Sunday, April 13, 2014

Easter, What's the Big Deal?

Imagine that's what an unsaved friend says to you- "What's the big deal about Easter?" 
1. Read 1 Corinthians 15:14-19 and post one reason why the resurrection of Christ is vital.

"You Christians are so gullible to believe that Jesus rose from the dead. People rising from the dead only happens in fairy tales and fiction." 

2. But what evidence did Paul give to anyone in his day who may have wanted to investigate whether the resurrection of Christ ever happened? Read 1 Corinthians 15:1-8 and post a one sentence answer.

3. Watch the following video clip of Lee Strobel regarding the resurrection of Christ. He was a former investigative reporter for the Chicago Tribune and an atheist.

Here are more convincing proofs for Christ's resurrection. Read John 19:38-20:9. Just think about this. The 75 pounds of myrrh and aloes that they wrapped among the strips of linen around Jesus would have hardened like lead. So if people wanted to steal the body of Jesus, how did they get the body out of that? The religious leaders paid the Roman guards to say that the disciples stole the body of Jesus while they slept. O really? The penalty for falling asleep while on guard duty was to clubbed to death. Ouch!  By the way, if all the guards were sleeping, how would the soldiers know it was the disciples who stole the body? Hmm. And my oh my, what sound sleepers those soldiers would have had to be! Would they have really slept right through the body snatchers rolling away the huge grave stone? And then we're supposed to believe that for some crazy reason, the thieves decided to hang out inside the tomb to unwrap the body while the Roman soldiers supposedly continued to snooze! But that still doesn't explain how the thieves got the super-glued linen strips off the body. Even if they could get the cloths off without shredding them, why on earth would they neatly place the linen where the body had been lying? Speaking of lying, I just can't buy the lie that the disciples stole the body while the Roman soldiers were sleeping, can you? So how did the tomb end up empty? What changed those "disciples in hiding" into fearless proclaimers of the risen Christ? The risen Christ! He transformed them, and even doubting Thomas, by appearing to them various times for over 40 days and even eating with them. The death and resurrection of Christ is not some fairy tale. It is the best attested historical event of antiquity and the greatest event in human history. He's alive and He's still giving new life to people all over the world.

Christ Has Risen From the Dead! 
Because He lives, we live also!

Do you have a favorite song that speaks of Christ's resurrection? If so, please share the link with me. Thanks! Here's a favorite one of mine-

Announcements & Reminders

What a treasure to be found in our daily readings through Paul's letters to new congregations.
On April 15th we will begin reading through Colossians. It's been called the sister of Ephesians.
On April 19th we will begin reading through 1 Thessalonians. What a great mentoring letter.

Congrats to all of you who memorized and quoted Eph.2:1-5. What a marvelous passage is now yours. Have you started memorizing Eph.2:6-10? One brother has already quoted it to me. Call me when you can too. 

Congrats also to many of you who blog by Thursday nights. You don't put it off and you don't lose any points for being tardy. Let's all strive for such. Thanks for enriching me with your reflections and heartfelt words. (I guess I'm your wealth partner too and glad to be such!) 


  1. 1. Christ’s Resurrection displays He is the one true God, the only one who overcame death and was brought back to life, now seated high in the heavenly realms. “Who then is the one who condemns? No one. Christ Jesus who died--more than that, who was raised to life--is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us” (Romans 8:34). It is vital for all who need a present savior. It is vital for the one that needs a second chance and the truth their existence and life on earth was meant for something greater then themselves.

    2. After His death, He appeared to the disciples and to many that they would not doubt His resurrection.
    3. Glorious Day by Casting Crowns

  2. Thanks Nori! And I just listened to your recommended song- excellent!

  3. 1. Christ's resurrection is vital to our faith and our lives because it is the proof and assurance of God's forgiveness over our sins. Really the entire reading has a lot of different reasons why Jesus's resurrection is of utmost importance. I could have easily found more reasons, but this one in particular stuck out to me.

    2. He appeared to the apostles and later to Paul when he was a pharisee.

    3. Celebrate Jesus. I'm remember that song being played at New Life a lot when I was young. It kinda has a nostalgic quality to it.

    1. Ah Alex, you bring back fond memories of that old song. Thanks!

    2. Amen Alex His resurrection is absolutely our assurance of having our sins forgiven...

  4. 1. 1 Corinthians 15:17 “And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins.”

