Thursday, December 26, 2013

Growing Deeper Together

Greetings my brothers!
I'm so glad you want to join me this new year in growing deeper together. I've been wanting to keep in touch with you, yet schedules can be so crazy for face to face get togethers. So I look forward to this- sharing both fun and thought provoking posts. It will be the next best thing to eating brownies and talking together. 
Instead of writing much on this first maiden voyage, I think I'd simply like to pass on an excellent 10 minute youtube of a youth pastor named, Matt Papa, sharing "The Story of God."

I found this as I was surfing around trying to find something to help an unsaved gal who recently started reading through the Bible for the first time. Perhaps you've already seen this. I just mentioned it to my daughter and she's seen it at three different youth events. (I don't get out much anymore.) Anyway, by the time he's done, I'm pumping my fist in the air. It's the Greatest Story Ever Told! Sadly, it's the greatest story never told by many. Anybody come to mind that you think would like to see this as well?  
Until I hear from you... Acts 20:32


  1. This remonds me of a video we showed to the youth at their Retreat which was among the New Life campuses:
    "G.O.S.P.E.L. - Propaganda (Full Video) "

    Very helpful in summary and in reminder to the calling we all have.

  2. Great video Dave! Thanks for sharing. It appears that these types of videos are becoming more and more popular amongst young people these days and am glad people are innovating the ways they are able to transfer God's word and making it more appealing for todays audience. Thanks again for sharing!

  3. Hello everyone, I know I am a little behind, but I am finally adjusted. This is a cool video. There are many of these coming out. I am excited for the themes and topics to be discussed in this blog. I do miss the eating brownies though but this will do.

  4. Thanks Ken! Be not dismayed, we shall yet feast together again!

    1. I look forward to that! After the 1st of February of course. Haha

  5. Prov. 8:13 The fear of the LORD is to hate evil; pride and arrogance, and the evil way and the froward mouth, do I hate. This is my third time attempting a post. Hope it works. Anyway I like this verse because it focus's on what we are to hate which I think is just as important as what we are to love since deductively they complement two different sides of the same truth. I believe that fear and are unfairly shunned by many but sadly to their own detriment for each has it's place and time. What we hate we avoid, we look down upon as having lesser value and we are aggressive to remove from our experience of life. I believe we should hate rape for example. Moving on to fear, what we fear we avoid because we perceive the danger of pain or loss, the fear we feel is our warning sign to caution. Now more specifically why should we fear our loving God, well I believe it is because while god is love he is not only love, he is pure, he is just, he is judge to name a few and because he is unchanging he has need to present actions that preserve and qualify these actions. Because he is morally pure he must be averse to evil, he must not simply dislike it but he must loathe it. God is a just judge and is responsible to assess, reward and consequence the actions of those under his authority (every created being). As Christians I believe there is the temptation to believe we are excluded from judgement and have nothing to fear, but I contend that is incorrect. I believe we as Christians have been absolved from eternal consequences but not from the temporal consequences that through pain and loss encourage us to fear the effects of sin and the god who decides those effects. I believe the fear of god is the accurate awareness of gods person, character and authority and it's relation to us and that when we accept this reality we fear his disapproval, his consequences and becoming anything unlike him. As I look at my life I realize that the fear of god keeps us from the abuse of grace and my often casual response to sin is evidence that I fear god not enough and have grown complacent with habitual sin. May I fear god as deeply as he has loved me for in hating sin and fearing god I preserve my own well being.
