Saturday, January 25, 2014

The Greatest Advice (1.26.14)

If you could  give another Christian, one piece of advice, what would it be?
I’m sure it wouldn’t be the advice that comedian, Tim Hawkins got from his mom. Check it out.

Tim is so funny! But seriously, what would be the best advice you could offer?  My dad once gave me an excellent piece of advice. He recommended the book of Proverbs. What great advice and what a marvelous mentoring book indeed! Chapter 2 of Proverbs may contain one of the most enriching pieces of advice you and I could pass on.  So let’s use our S.O.S. approach to glean the incredible gold within Proverbs 2.

Study tips: Read it out loud. Read it slowly. Read it repeatedly. Read it inquisitively. Imagine you get to interview the writer regarding what you’ve just read. Write down (in your Wealth Catcher or in a computer document you create) what questions you would ask. What did you mean when you said…?

Now seek to discover the answers to your questions.
Use such study tools as cross references, concordances and commentaries (I like or If you’re unfamiliar with such study tools, ask your mentor or me. Happy to help. What’s one insight you discovered from one verse that especially grabbed your interest? This is what I want you to post by Wednesday night. Or you could post your praise or prayer from what you might write below under Knowing God or Growing more godly.

Obey & Share
What did you discover from this passage about one or more of the following 3 categories-
1. Knowing God- Did this passage reveal anything about God the Father, Son or Holy Spirit for which to thank or praise Him? If so, try writing it out as a praise to Him.

2. Growing more godly- What things from this passage do you need to seek God’s help to live out?
Try writing this out as a prayer.  

3. Sowing in others- Since I just gave you the assignment of picking a Christian Wealth Partner by next week Sunday, Feb.2nd, I won’t ask you to do anything more than that now. With next week’s blog, we’ll start sharing the riches we discover with our Wealth Partners via email, phone, Facebook, face to face, etc. This is where we develop and grow in our leadership by intentionally influencing others.  

Our Daily Reading this week Monday-Friday is from Proverbs- Sunday- ch.2/  Monday ch.3/  Tuesday-ch.4/  Wednesday- ch.7/  Thursday- ch.8/  Friday- ch.9/  Be ready to receive so read with a pen in hand.  Underline golden verses and/or write in your wealth catcher things you want to discuss further with your mentor or others.  Be on the lookout for things that would make or break your growth and influence.  Also, did you note any verses on our character trait of “fearing the Lord?”

So again, post re. this- What’s one insight you discovered from one verse that especially grabbed your interest within Proverbs ch.2? (Bonus Question which is not required that you answer- What do you think is the central piece of advice this father is giving his son in ch.2 and why do you think it's such important advice to pass on?)


  1. Q1. Knowing God- Did this passage reveal anything about God the Father, Son or Holy Spirit for which to thank or praise Him?

    A1: Proverbs 2 revealed to me that God the Father, Son & Holy Spirit are an active God - He is actively listening, waiting for us to call on Him. He wants us to cry out to Him, turn our ears to Him for wisdom. Verse 4-5 stood out to me - "if you look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure then you will understand..." He wants us to eagerly search for Him like we would a hidden treasure. Thank God for his open hands and heart. A heart that eagerly awaits for us to come home to him. He is actively participating in our lives every day - showering us with blessings, creating paths for us, designing ways for us to find Him. He wants us to actively participate in His kingdom - meaning He wants to use us for his glory. He wants us to take the wisdom he shows us when we are turning our ear to Him to DO his work. And He goes on to say that we are not alone - "He is a shield ... for he guards the course of the just and protects the way of his faithful ones". He walks alongside us as we start the journey toward Him, protecting us, shielding us as we are more and more faithful to Him. Praise God for your goodness.

    Q2. Growing more godly- What things from this passage do you need to seek God’s help to live out?

    A2: "If you call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding" stood out to me as an area I need to grow in. Helps me see, I need to surrender daily calling out for insight and crying out for understanding. For me, it's about releasing control - He is in control. He is waiting for my cry so he show me His greatness. It is my prayer to continuously seek Him and call-out for Him to come in me - for there to be evidence of more of Him than of me.

    A3: I believe, the key piece of advice this father is giving his son is to follow Him - follow/obey his words, his ways, to use discretion (be cautious) to not stray.

    1. Very good thoughts Christina! And congratulations for being not only the first to post, but also to be the first to email me your well done bio sketch. Glad to have you part of the NGL family.

