s the fear of possibly being ridiculed and thus, shamed. Ugh! We dread that! Many have a terrible fear of flying. But aren’t they really afraid of the terror of falling to their death? Pause and imagine that- how terrifying! Most of us had or still have a fear of the dark. But isn’t it really a fear of being pained or even  overwhelmed by what may be waiting for you in the dark? Those ice cold hands grabbing for your throat! That could scare you to death! And speaking of death, many admit they have a gnawing fear of death. For lost people, this fear of death haunts them like a scary ghost all their lives.  But don’t you love what Hebrews 2:15 says- Christ came “to free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death.”

Fear is so controlling isn’t it? It will freeze people up from giving a speech or from getting on a plane, or entering a dark room.  Fear governs our behavior. Perhaps that’s why we are told to fear the Lord. The fear of the Lord is a crucial subject and mentioned well over 100 times from Genesis to Revelation. Yet it’s not often discussed and thus, poorly understood. But I’m convinced it is foundational to knowing God and growing in godliness. That’s why it’s the first of our monthly character traits we’ll be focusing on. The more I’ve studied this theme in Scripture, the more I see great blessings associated with it and great woes for failing to have such. But rather than share my discoveries with you, I’d like to see your discoveries. So this week, for our SOS Bible study, I’d like you to post a favorite verse(s) you found on the fear of the Lord. How? Well, “when I was your age” I had to spend a small fortune on buying Bible commentaries and concordances to study up on such topics. But these days, you have a fortune of such information available at your fingertips. Now, I could give you sites I found via Google listing verses even from the NIV on the fear of the Lord, but I’d rather see what gold you dig up on your own. I look forward to being enriched by you. So share a favorite verse or two and why you liked it. Want more gold? Then discover and share what the fear of the Lord actually means. And may God become our greatest fear!

Announcements & Reminders!
Don’t miss our next Sunday, February 16th 7:00pm get together at Jack & Janie’s estate- 10749 Cherrywood Dr. Palos Park. Come and enjoy some great fellowship, desserts and discussion. Please email me if you want to be included in this great time together-

Luke! What a great gospel! We are reading a chapter of it a day. Just look at the calendar to know which chapter to read. Use a bookmark and read every day. (Make reading God’s word the most important thing to do in your day. This prompt really works- No Bible no breakfast. or No Scripture no sleep.) Underline favorite verses and put a question mark by things for which you’d like to gain greater understanding. Bring your Bible, questions and wealth catcher to any meetings and to Jack & Janie’s. You’ll glean and preserve so much this way and will have a wealth to share with others. Remember, such sharing is a powerful tool in spiritually influencing others. And leadership is influence- intentional influence.

How are you doing with our M&M passage Eph.2:1-5? Congrats to one person (she wishes to remain anonymous) who already quoted it to me perfectly this past week. Review the passage regularly, using the memory tips you learned from last week’s blog article. You’ll have it down before it's due on our next group meeting- Sunday March 2nd at Midway from 11:30-12:30. Also, please be ready to share at the meeting the name of the Christian friend you picked to be your wealth partner. See you there!

The NGL program is a work out. It isn’t for everybody. We’ve purposely put more weights on to make you stronger. But your trainers are for you. We want to see you become a strong leader. That’s why we are also measuring your progress. We are recording what work outs you have done. Did he or she post on the blog? Did they meet with their mentor? Did they come to the monthly meeting? Did they bring their Bible and wealth catcher? Did they pick a wealth partner? Did they memorize the assigned verses for the month? These all reveal how determined the NGL is to grow and develop as a responsible leader. Is that what you want to become? I thought so!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

How can I memorize Scripture? I’ve got the worst memory!

First of all, you don’t have the worst memory? Want proof? Watch this funny commercial that aired on Super Bowl Sunday a few years ago. (And no, I don’t even like the taste of it.)

I too have a short memory. But I do remember my own name without peaking at my name tag. And you’ve got a better memory than you may give yourself credit. For example, just think of all the thousands of words you’ve memorized, including the ones you’re reading right now. You’ve got a great memory! And you can memorize far more Scripture than you may think. You just need to discover the secrets for success in memorizing.  

Before I share these with you, I need to confess that I really do have a poor memory compared to many. Pastor Mike is quick to learn people’s names. I struggle to do so. So please bear with me. However, when God saved me in 1976 (yeah, I know what you're thinking and you're right) I learned the secrets of memorizing scripture. Over time, this enabled me to memorize over 100 scattered scripture verses. Then I moved on to memorizing chapters, which then led to memorizing a few epistles of scripture. Because I haven’t regularly reviewed those books, I admit I can’t stand up and quote them now. But I’m so glad I did. I can think my way through them rather easily. And they have shaped my life. I’m not bragging, I’m trying to encourage you, because if I can do it, anyone can!

The key for me is to repeatedly read the passage and then memorize a bit at a time. Try reading Eph.2:1-5 every day and then work on memorizing a little bit of it each day. “By the yard it may be hard, but by the inch, it’s a cinch.” Here’s another fitting quote. “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.” So enjoy feasting on Eph.2:1-5 one small bite at a time. I carry the print out of this passage with me and review it every day. By the way, I learned our passage in a week. Could have done it faster I guess, but was enjoying the meal, one bite at a time. If you follow these suggestions, you’ll be very pleased how much you will glean and you’ll have the passage nailed by our Sunday March 2nd meeting. (It’s from noon to 1pm in the cafeteria.)

This week our SOS Bible study will conveniently be on Ephesians 2:1-5. Please dig into Eph.2:1-5 and post your reflections on that, not on the memorization article. Please remember to post by each Wednesday night. (You can get started reading and thinking about our passage as early as each Sunday evening which is when I publish this weekly blog for us.) 

Study tips: Read it out loud. Read it slowly. Read it repeatedly. Read it inquisitively. Imagine you get to interview the writer regarding what you’ve just read. Write down what questions you would ask. What did you mean when you said…?

Now seek to discover the answers to your questions.
Use cross references, concordances, commentaries (I like or and contemplation. What’s one insight you discovered that you’d like to share with me?

Obey & Share
What did you discover from this passage about-
Knowing God- Did this passage reveal anything about God the Father, Son or Holy Spirit for which to thank or praise Him? If so, try writing it out as a praise to Him.

Growing more godly- What things from this passage do you need to seek God’s help to live out?
Try writing this out as a prayer. 

Oops, “I almost forgot” to remind you that we are all to be reading our way through the gospel of Luke this month, a chapter a day. So just look at the calendar to know which chapter to be grazing in. This can be a rich source of discussion between you and your mentor. I certainly found that to the case in our group. And your mentor can review the monthly memory passage together with you. We usually began our meetings doing so.

Sun. Feb.16th 7:00pm You are cordially invited to a great evening fellowship time at the estate of Jack & Janie Rogers- 10749 Cherrywood Dr. Palos Park. He is a very successful business leader. Come enjoy an unforgettable time together because their house is! We'll enjoy some delicious desserts. I'll ask Jack questions re. leadership and you can too. Plus, you can ask me any questions you wish about the Word and the Christian life. You won't want to miss this. Please RSVP me that you''re coming at Thanx!

Did you notice in Psalm 118 that Pastor Mark preached from today, the mention of the fear of the Lord? It's our character trait of the month. Be on the look out for it. 

PS- We are here to help you succeed, so ask for help when you need it. "If you ask for help and don't quit, you will succeed." You can write that one down in your wealth catcher. Err, you didn't forget that did you?