Sunday, May 4, 2014


We've been learning a lot about leadership as influence. We've learned that at the heart of influence is love for God and others. Influence is not about a bag of tricks to get people to do what we want. That's manipulation. Godly influence is about helping people become spiritually mature or Christlike. We've learned that we need to be people of Christlike character and caring in our relationships, if we are going to make any kingdom contribution in others lives. So it shouldn't surprise us too much when we see what kind of people God is looking for to lead others. Let's look at a passage from the mentor Paul, to his protege and church planter,Titus. 
1. Read through Titus 1:5-11. You'll notice most all of the qualifications for being an elder (aka a pastor or overseer) are about his character, not his skills, as most job interviewers are looking for. Read also the list given in 1 Timothy 3:1-8. Now pick out one quality from either of these lists and convince me (influence me) why this is such an important quality for a leader to have. 

2. As we prepare all the more to influence people to come to faith in Christ, let's sharpen ourselves in this way. For starters, please review the table of contents of Lifelines so you know what it covers and then read from the beginning through page 10. What is one thing that you liked about what you read? 

3. Who is an unsaved person you will be praying for and seeking to sow good seed into his or her life?

4. Can you quote the books of the New Testament in order?

5. Can you quote the books of the Old Testament in order?

Announcements and Reminders

Congrats to all who have quoted Eph.2:6-10 to me! Ya dun good! You deserve a break to let it all soak in. So rather than jump right in to the M&M of Colossians 3, I'm just going to ask you to memorize the books of the NT in order if you haven't done so already.

Speaking of our M&M in Ephesians, our awesome attribute of the month is God's grace- His favor that we certainly do not deserve. He gives freely to us, though it cost Him dearly. G.R.A.C.E.- God's Riches At Christ's Expense.

I hope you're enjoying the daily feast in God's word. We started reading 2 Timothy on the 3rd. We will begin reading Titus on the 7th, followed by Philemon on the 10th. Then we will begin reading through the great gospel of John of the 11th. Seek to be a stream, not a swamp. Pass on the water of life to others. Don't let it stagnate. Put another way, keep enriching and influencing others. Way to go!

Did you notice a theme in Titus- "good" and "good works"? Those are good words to underline in your Bible. Keep up the good work of studying and sharing.

Please enjoy a very good outreach video that you may want to pass on.


  1. 1. "For the overseer must be...SELF-CONTROLLED". Self-control is of the utmost importance. That is because it is the quality that is used to resist sin such as drunkenness, sexual immorality, fits of temper, and gluttony. The lack of self-control is one of the reasons why many of the people in the Bible fell. For example, if David had controlled himself, he would not have sinned with Bathsheba . Another example is that if Moses had controlled himself and did not strike the rock twice in the desert, he would have been able to see the Promise Land. Essentially, by being self-controlled, leaders show that they are being led by God and not by their own flesh.

    2. "Non-life can never produce life." That phrase stuck out to me. When I talk about human origins with somebody who is unsure what to believe, I like to bring up this fact as proof of the Creator.

    3. I have several people that try to pray for. Two of them are named David and Aaron.

    4. No.

    5. No. I was able to do it partly in the past, but I cannot anymore.

    1. Wow Alex, I enjoy how you connected this character trait with Biblical examples and real life situations, good job...

  2. Great words regarding self control Alex! I agree.
    Glad you've got a couple guys to reach out to.
    Then please work on memorizing the books of the NT this month.
    You'll nail it.

  3. 1. Read through Titus 1:5-11. You'll notice most all of the qualifications for being an elder (aka a pastor or overseer) are about his character, not his skills, as most job interviewers are looking for. Read also the list given in 1 Timothy 3:1-8. Now pick out one quality from either of these lists and convince me (influence me) why this is such an important quality for a leader to have.

    V.2 “Now the overseer must be above reproach…” To live a life above reproach is a life that is living set apart for God, in this world but not of it. It’s a person who chooses to live in such a way that honors and pleases God, when no one is looking and even when no one else is doing the same. I believe our lives speak more than our words ever will, so the quality of living above reproach is essential in a leader’s life. We can lead people closer to God through our lives, we can lead people away from God or we can even encourage stagnant lives, we can encourage people to not really hunger for God through how we live our lives. People want to see God at work and he so graciously has chosen to display himself through his people.