  2. Reading Proverbs 2 has definitely encouraged me this morning and has been a strong reminder in this season of my life. As a mom, I love to direct my kids to this Proverb and others like it. Any verse that further instructs my child to acceot the teaching of their parents is always a double blessing. This morning, however, Proverbs 2 has served to instruct me as a daughter, to humbly return me to my status of child. It took a few times of reading it before it hit me. Being a stay at home mom, who homeschools, my life is filled with work. Almost from the moment I open my eyes my thoughts are filled with action words such as clean, wash, sweep, direct, teach, drive, cook and so on. It should not be a surprise, then, that my eyes were caught by all the action words I found in the first four verses like accept, store, turn, apply, call, cry, look, and search. Words to me that seems to require lots of work. Initially making me feel the same as the first list of verbs do... burdened. It somehow felt like more to add to my long list of responsibilties. As I continued to read, though, I noticed verses 5-22 contained many more action words, will understand, gives(wisdom), come(knowledge), holds(success), guards, protects, and save. The rest of the chapter is filled with verbs (or should I say blessings) that I get to be on receiving end of. Seems simple, a no brainer, but for me, who struggles in the way of Martha, it is a battle, an internal wrestle. I have seen the fruit of clearing out the clutter of my life to find my hearts true treasure. I have experienced the faithfulness of my God in the quiet place of sitting at his feet. So today, I pray once again, to be like Mary. To choose that which is most important and has the greatest return. The commentary put it perfectly, " Those who earnestly seek heavenly wisdom, will never complain that they have lost their labour..." There are many things that leave me feeling like I have lost my labor, a pile of neverending dishes, child who needs to be corrected again and again, or spending hours of a day driving the same path. I can honestly say that I have never lost my labor seeking after the Lords wisdom and understanding, it has been given abundantly over the years. As my Fathers child, I want to intentionally turn my ear to him, call out to him for wisdom, I knows his ways will lead me straight. As my Fathers child, I'm glad he is like no earthly father or he may have lost his labor on me as he once again reminds me His yoke is light.

    1. Thanks so much Lisette! You're a good and creative writer, making a very good point.

    2. Lisette, I love your real-life application here. It is work, it is a fight, but a worthy fight like how Nori described it. And you make it so evident how normal, every day life can take you away from Him. It's a great point.

  3. What’s one insight you discovered from one verse that especially grabbed your interest within Proverbs ch.2?

    Upon reading Proverbs ch.2, I cannot say there was one specific verse that grabbed my attention, but rather a few. Verse 3-5 : (Cry out for insight and ask for understanding. Search for them as you would for silver; seek them like hidden treasures. Then you will understand what it means to fear the LORD, and you will gain knowledge of God.) This really caught me because I love the analogy of searching for insight and understanding as if they were treasures (it's a brilliant comparison and sounds amazing!). This can really make oneself feel more like they should search for that insight and understanding because you will receive wisdom from God as the word of the Lord declares it. Wisdom to steer you away from evil and towards the just and righteous. It's all very encouraging advice a father could give to his son and I feel like God is directing me to gain the knowledge and understanding he wants me to receive as his child. This chapter was truly amazing.

    1. So glad you posted and that you enjoyed the chapter so much Cynthia. I love your love for God's word!

    2. Great insight Cynthia. "Wisdom to steer you away from evil" love that you wrote that and I couldn't agree more. I know that most of the time I need to be steered away from myself and focus on who he is, the truth of his word and to stand on it firmly and hunger for his ways and not my own.

  4. 1. Knowing God- Did this passage reveal anything about God the Father, Son or Holy Spirit for which to thank or praise Him? If so, try writing it out as a praise to Him.

    The passage was a reminder for me that God is worth being sought after. I was reminded in Proverbs 2 that the wisdom of God wasn't something I naturally possessed when I was saved or will I naturally possess as I live for the Lord. Yes, God has set me free, God took all of my sin and gave me his righteousness but after being saved there was a call to work out my salvation with fear and trembling (Philippians 2:12). I was reminded that I’m not exempt from the influence of sin in this world just because I have the Holy Spirit. So I do have to fight through the distractions, the noise, my flesh. I do have to incline my ear to the Lord and silence the noise around me. I need his wisdom, and to know his ways and I must give attention to seeking after Him. I'm thankful he is faithful to grant wisdom to his people. Proverbs2:6 “For the Lord Grants wisdom! From his mouth come knowledge and understanding.”
    2.Growing more godly- What things from this passage do you need to seek God’s help to live out?
    Proverbs 2:2-3 stood out to me, “Cry out for insight, and ask for understanding. Search for them as you would for silver; seek them like hidden treasure.” I thought why would someone search for them as if they were searching for hidden treasure? And then I realized that a person intently searches for them they know their need of it and when they know the value of that treasure. Lord help me understand my desperate need of you, open my eyes to always be aware of my sin and weaknesses before you, I need your understanding and wisdom so when I speak honor you, so that I honor you with my life, lead me to seek you as if I was searching for hidden treasure, cause me to hunger for your wisdom and your ways, develop a reverent fear in me of you and empower me to believe your word.