    As I read this passage, this verse caught my attention the most. The other verses in the passage mainly came to the conclusion that if Christ did not rise:

-Our Preaching was useless
    -Our Faith is useless
    -We bore false witness
    -We are to be pitied

    However, Verse 17 came out and said the one thing more important than anything else - - - that we “are still in [our] sins”. This very fact alone was important enough, that God himself came as a sacrifice for us. Would the other things be true had Christ not died? Yes, of course, however they themselves are byproducts of reputation, and not about our Eternal Destiny (which God cares immensely more for). Our reputation among the world is of little consequence to God, and it should be the same for us (while always striving to bring Christ’s name glory in our actions). The Bible mentions this many times, for instance:

    John 15:18 "If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first.”

    But had Christ not risen from death, we and our sin would still be one and the same. Responsibility for payment would still be settled squarely on our shoulders. Salvation would be hopeless, as no one could be sinless to the point of being able to stand before a Holy & Righteous God.

    There would ultimately be only one payment for our wickedness. Eternity with God would be sacrificed. Thank the Lord, though, that this in fact is not the case! For Jesus Christ defeated Sin and Death at the Cross. To borrow a paragraph from the book “When God Weeps”:


“The Trinity had planned it. The Son endured it. The Spirit enabled him. The Father rejected the Son whom he loved. Jesus, the God-man from Nazareth, perished. The Father accepted his sacrifice for sin and was satisfied. The Rescue was accomplished.”

    2. The physical proof of Christ’s resurrection, and therefore, divinity, are gained through historically verifiable eyewitness accounts (including cultural/historical insight).

    3. (This is not really a question, but I wanted to comment on it) The video by Lee Strobel was excellent. Well spoken, and well researched. Really enjoyed it. On a similar note, reading that final verse:

    John 20:9 “(They still did not understand from Scripture that Jesus had to rise from the dead.)”

    The fact that the disciples did not fully understand that christ would need to be resurrected even substantiates the evidence all the more. Basically, that they were just as clueless as the authorities, priests, bystanders…Only once many of them seen Jesus alive and well, did they truly understand the significance of what was done.

    4. For a song, one of my favorites, “Jesus Saves” by Jeremy Camp


  5. Great words and great song Will that I just listened to. Thanks!

  6. Nice Will. Thanks for this blessing.

  7. 1. We are suppose to walk by faith and not by sight. Paul says several times that if Christ did not rise from the dead, that the faith, that we are suppose to walk by, means nothing. If Christ did not rise from the dead then that faith is fruitless, without effect, empty, devoid of the truth and is mere delusion, Paul says. I think that it is powerful, because we place such a high emphasis on the faith and the hope that we have in Jesus' resurrection. I heard recently that Christ saved us not so that we can live, but so that we can die. We need to die like Christ, in order to be raised up with Christ. If His resurrection is not true, then our faith is meaningless and nothing, but life on this earth would matter.

    I often questioned early on in my walk, well what if this isn't all that it is said to be? What happens if I die and nothing happens? Then we would be made foolish and be the most pitied and miserable of all men. I just love how there is a lot of "if's" in verses 14-19. Well if this was true and if this happened or did not happen. Well, Paul goes on to answer all those "what-ifs" with the truth, a fact.

    "But the fact is that Christ has been raised from the dead....But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead....But now is Christ risen."

    Paul answers all the if-then statements with the truth. The truth is what sets us free.

    2. Christ's resurrection was observed and experienced by many people, not just by Paul himself.

    To comment on Lee Strobel
    I have read a few books like, "More Than a Carpenter" that discuss some topics like this, again all the "what-if's". And I watched,"The Case for a Creator" documentary. I think the answer lies in us, the Holy Spirit, the proof and the seal.

    3. Aftermath by Hillsong

    1. Yes Eddie, the resurrection is the fact that gives our faith a firm foundation.
      Thanks also for the song.

  8. 1. Because I am naturally sinful, I always have to face problems and temptations. Sometimes I feel like a problem may be too difficult to understand or defeat, but with this verse in mind, Jesus gives me hope and certainty that I will conquer these problems and, primarily, the grave. The resurrection of Christ is vital to me because I have hope in a victorious ending because now I know that I do not have to fear death. Christ's resurrection gives me hope and courage.
    2. There are historical records and evidence of thousands of witnesses that claim Jesus was risen.
    3. Mighty to Save by Hillsong

    1. Thanks Ivan. Yes, because He conquered the grave, so will we.
      And thanks for the great song I'm enjoying right now!
      Forever, author of salvation, He rose and conquered the grave!