    2. I have to admit the thought of someone challenging me with questions of Gods existence have been quite intimidating for me, primarily because I know that I am not all knowing and don’t have all the answers. All I have to share is my story, how God’s presence in my life was proof for me that he existed, his heart towards me eases my heart and mind. I don’t disqualify my story as a way of reaching someone for Christ but I do know the intimidating factor for me was that although my experience was real for me, it might not be real for another. Dave, I am so thankful you have given us this material because it answers the deeper questions my story cannot. It is piecing things together for me and I feel more confident that one day I will be able to give a response, or even just share a statement like the one I posted below from the book.

    “If there is no God or if He is impersonal, then why do we have a conscience, a sense of right and wrong and an appreciation for beauty?...Eat right, exercise regularly, work hard, love your friends and family, budget wisely and die anyway! What’s the point of it all if there is no God and no life with Him beyond the grave? Wisdom may spare us from grave issues, but it cannot spare us from the grave” (pg 8)

    3. Who is an unsaved person you will be praying for and seeking to sow good seed into his or her life? I was thinking of whom this person would be and there are a few that came to mind but no one greater came to mind than my brother whom I live with.

    I cannot quote the books of the Old or New Testament, but excited for the challenge.

    1. Excellent comments here Nori! Never underestimate the power of your testimony. It can penetrate even deeper than cogent answers. What a great testimony the man born blind had in John 9- All I know is that I once was blind, but now I see! Your brother cannot refute your transformed, godly life and prayers. May he also be open to things you pass along to him to consider.

  4. 1. I work in a position where I teach youth about healthy relationships, money management, and job readiness. One of the things we do is mock interviews, as if the students were really applying for an internship or job. Many of the students start with stating their skills : good-listener, works well with kids, communicates well, etc. But many don't give me stories or examples that demonstrate their character. I often recommend that anyone can say that they possess these skills, but it is completely different if you can show me these skills through experiences and stories that show your character. As we have been talking about being influential leaders, we have come to understand by now that our actions speak louder than our words. Looking at Titus 1 and 1 Timothy 3, we find a description of characteristics that one must possess in order to be qualified for leadership (I.e. pastor, deacon, elder, bishop.) In fact, these are standards NewLife uses when ordaining pastors. While reading these two sections of Scripture, the one thing that stuck out to me the most was "above reproach." I believe living above reproach is extremely important to the influence of those who are in a high position of leadership and oversee the church. Although, it is equally important for all of us as Christians, followers of Jesus to live above reproach each day.
    Reproach means being able to find fault and blame. So living above reproach means being blameless and being without fault. The life of Daniel quickly comes to mind. The Bible says, "at this, the administrators and the satraps tried to find grounds for charges against Daniel in his conduct of government affairs, but they were unable to do so. They could find no corruption in him, because he was trustworthy and neither corrupt nor negligent." (Daniel 6:4, NIV) They did not find fault, corruption in him. So why is this so important to us? Paul says to Timothy that, "Therefore an overseer must be above reproach." (1 Tim 3:2) Even as Paul writes to Titus, he mentions living above reproach first. With the word "must" included before "above reproach", it seems that it is an important characteristic to first possess before anything else, like a "unconditional prerequisite". Without living as such, one cannot be considered for such a high calling. Elders, bishops, pastors have to guide and oversee the church and live according to the Bible, practicing and living what they teach and preach. If they were to demonstrate any sinful habits and behaviors this could cause the church to stumble, because they wouldn't be setting that high Christian standard for the rest of the Body to emulate.

    1. However, I believe that this isn't just an aim for leaders of the church, but for all of us. Colossians 3:7-10 says,

      7 You used to walk in these ways, in the life you once lived. 8 But now you must also rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips. 9 Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices 10 and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator.

      So we now put on a new self which is being developed to mirror the image of our Creator. Living above reproach does not mean living without sin, it means being free from sinful habits that would cause other followers of Jesus to stumble in their walk or those non-believers to not see Jesus through you.