    1. Nori - I like how you worded that - "God is worth being sought after. . . God isn't something I naturally possess. . . I am not exempt form the influence of sin. It is a fight." That's why we need to cry out for insight and ask for understanding. I love this. This is the essence of what I took from that verse, but I couldn't describe it. Thanks for this!

    2. Great reflections Nori! I also appreciated your heartfelt prayer at the end. I prayed it back to the Lord for myself as well.

  5. I see love, a father who does not want his son to falter. A father that has seen what goes on in the world, and realizes that these life situations have very huge consequences. I also see his passion for seeking God and following his ways. (The example he uses in verse four: if you look for it as for silver and search for it as treasure). You want that treasure so bad that you will go after it with all you have, understanding that the end result is greater than the sacrifice. Furthermore, I see the father as an example; how would he know this of the Lord? That the Lord gives wisdom and understanding, if he himself was not communicating with God? The father in this passage is teaching his son the fear of the Lord because he himself fears the Lord. I like how the father just doesn’t tell the child “don't do this”, but he lists the consequences as well as the good things that will come if he obeys. I personally want to thank the Lord for not sending us out there blind; he sends warning and instruction for our own good. He also strategically places men and women of the faith in our path to help guide and steer us from such situations. He loves us that much that he will go through all of this so we will prosper. That's love.
    I believe the central piece of advice this father is giving his son is to trust him. Trust that what he is saying will save him a lot of grief. In the beginning of Proverbs 2 he says" if you accept" and" if you call" and" if you look". The son has the choice whether to follow his father's instruction or not. I believe it's the relationship between the father and son that will determine the outcome of the son’s life.

    1. "Wow!" That's what I just said out loud after reading your post Jesse. What excellent insights! Your last statement has a double meaning doesn't it- earthly father and heavenly Father. That relationship will determine the outcome of the son's life and our lives. Well done!

    2. Thanks for your great insight! you wrote it well!

  6. As I was reading Proverbs 2, I was reminded of two things. First, I was reminded on how much the Lord wants his children to want Him. He asks of us to seek His knowledge and understanding like we would “for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure.”(Proverbs 2: 4) To me it’s ironic how old the bible is and how times have changed drastically but people have always been so materialistic. To most people having the most silver and treasure is the most important goal in their life. He wants us to want him more than we would want silver or treasure. When I stop to think about all the things I own, it is clear that my most valuable possession is my Bible. This verse reminds me of that. It reminds me that the bible is my knowledge. That it is my understanding. If I did not know God I would be in the same materialistic ways of mankind. The second thing I am reminded of is how God is my shield. I have always know he is my protector but sometimes a little reminder isn’t bad. I love to hear about how God “holds success in store for the upright, he is the shield to those whose walk is blameless, for he guards the course of the just and protects the way of his faithful ones.”(Proverbs 2: 7-8) This verse is a reminder of his promises. It reminds me that when I am the one person not doing what the rest of the kids at school are doing that He is walking with me. I am not alone. He is my shield when others are against what I believe. He will protect me while I seek for more of His understanding.

    1. Oh what a good word you shared Araceli that the Lord "wants us to want him more than we would want silver or treasure." He is so worthy of this pursuit. Help us Lord.

  7. I believe this passage deals with submission. To me, Proverbs 2 shows us 2 different paths we can take in life. A path of destruction and a path of Godliness. God's wisdom which comes from seeking His face, will help us understand and discern right from wrong and will protect us from the evil one and his schemes.

    I am currently reading "The Power of God's Names" by Tony Evans and the name Im currently reading is Adonai which means owner or master. Since God is our owner or master our response must be submission to Him. When we surrender our lives totally to him is when we experience God's blessings in every area of our life.

    I tie both Proverbs 2 with what Im reading in Tony Evan's book and the key is submission to God's lordship.

