Saturday, January 25, 2014

The Greatest Advice (1.26.14)

If you could  give another Christian, one piece of advice, what would it be?
I’m sure it wouldn’t be the advice that comedian, Tim Hawkins got from his mom. Check it out.

Tim is so funny! But seriously, what would be the best advice you could offer?  My dad once gave me an excellent piece of advice. He recommended the book of Proverbs. What great advice and what a marvelous mentoring book indeed! Chapter 2 of Proverbs may contain one of the most enriching pieces of advice you and I could pass on.  So let’s use our S.O.S. approach to glean the incredible gold within Proverbs 2.

Study tips: Read it out loud. Read it slowly. Read it repeatedly. Read it inquisitively. Imagine you get to interview the writer regarding what you’ve just read. Write down (in your Wealth Catcher or in a computer document you create) what questions you would ask. What did you mean when you said…?

Now seek to discover the answers to your questions.
Use such study tools as cross references, concordances and commentaries (I like or If you’re unfamiliar with such study tools, ask your mentor or me. Happy to help. What’s one insight you discovered from one verse that especially grabbed your interest? This is what I want you to post by Wednesday night. Or you could post your praise or prayer from what you might write below under Knowing God or Growing more godly.

Obey & Share
What did you discover from this passage about one or more of the following 3 categories-
1. Knowing God- Did this passage reveal anything about God the Father, Son or Holy Spirit for which to thank or praise Him? If so, try writing it out as a praise to Him.

2. Growing more godly- What things from this passage do you need to seek God’s help to live out?
Try writing this out as a prayer.  

3. Sowing in others- Since I just gave you the assignment of picking a Christian Wealth Partner by next week Sunday, Feb.2nd, I won’t ask you to do anything more than that now. With next week’s blog, we’ll start sharing the riches we discover with our Wealth Partners via email, phone, Facebook, face to face, etc. This is where we develop and grow in our leadership by intentionally influencing others.  

Our Daily Reading this week Monday-Friday is from Proverbs- Sunday- ch.2/  Monday ch.3/  Tuesday-ch.4/  Wednesday- ch.7/  Thursday- ch.8/  Friday- ch.9/  Be ready to receive so read with a pen in hand.  Underline golden verses and/or write in your wealth catcher things you want to discuss further with your mentor or others.  Be on the lookout for things that would make or break your growth and influence.  Also, did you note any verses on our character trait of “fearing the Lord?”

So again, post re. this- What’s one insight you discovered from one verse that especially grabbed your interest within Proverbs ch.2? (Bonus Question which is not required that you answer- What do you think is the central piece of advice this father is giving his son in ch.2 and why do you think it's such important advice to pass on?)

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Deeper and Wider…Ezekiel 47:5    1.18.14

Thanks so much for already enriching me via your friendship and your blog posts. My desire is certainly to grow deeper together. And now it looks as if our influence will be growing wider as well. All our New Life Midway NGLs and mentors will be invited to join us on our blog. Your quality responses you have posted and will post will serve as an example to these newcomers. 

If your schedule permits, please join us for the NGL meeting this coming Saturday, the 25th from 9-10am. It’s now going to be  at New Life Midway for our campus only. Pastor Mike and I will be unveiling some exciting plans for our future and I also want to point you out to the new NGLs.   
Will you be able to make it? Please post and let me know. Thanks much. Get ready to grow deeper and wider!  

Saturday, January 11, 2014

In a word or two, Leadership is…

If you had to boil leadership down to one word, what would it be? Dr. John Maxwell, author of several good books on leadership says it’s “influence.” That’s so good! But if you gave me two words, I’d say that leadership is “intentional influence.” Why? Well, anyone can influence another without being a leader. If a stranger gave you driving directions, telling you to turn around to get to where you needed to go, that person would only be exerting what I call, “incidental influence.” You’d never claim that person as a leader in your life, would you? But a true leader is committed to intentional influence.  He’s not waiting around for someone to ask him for directions. Put another way, the godly leader is committed to commissioned influence. For example, when Saul of Tarsus got saved, he was blinded by the light of the glorified Lord Jesus who commissioned him saying, “I am sending you to them (the Gentiles) to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God…” Acts 26:18. Paul told many people to turn around (repent), and many claimed him as their spiritual leader. Why? Because Paul was commissioned and committed to an ongoing, intentional role of spiritual influence in their lives. An intentional or focused life is powerful. Think of how powerful focused light is- a laser beam can cut through hardened steel. Let’s get focused.

So most of this year, I want to focus this blog on helping us grow in our leadership- our intentional influence. You may shrink from seeing yourself as a leader, but you already have been an influence in many people’s lives. In my B.C. days, I influenced people, but it wasn’t to the light. Perhaps that was true of you as well. My point is that we already have influenced people. But now God has commissioned us to intentionally influence people to the light, to Him. I’m excited to discuss with you over the next many months how we can be much more effective, intentional influencers.  So please join me on this journey and I guarantee that you will become such.

God has commissioned you and me to be intentional influencers. So please memorize this very short but powerful passage- “I am sending you to them (the Gentiles) to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God…” Acts 26:18. Just say in your post, “I got it down,” then I’ll know you’ve memorized the verse. Remember, repetition is the mother of learning. So write it out and review it often. Way to go!

So who was a good influence in turning you from darkness to light? Please reply regarding the following- “What was it about that that person and his/her ways that influenced you to turn to God?

Friday, January 3, 2014

1.3.14 What's the grand theme of the Bible?

Dr. Knife... he was not my favorite prof in seminary. He had a cutting sense of humor.
He taught OTI- Old Testament Introduction- an overview of the books of the OT.
Once I asked him a very important question- "Dr Knife, what is the grand theme of the Bible?"
He gave a sly grin and said, "God."
At the cost of taking his class, I wanted more for my money!
But that got me to thinking...a lot of thinking. What is the grand theme or storyline of the Bible?
Last week we looked at a great video, called "The story of God." How excellent. It's worth sharing.
I also began re-reading, "Epic- The Story God is Telling" by John Eldredge.
So what is the unifying theme or story of the Bible? If you had to condense it into one sentence, what would it be?
Please give this some thought and post your sentence. There's no right or wrong answer.
As the name of this blog reminds us, we want to grow deeper together. So I want you to think deeply and share your thoughts, not just read my words. You'll be enriching, me, yourself and others as well. So thanks in advance.
Until I hear back from you...
PS- You are part of this epic story. More on this next week.