      Throughout the epistles we are told how we should walk, what we need to put off and put on. As we have been learning, Christlike character is one of the things that can influence our relationships. In fact, we are even called to live in a different way then what the world says. Philippians 2: 14-16 says:
      14 Do everything without grumbling or arguing, 15 so that you may become blameless and pure, “children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.”[a] Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky 16 as you hold firmly to the word of life. And then I will be able to boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor in vain.

      We must live blameless, or above reproach, so that we can be found without fault in this crooked generation, so that we will shine like stars. We need to live above reproach because we have been called to be carriers of the Word, and of the Gospel, being the salt and light to the world (Mat 5:14). We are to be imitators of God and reflections of Christ on this earth. I believe the way that this is most demonstrated is how we live our lives. We are to influence people to know God, not by force, but by living in a manner that is above reproach, so that people will come to know Him and glorify Him through us. And so that when He returns we can stand not in shame, but in happiness and excitement for this triumphant return.

      2. I read the table of contents and the first 10 pages amongst other interesting parts of the book. Recently, my cousin has been coming to church. My family and I grew up Roman Catholic. So she has had a lot of questions pertaining to the Catholic church (most that are talked about in this book). I was actually comparing the answers that I had given her and they aligned with this resource. I have read through some of Ray Comforts materials, in particular a book, similar to Lifelines, called, World Religions in a Nutshell. I think this is a great resource and can help us and equip us to stand firm in our faith, but also to help lead others to the Truth. Just had a conversation with Ismael today about how he was talking to one of his co-workers and they were having a discussion. A lot of the questions that guy was asking are in the book. And from Ish's response I believe that he handled things really well. But going back to my first point, the guy invited Ish to talk about "religious or faith-based matters" because he said that he noticed he was a man strong in his faith. People notice how we live and act.

      3. My college buddy, played college baseball together, Lorne.

      4. No, but I almost do. However, I know I am not playing horseshoes here, so I dedicate myself to learning the order by the end of this month.

      5. No, after 1st and 2nd Chronicles things get fuzzy, but I will dedicate myself to learning the order in June.

    2. Excellent Eddie for all your responses!

  5. 1. Titus 1:6 describes an Elder as “a man whose children believe and are not open to the charge of being wild and disobedient.” Since I am a Father this one really jumps out at me. This qualification is different than the others because it is dependent upon someone else. It could be seen as unfair. Why should someone be disqualified from being an Elder because their children don’t believe and/or live wild, rebellious lives? What if the parent(s) have been faithful but the kids just go wild?
    Apparently there is such a connection between parents and children that a child’s life reveals much about the parents. 1Timothy 3:5 talks about this area and adds the clarification, “If anyone does not know how to manage his own family, how can he take care of God’s church.” A great leadership saying that is relevant here is “We teach what we know but we reproduce who we are”.
    Marriage and parenting reveal so much about someone’s character. These relationships surface a lot of hidden things, good and bad, and show the need for change. Of course this standard requires wisdom and is certainly not clear cut. We can think of situations that seem like exceptions, it’s hard to define ‘wild and disobedient’, things change as children get older, and so on. However, the Lord did decide to put this in His word, even if it can be tough to discern. Children imitate their parents. If a parent, especially of young children, has chaos in their home they really should focus on home life and not be an Elder at the church. They should be in fellowship, serve, and stay involved but leadership roles need to wait.

    2. Oops—left Lifeliines at my office so I will check it tomorrow.
    3. My neighbor Jim.
    4. Yes
    5. Yes

  6. Excellent thoughts Mike. Lord, help our children seek you all the more.

  7. 1. Above reproach in a leader (elder, pastor) is important to me because I would want a leader that I can trust and not question their character. Now “above reproach” means that people cannot bring any charges against you regarding sin, bad character in ones life (Acts 25:7). Just like Peter wrote in 1 Peter 3:6, “having a good conscience, so that, when you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame.” These men are unimpeachable, esteemed, considered with high respect in their community. In addition, these “men are known for their wholesome life and untarnished integrity. Elders and deacons are men of good character and reputation” according to Michael Houdmann from Lastly, Paul stated above reproach first in both of these letters, which shows the importance this character trait is to a leader’s life (Titus 1 and 1 Timothy 3).