  9. 1. The powerful truth in 1 Corinthians 15: 14 - 19 is the vitality that we are no longer bound to sin. The reason the resurrection is so essential is that it breaks the chains of sin and our faith in this truth is not futile. We are forgiven because of this truth. Our faith has reason and substance!

    2. There is no better evidence like an eye witness report. Paul, the disciples, Cephus, and a gathering of others physically saw the resurrected Jesus. Testifying of people who believed in him and that maybe didn't before he was crucified give positive evidence that this event was indeed fact. Paul gives the Corinthians his word and the word of others that Jesus Christ was resurrected and seen. Historical evidence to prove a point.

    3. Great video!

    4. This song is one of my favorite songs in general. Its a message of hope and of boldness. It reminds me of what Christ did for me and what I MUST DO FOR HIM!

  10. Yes Ken. I heard Lecrea on the radio speaking on a college campus and was quite impressed. He ain't no dum rapper. :)

  11. 1. The resurrection of Christ is vital because this is the cornerstone that believers stand upon and their sins are forgiven according to God's Word. If it didn’t happen then believers are living foolishly, their sins aren’t forgiven and are still under the bondage of sin (1 Cor. 15:17 and Romans 6:10-11).

    2. The evidence that Paul gave them was two things: first His death, burial, and resurrection being in accordance with the SCRIPTURES and the many eyewitnesses that saw His resurrected body!

    3. I went old school:
    Hillsong Church: My Redeemer Lives

  12. Great words Jose! And I'm enjoying an old classic quite fitting for this Easter season and every day.

  13. Hi NGL team! Let's get ready for a great Easter weekend!! Glad we are talking about the victory of Jesus over the enemies of sin and death. 1Cor 15:17--“And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is worthless, you are still in your sins.” The resurrection of Jesus is the foundation of the gospel, the good news, the message that we can have life forever through Jesus Christ. One of the many wonderful, amazing facts about the resurrection is that it shows the victory of Jesus over sin. He absorbed the punishment and penalty for all sins ever committed and then He came back from the dead. Life overcoming death. If He did not rise from the dead then sin and death would have defeated life. The opportunity for us to be forgiven, to be righteous, to be changed into a different person, to have a new heart, and to live with God forever are available to us through the death and resurrection of Jesus. This opportunity, which is part of God’s grace to us, would not be possible without the cross and empty tomb. There are loads of scriptures that make this clear including 2Corinthians 5:21, Galatians 1:4, Colossians 1:22, and Revelation 5:1-7.
    So the resurrection is essential to the whole message of the Bible. It also sets Jesus apart from others who claim to be a Messiah, prophet, or one with a message from God. The resurrection is a great point to discuss with Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, and others. If people say that all religions teach the same thing they are ignoring the resurrection. On a side note, it seems like the word ‘resurrection’ needs to be defined. We can clarify by saying things like, “Jesus overcame death. He gives us life after death. He died and came back to live forever.” Also, although there are a few stories of resurrection in the Bible, such as Lazarus, these people still eventually died. Jesus’ resurrection is unique for many reasons including the fact that He would never die again. He ascended into heaven and exists with full power and authority forever.
    Paul also emphasizes in 1Cor 15:1-8 that Jesus’ death and resurrection was according to the Scriptures. It had been predicted by prophets in the past and was a part of God’s plan. Paul then gives the evidence that after the resurrection Jesus had appeared to the 12 disciples, to a group of 500, and then to another group of leaders. These eyewitness testimonies were powerful and many of those people suffered terribly and even died a martyrs’ death because they refused to deny this fact.

  14. Right on Mike! And good, clarifying points. "Life conquers death. Jesus Christ has won!"

  15. Good post Pastor Mike! I loved the point about the others that resurrected, yet all eventually died, except for Christ.

  16. 1.) We would be false witnesses. If there was no resurrection, everything we ever taught and known And believed would be a lie. Our faith would be useless.
    2.) Paul was a WITNESS. People could contradict scripture and writing all they want, but when you actually witness it, it's another story. Genes

  17. Sorry! it accidentally started using my name at the end!

  18. 1. Everything we do to follow Jesus' example would be for nothing and we would all still be in our sin.

    2.He gave them names of so many people who seen and even spoke to Christ after his death.

  19. 1. Faith is a vital element for reason why Christ resurrected. In 1 Corinthians 15: 14-19 it talks about more than once about faith. "our preaching is useless and so is your faith." and it also say "your faith is futile." As a christian we should know that we need faith to walk in the way of Christ and this is all possible through the resurrection.
    2. Many watched him suffer and die but many also saw him, after death, spreading the word and power of God.

