Saturday, January 11, 2014

In a word or two, Leadership is…

If you had to boil leadership down to one word, what would it be? Dr. John Maxwell, author of several good books on leadership says it’s “influence.” That’s so good! But if you gave me two words, I’d say that leadership is “intentional influence.” Why? Well, anyone can influence another without being a leader. If a stranger gave you driving directions, telling you to turn around to get to where you needed to go, that person would only be exerting what I call, “incidental influence.” You’d never claim that person as a leader in your life, would you? But a true leader is committed to intentional influence.  He’s not waiting around for someone to ask him for directions. Put another way, the godly leader is committed to commissioned influence. For example, when Saul of Tarsus got saved, he was blinded by the light of the glorified Lord Jesus who commissioned him saying, “I am sending you to them (the Gentiles) to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God…” Acts 26:18. Paul told many people to turn around (repent), and many claimed him as their spiritual leader. Why? Because Paul was commissioned and committed to an ongoing, intentional role of spiritual influence in their lives. An intentional or focused life is powerful. Think of how powerful focused light is- a laser beam can cut through hardened steel. Let’s get focused.

So most of this year, I want to focus this blog on helping us grow in our leadership- our intentional influence. You may shrink from seeing yourself as a leader, but you already have been an influence in many people’s lives. In my B.C. days, I influenced people, but it wasn’t to the light. Perhaps that was true of you as well. My point is that we already have influenced people. But now God has commissioned us to intentionally influence people to the light, to Him. I’m excited to discuss with you over the next many months how we can be much more effective, intentional influencers.  So please join me on this journey and I guarantee that you will become such.

God has commissioned you and me to be intentional influencers. So please memorize this very short but powerful passage- “I am sending you to them (the Gentiles) to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God…” Acts 26:18. Just say in your post, “I got it down,” then I’ll know you’ve memorized the verse. Remember, repetition is the mother of learning. So write it out and review it often. Way to go!

So who was a good influence in turning you from darkness to light? Please reply regarding the following- “What was it about that that person and his/her ways that influenced you to turn to God?


  1. Servant! Matthew 20:28 says that the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve. Mark 10:44 also says that in order for someone to be first he must be a slave of all. 1 Peter says that as each has received a gift, use it to serve one another. People that have influenced my life have had servant mentalities and have gone above and beyond for me. Dave you included! Thanks!

  2. This is a tough one. I love what you shared about being intentional in influencing each other. I heard once that we are constantly either influencing or being influenced. So to be aimed in intentionally leading people through your influence is a good way to look at it. But I also believe that what you said Ken is spot on, but more so in a Christian perspective. I wholeheartedly agree that those passages are essential on our role as Christian leaders. They give us the lens and set the bar for us to model after so that we can influence others to Christ.
    That being said, I would have to say that our form of leadership that we all should strive for is leading by living above reproach. I have seen that this alone has inspired, influenced, and has brought unsought out attention to me in many situations. So character plays fully into leadership. This has been a moving topic lately. Being above reproach has allowed me to lead in many ways because it has allowed God to move in me more than my own ability. The authenticity of a surrendered life to Christ has spoken louder than words and it has been stronger than any actions.

    My parents have influenced me through their integrity in ministry and personal life. They have moved me to be closer to the light and flee the lies of deceit in darkness.
    I will be working on the memory verse this week! Thanks Dave.

    1. Yes Ken, character is essential. You will see that brought out on an upcoming blog. I love your parents too!

  3. It is difficult for me, as a youth, to grasp my head around the topic of leadership and influence. Maybe it is because society has shown me that the only great leaders of this world are older and studious men. But because of the intentional influence from young leaders like my brother Ken, or other young christian leaders, I am able to see that in the Bible God used many youth to fulfill His assignments, and He will never stop using youth. A Moody graduate known as CW spoke at my school's chapel and explained how the phrase, "the youth are the future to this world" , is a lie. Tomorrow is not given and yesterday is the past, therefore, it is never too late, whether young or old, to serve God and intentionally influence others.
    I agree with both Kens and you, Dave, about leaders who intentionally/unintentionally influence, and I find it amazing how powerful and important our walk with Christ is.

