It was an Experiment… 2.23.14
Last week we tried an experiment. Some of you were having problems trying to post your thoughts here on our blogspot. So we experimented with Facebook, but that seemed to create confusion. Also, the two sites of Facebook and wouldn’t interface to offer you both options. So I’m glad to be back here with you. If you previously were being timed out here before you finished your post, perhaps the easiest solution would be to compose elsewhere and then paste your post. If you have any problems, please email me ( or call me right away (c.773-742-2694). I want to be able to read your good thoughts. Now since several were confused and missed out, I will re-post for all to respond to- by Thursday night please. Remember, your participation in all aspects of this NGL training year is being evaluated. We want you to graduate on stage with everyone else.
What book begins with these famous words?
“It was the best of times; it was the worst of times.”
You’re right! “A Tale of Two Cities” by Charles Dickens.
Alright, more importantly, what book begins with these words?
“Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us, just as they were handed down to us by those who from the first were eyewitnesses and servants of the word. With this in mind, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, I too decided to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught.”
You’re right again! It’s the beginning of the gospel of Luke which we’ve been reading through. But skeptics you might meet may question if the author, Luke was just jotting down tall tales, bigger than a tale of two cities. What would you say? Well, first remind them that Luke was a Gentile physician who carefully did his homework before writing his account of the life of Christ and his sequel, the book of Acts. Modern historians rank him as a top notch historian of his era. Now re-read Luke 1:1-4 to discover how Luke explains to a man he was mentoring what he did in preparation for writing and why.
1. How does this give you confidence in reading through the gospel of Luke?
2. Please share about a favorite verse(s) from our daily readings through Luke and what you liked about it.
I look forward to reading your posted responses to those two items.
How are you doing with our M&M passage Eph.2:1-5? Keep reviewing the passage regularly. You’ll have it down before it's due on our next group meeting. And when is that?
Sunday March 2nd at Midway from 11:30-12:30 is our next all group meeting. We will be meeting in “the break room” it’s the room at the end of the hallway past the men’s restroom with the vending machines in it. It should be a better setting for us than the cafeteria. Also, please be ready to share at the meeting the name of the Christian friend you picked to be your wealth partner. See you there!
At the end of Luke, Jesus commissioned his disciples to go and set captives free. The Lord gave a similar commission to Moses, but he was quite unwilling to go. Let’s find out why in Exodus 1-4. Since we will finish reading Luke on Monday, please read Exodus 1 on Tuesday the 25th, on the 26th read Ex.2, on the 27th read Ex.3 and on the 28thread Ex.4. Then in March, we will begin an eye opening and heart searching journey through 1& 2 Corinthians. So on Saturday, March 1st read 1 Cor.1 and continue reading a new chapter each day. Perhaps, copy these chapters and dates on a card to put in your Bible as a bookmark reminder. These readings are so essential to help shape our Christlike character. Without such, we cannot please God (1 Cor.10:5) and we ruin our attempts to influence others. Remember, leadership is influence- intentional influence.
As you recall, this month’s character trait has been to grow in is “the fear of the Lord.” O Lord, help us to grow in the fear of You!
God can use you!
As you recall, this month’s character trait has been to grow in is “the fear of the Lord.” O Lord, help us to grow in the fear of You!
God can use you!