  20. 1. Christ's resurrection is vital because we would still be living in unforgiveness of our sins and possibly still living by the rituals before Christ to try and wash our sins for ourselves.

    2. I'm not sure how accurate this information is, but i heard that each event in the bible was written in at least a 30 year time frame after the event, If this is true, why would a generation that lived during the time of Jesus allow for the bible to carry on for such a long period of time? Also, the appearances Jesus made not only within the forty days after his resurrection, but also the presence of his power in the lives of people today are truth enough.

    3. A song I enjoy about Christ's victory is He Reigns. It's such an uplifting song! Definitely playing it on repeat this Easter Sunday.

  21. 1. Well without the Resurrection of Christ the very core of what Christians believe would be shaken. For if Christ did die for all our sins but was not resurrected to conquer death and sin then the price of our sin would not be paid in full and therefore no matter what we do we will not spend eternity with God because our sins have not been cleansed.
    2. Towards the end of that passage Paul lists a multitude of eyewitnesses of the resurrected Jesus including himself and the more eyewitnesses there are with absolute certainty the more likely Jesus was in deed resurrected.
    3. "No One Higher"- Acquire the Fire
    Simply just a great worship song. I enjoyed singing it when I went to ATF last year.
    In addition: I like listening to this next song when I'm working out to get pumped and this acoustic version is pretty mellowed out from the original hard rock version.
    "Breathe Into Me (Remix Acustica)"- Red

  22. 1. The resurrection of Christ fulfills the Scriptures and therefore names Jesus as the Messiah.
    2. Paul listed hundreds of eyewitnesses, and as Lee Strobel explained, the question of whether or not the tomb was empty was not a question. Everyone knew the tomb was empty. Paul points to the Scriptures where it was prophesied that the Messiah would rise from the dead after three days.
    3. You picked the song from my heart Mr. Dave! I love that song especially the bridge, "Oh death where is your sting? Oh hell where is your victory? Oh Church come stand in the light our God is not dead HE'S ALIVE! HE'S ALIVE!" But I don't want to be a copycat so I will post an old favorite from the hymns: He Arose! He Arose! Hallelujah Christ Arose!

  23. 1. The Resurrection of Christ is vital because as believers and followers In Christ THAT is our Anthem as we proclaim the gospel to others. Now that being said it's vital because if all that was remotely false than there would be no existence of Christ and lies of what God did for us, on giving us a perfect son who died for our sins(Romans 5:8).

    2. 1 Corinthians 6. After that, he appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers and sisters at the same time, most of whom are still living, though some have fallen asleep.

    Proof enough that Christ existed but also fulfilled all what our forefathers had the hope In, and what the prophets prophesied about. Plus witnesses that seen and experienced His presence.

    3. My choiceHallelujah! You have won the victory / The Anthem…:

  24. Name of song Is The Anthem by Planetshakers. Sorry Dave. Listen when you have a chance.

  25. 1) It is imperative that Christ was raised from the grave for he was without spot or blemish, the sinless Lamb of God slain as an atonement for the sins of the world. Romans 6:23a “For the wages of sin is death.” He satisfied the requirement of the Law given to Moses. 1Cor 15:56-57 “The sting of death is sin, and the power of the sin is the law. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Romans 5:9-10 “Since we have been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God’s wrath through him! For if when we were God’s enemies, we WERE reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life.”
    2) The evidence Paul gave were from eye witness accounts found in 1Cor 15:6 “After that, he (Jesus) appeared to more than 5 hundred of the brothers at the same time, most of whom are still living, though some have fallen asleep.”
    3) Thank you Brother Dave for introducing me to a wealth of information and video’s via the Internet. I have never used it, but going forward I will explore and by God’s grace grow deeper in him.
    4) My favorite song that speaks of Christ’s resurrection is by Carlos Santana named “Somewhere in Heaven”. The original soundtrack is the best, some of the live performances miss the mark completely.

    1. Oooppps, I forgot the most important part of question 1). When Jesus Christ, the Son of God, satisfied the requirment of the Law; and since death could not hold him, he arose in VICTORY. In so much that once and for all the chains of sin were broken. By the power of the resurrection, we are able to walk in freedom and to serve God in holiness. Not only that, only then would he be able to send the Comforter - the sweet Holy Spirit that is ever present, leading and guiding us every step of the way. And last but not least, we have a High Priest, seated at the right hand of the Father, where he intercedes for us without ceasing. Thank You Lord!

  26. Thanks for these good words Bea! I'm glad you're enjoying the wealth of info available on the internet. There's a lot that is pass-on-able.