    1. Our walk with the Lord is the fuel, whether young or old, to influence the world to Christlikeness.

  4. I have been reading (on and off) a book called, The Leadership Lessons of Jesus, by Ray Pritchard. I have always been drawn to leadership styles and leaders of all kind, having studied Business as an undergrad. The Machiavelli approach: Is it better to be feared or loved, or is there a good balance in between? People-pleaser, out-of-the-box, hard-nosed...there are so many different characteristics and qualities it is sometimes difficult to say what is the ultimate combination. But when I look towards Jesus he leads with love and grace. He has compassion and humbleness. Yet Jesus is purpose -driven. He knows his mission and what he has been called to do and what will come after. Everything he does, says, teaches has purpose. Jesus was indeed very intentional in his life, taking time to pour into 12 men every day for three years. But not only with his relationships, but his teachings and actions.

    I came to know the Lord because someone was intentional with me. I trusted this person, to Ken's point, because of their character and their position in my life. It was their persistent love and encouragement that lead me to the Cross.

    1. Excellent reflections Eddie! Yes, Jesus is our perfect example of leadership- intentional influence.

  5. Without a doubt the apostle Paul was an intentional influencer in peoples lives! The backbone and boldness for this influence came because of His encounter and commissioning from Jesus. He wasn't ashamed to tell people of the Gospel because he knew that it was the Lords power and mercy in saving those that would hear and believe (Romans 1:16).
    This verse to memorize is getting me pumped and excited because I'm praying that I would have a renewed spirit in telling people about Christ after our 21 day fast. Knowing that we can help people come from the grips of Satan to Christs motivates me to have this verse in my heart. I pray and hope that all of us would have the same heart and desire to intentionally influence others.
    Prayer request: tomorrow my wife and I are having lunch with my sister and niece. My sister is coming in from out of town and both of them are Jehovah witnesses.
    Thanks and great blog.
    In Christ,
    Jose Carrillo

    1. I so appreciate your words and heart's desire Jose. I will certainly pray for you- going out now for a prayer walk. You are a kind and gentle servant-teacher 2 Tim.2:24-26.

  6. I forgot to add that Israel Fuentes, Dwayne Eslick, Kevin Bruursema, Dave Garrat and many others intentionally influenced me

  7. For me the word is "TRUST". If I dont trust you, than im not going to follow you. Proverbs 3:5 says trust in the lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. As I read the bible I always see God asking men to trust in him and go blindly into things and reasuring them that he is with them and that he is for them. I also see that God always earns that trust even though he does not have to. He shows and proves that he can be trusted, by being a man of his word and doing what he said he would do. My mother is the biggest example to me of putting your trust in the lord. Dwayne,Asa, Vilma, and Monico have intentionally influenced my life.

    1. Welcome Jesse Marquez! You are right-on regarding the vital importance of trust as a foundation for leadership-influence. I like your statement, "If I don't trust you, then I'm not going to follow you." Very good.

  8. A leader must be a "Follower." In my changed heart and mind I believe in Apostles as Jesus is speaking to them: Mark 9:35 "Sitting down, He called the twelve and said to them, "If anyone wants to be first, he shall be last of all and servant of all." I believe I am also saying servant as Ken has done. We live by an earthly example in Jesus who taught the Apostles to lead and spread the Gospel. In the same way we are called to lead homes and church-groups with that same example which is to follow the commission "Go out and make disciples."

    1. Yes Gary, a good leader of the Lord must first be a god follower of the Lord. And since Jesus was a servant-leader, so should we be. Thanks for serving-helping me even today with my computer woes.

  9. It wasn't a single person but a plethora of people with both intentional and unintentional actions sprinkled throughout my life that served as a runway that would lead me to Christ, if am pressed to choose one quality that made following possible I would say it was information or knowledge without which it mattered not how much I trusted you or how much integrity you seem to have if I don't know what you want I cannot carry it out. However I do agree that trust whether gathered by emotional, intellectual, or principal persuasion is a prerequisite for my will to follow.

    1. Thanks Tony! Yes, God use many people in our lives in big and small ways to influence us. Information or truth with trust is a powerful combo.
