Thursday, December 26, 2013

Growing Deeper Together

Greetings my brothers!
I'm so glad you want to join me this new year in growing deeper together. I've been wanting to keep in touch with you, yet schedules can be so crazy for face to face get togethers. So I look forward to this- sharing both fun and thought provoking posts. It will be the next best thing to eating brownies and talking together. 
Instead of writing much on this first maiden voyage, I think I'd simply like to pass on an excellent 10 minute youtube of a youth pastor named, Matt Papa, sharing "The Story of God."

I found this as I was surfing around trying to find something to help an unsaved gal who recently started reading through the Bible for the first time. Perhaps you've already seen this. I just mentioned it to my daughter and she's seen it at three different youth events. (I don't get out much anymore.) Anyway, by the time he's done, I'm pumping my fist in the air. It's the Greatest Story Ever Told! Sadly, it's the greatest story never told by many. Anybody come to mind that you think would like to see this as well?  
Until I hear from you... Acts 20:32