    2. I need to read it forgot it at home and will post tomorrow Lord willing...

    3. My neighbors Adrian and Alberto
    4. Almost need to sharpen up
    5. No

  8. Excellent Jose. Good digging too. I consider you to be a man above reproach. May many follow you as you influence people in Mexico. You will influence them well.

  9. 1. The quality of a leader that I will be focusing on can be found in Titus 3:1 (ESV) " be ready for every good work,". A true leader must be prepared for anything but especially opportunities to do work that fulfills God's purposes. Opportunities for good works can appear anywhere at anytime and can be as simple as offering encouragement to someone who is down to taking your entire family from its roots and moving with the purpose of planting a church for those unreached.Unfortunately, these opportunities don't always come when one is at the "top of their game" and the very idea of completing this good work can be tedious, inconvenient, and draining possibly leaving one feeling annoyed, frustrated, or even angry. However, a strong leader will keep in perspective who he/she is glorying in their work and will strive to complete this good work even when they don't "feel" up to the task. Leaders who demonstrate this will show that they put the work of the Lord before their own wants and desires and show sacrifice in love for others.
    2. I don't know what book this is and all the books that I have seen online don't seem to have to do with anything about sharpening one's faith :/
    3. My friends at school: Ahmed and Sarah
    4. Almost (some difficulties still persist)

  10. 1. A important quality to have is to be faithful to your wife. If a leader cannot be faithful to his wife, someone he is suppose to love with all his heart and is a part of him, there is no way he can be faithful to the people who follow him.

    2. What i liked most was the part where it says that dinosaurs and man were both created on the 6th day. That question has been in on my mind since i gave my life to christ. I never knew where dinosaurs fit in the bible and in God's creation.

    3.Three Kids in my small group and my close friend.

    1. Good Lucas. I'll seek to help you learn the NT books this month.

    2. Your right about men needing to be faithful to the their wife Lucas and we can talk further about dinosaurs...

  11. 1. Self-control is an important trait for a leader to have because without it, they cannot have any of the other traits such as loving, holiness, and discipline. Practicing self-control over temptations gives a leader discipline. As they learn to control their temper and desires of personal gain or worldly things they focus their mind more on Christ and are able to love as He does.
    2. What I enjoyed reading the most were the points made on evolution. In Soul Purpose I hear many of our freshmen girls say their friends believe in science. The part about the professor who challenges the students to make their own primordial soup that would create a truly living organism is something I will definitely make copies for them to show those friends! It also encouraged me to remember that for the next time someone questions my faith or for the next time the enemy tries to plant doubts in my own head. This lifelines book is definitely a blessing! I’m feeling so encouraged to further study it.
    3. The one who I will be praying for is my friend from high school who is going through a very similar situation in life as me. I know that she does not have God in her life right now and even though I do, it is still a struggle so I feel God has brought her back into my life to intercede for her and to also share with her what he has been showing me.

    Also I cannot recite any of the books in order but I will definitely start to practice!

    1. Such good sharing Socorro! Thank you for enriching me.

  12. 2. The section on cults denying the deity of Christ stood out to me. Especially, since I have siblings that are in two different cults (JW's and Mormons). By God's Sovereign will and grace He grounded me in this Truth (Deity of Christ) early on in my walk with Christ. Then after I got grounded through the help of my mentor Israel Fuentes I have had couple of Bible studies with my brother. During these studies I couldn't believe that his religion (JW's) changed multiple key words and meanings in their Bible which deny that Jesus is God (John 1:1, 14 - 8:58, etc...). Now I make it my ambition to defend the Lord's truth towards such cult members in order for them to come to know the same Truth and Grace that has appeared to me too (Titus 2:11).

