Sunday, July 13, 2014


When it comes to teaching others the word of God, it is essential that we properly study it ourselves. Thus, we first looked at Observation (What does the passage say?) Then last week we looked at Interpretation (What does the passage mean?) Now we are going to look at the last step, Application (What does this passage mean to me?) If we have done our homework correctly up to this point in the Observation and Interpretation  steps, we will know if we are in  the Old Testament laws and that they are not binding on us today. Thus, when it comes to this last step of Application, we won't be laying OT laws upon ourselves or others. But apart from the small section of Mosaic laws, the rest of the OT is very important to apply. For example, Paul said that the stories of the disobedient wilderness wanderers "were written down as warnings for us." They occurred as "examples to keep us from setting our hearts on  evil things." The books of the N.T. hadn't even been gathered together when Paul wrote this of the OT-"All scripture is God breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in  righteousness" 2 Tim.3:16. And Hebrews 11 lists lots of people from the OT who are examples for our faith. By faith he still speaks.

I've heard some people say, "I just don't seem to be getting much out of the Bible. If only God would just speak to me!" But He has! As you seek to apply God's word, ask the following S.P.E.A.K. questions and you'll be surprised how much God has to say to you through His word. 

Is there a   Sin for me to confess? This leads to His pardon and peace.
Is there a   Promise to claim or a Prayer to utter?
Is there an Error to avoid or an Example to follow?
Is there an Answer to a question or a problem I've been facing?
Is there     Knowledge of God's character for which I can praise Him?

It is through God's word that He speaks  to us. And as He does, speak in response to Him in prayer and praise. Seek to make it a holy habit not to leave your Bible until you have done so. Here's a quote for your wealth Catcher- "Through the Bible, God speaks to us. Through prayer and praise we speak to God."

Here's a great video to pass on, especially to your unsaved friends. It's the testimony of Josh McDowell.

Announcements and Reminders

Congratulations! You've nearly made it through this long semester of NGL training. As we announced in our meeting Sunday, this will be the last blog for this season. (Enjoy a lighter load the remainder of the summer.) I've so enjoyed your responses to the blog and I hoppe you've learned a lot. Keep reading daily in the Word, sharing with others and meeting with you mentor. 

Our next NGL Leaders Training Meeting will be Sunday, August 24th at Bea's home- 3719 W. Marquette! Yum! Thanks so much Bea!

As always, feel free to email, text or call me anytime- c.773-742-2694.

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