  13. Titus 1:6a “ An elder must be blameless, faithful to his wife….”

    1 Timothy 3:2a “Now the overseer is to be above reproach, faithful to his wife….”

    Both passages of scripture address so many essential qualities for any follower of Christ, let alone a leader. Such a sobering reminder to all of us seeking to train up to be future leaders of the next generation. It is a high calling, and yes, we all have areas we struggle in as we pursue Christ-likeness. But this list is so useful in heart and life checking ourselves whenever possible, letting the Holy Spirit convict us as need be.

    That being said, look through these lists, I noted that the first two on both are the same:

    -Above Reproach
    -Faithful to his wife

    I love the “above reproach” one, however, I feel that is an overall covering, for if you posses or are practicing the other listed qualities, and pursuing a Holy lifestyle you can be considered above reproach. Therefore, I wanted to settle on the other, more specific requirement. “Being Faithful to his wife” - - - - Few things make me more severely disappointed and angry then to hear when a man has not been faithful to his wife. To love, cherish, provide, protect, and care for his wife is one of the highest callings from God.

    Beginning all the way in Genesis, God designed the relationship between man and woman, and to see that become so muddied and distorted today is so sad. I was writing some notes this morning about this, as I was really reflecting on Christ, and his bride (the church). Here he designed marriage to be a reflection of this relationship between the Lord and his creation, to demonstrate his care for us, yet, so many throw it back in his face. We know that Christ would never leave us nor forsake us, he has eyes for only us, thinks of us constantly - - - To not do the same for our wives / future wives (or husbands for the women) is and would be such a shame to the example the Lord has given to us. If we cannot get this basic truth down properly, when we have stood before our closest family and friends to take a vow, how can we any better serve Christ behind closed doors while leading His bride, the church or its people? Many of the traits of a leader that are listed can be trained, worked on, taught……but how does one learn to be faithful? Only when we lie to ourselves, do we lose this quality….

    2. In reading through the beginning pages of “Lifelines”, I really enjoyed the portion “So what is God like”. Having had conversations about the existence of God with people, and seeing some of their distorted views on Him, it definitely is a familiar subject. What really caught my attention, is how only those who are in Christ are considered children of God. Yes, I understand the claim is biblically true, but the realization of it to me was very surprising. It is a something I truly wish more people seeking God understood, that without Jesus Christ, the only way to God, they are aimless, on shifting sands, fatherless. It is definitely a fact that I want to keep in mind when evangelizing.

    Luke 12:4-5 ”I tell you, my friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that can do no more. But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear him who, after your body has been killed, has authority to throw you into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear him.”

    Such an awe inspiring passage. I always wince a little when I hear people refer to God so flippantly. I myself have worked to not make comments that don’t take God seriously. Sometimes, as Christians, it is easy for us to have inside jokes in the faith……but the Lord convicted me on many occasions about those, and I am much more mindful now. The Creator is to be respected, and righteously feared.

    1. 3. There is someone at my work that I have always tried to talk about God with when he has questions. Right now he just thinks I am really religious right now, but he came to New Life before, and I feel he is open, so continue to talk to him. I do need to pray more for him though. I feel I forget to often with that. What good are my efforts if I don’t ask for God’s intervention :)

      4. No, unfortunately I cannot. But looking forward to working on it.

      5. No, again, unfortunately I cannot. But looking forward to working on this as well.

    2. Excellent comments William! So glad I get to meet with you soon.

  14. 1.) 1 Timothy 3:4 "He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him, and he must do so in a manner worthy of full respect." I believe this the most important quality. Being a leader and a person of influence, we are to be able to manage our family, life, the same way we handle ministry. We have to find a balance where ministry doesn't take up all of our time but we don't focus too much on family.
    2.) The same as William actually, The part describing "what God is like." It is important to know who He is. If we don't understand who he is, we won't understand who we are.
    3.) I am able to say the the first half of the books in the old testament. I'm still working on it.
    4.) I'm able to say the first half of the books in the new testament as well.
    5.) I'm really praying for my brother Brandon. He was going to church with mefor a while but fell away a long time ago. Hes not on his best behavior right now :P We just recently started to get closer so hopefully I could influence him more and he could trust me more!

    1. It was good talking with you today Genesis. Oh that Brandon will turn his heart toward Home.