  8. Ah, my brother, so good to read your insights once again, including "the two paths" which become a growing theme as we read through Proverbs. Thank you!

  9. Proverbs 2
    Knowing God:
    Verses 1-5 show a process of:
    Accepting Words/Storing up Commands
    The understanding and discovery is of the fear and knowledge of God
    So knowing God involves receiving truth and exerting effort and energy to grasp the reality revealed from God. The knowledge of God is available but it takes determination and desire.

    2) Growing more godly:
    Verses 4-5 talk about seeking and searching. Growth involves habits, we reap what we sow. It is also a gift from God (verses 6-7), affects our thoughts and desires (10), and keeps us from destructive behavior (12-18)

    Sowing in others:
    V. 1 starts out "My son". Not sure if Solomon was talking to his physical son or a spiritual son but either way the whole proverb is an example of mentoring, truth passed on through relationship.
    v. 20 is also a call to choose healthy friendships.

    1. Thanks so much for also posting Mike! You've always impressed me with your ability to well summarize things. Well done! So glad I get to serve with you again.

  10. As I read Proverbs 2 the verse that stood out the most to me was verse 22 "But wicked people will be cut off from the land and treacherous people will be torn from it." Overall, It reminds us that we have a heavenly Father and just like our earthy Father discipline us so will our heavenly Father, that we pretty much have the choice to decide if we would like to follow him or chose the devious path that leads towards no salvation.Therefore, your sins are forgiven if you truly repent. A lot of people think that God forgives anything and will still open his kingdom. Truth is that he does not forgive everyone. As I was reading it I myself was already feeling that fear. We should fear God because he can destroy us if he wanted to; from dust we came and to dust we'll return.

    1. It's a sobering reality, isn't Jasmine, that people can choose to reject all the overtures of God throughout their lives, remaining on their unrepentant path that leads to eternal judgment. Proverbs 1:20-33 illustrates this. It could have been so different for them- 1:23. Our memory verses from Eph.2:1-3 comes to mind. Thank God for Eph.2:4-10.

    2. As I'm reading,reading repeatedly, v.6 will be my attention grabber.
      For the Lord gives wisdom. Wow let's just stop there. With out a doubt to me it peaks about the Sovereignty of God that He can so willingly,so freely, so passionately GIVE us wisdom no matter the situation, circumstances,where at,what were doing,what were thinking that we can come to our heavenly Father ans be feed and replenished in knowledge and understanding through the very words that comes out Gods mouth.

    3. Yes Ismael, how graciously the Lord is willing to give us wisdom- if we would just ask for it. James 1:5 comes to mind- "If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him." Though our asking may include the earnest seeking that we read of in Prov.2:1-4, it is well worth the treasure hunt- Prov.2:5-22.

  11. 1. Knowing God- Did this passage reveal anything about God the Father, Son or Holy Spirit for which to thank or praise Him? If so, try writing it out as a praise to Him.

    The author speaks of wisdom as a life boat. The only way to obtain this is through the Father. Verse 5 - then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God. Through a genuine relationship with God we are able to obtain the secret (or in reality the correct way) of life and thus avoiding more pain and conflict. Verse 9 - Then you will understand what is right and just and fair—every good path. Once you acquire that wisdom you will be almost shielded from the enemy in ways that help you avoid them (in any form, wicked men or woman). Our job, in essence is simple. Seek and obey wisdom of the Lord. This will result in an adjustment of walking the path of righteousness avoiding evil and temptation more than otherwise.

    1. Yes Ken, the only way to get this wisdom is through the Father. Some people seek wisdom through studying the philosophical speculations of men. But we know true wisdom is only gained through following the revelation of God in His written and incarnate Word.

  12. Absolutely lovee this Chapter!
    Our Father, speaks to us daily and the book of Proverbs is just one of the many examples. Proverbs 2 explains the path we should be taking and the path we should be avoiding along with the consequences for each. We are given a choice to follow him, obey his ways and respect his commands. And if we chose wisely and submit ourselves to him, oh how bless and protected are we under his shield as we continue to walk in this temporary life and forever lasting. Therefore,
    the verse that truly captured my eye was verse 8 "for he guards the course of the just and protects the way of his faithful ones."
    This verse encourages & reminds us to remain faithful to our one and only God and follow in his laws for he will deliver on his promise. In other words he guides the path of the justly and he preserves the way of his faithful ones. For the Lord guides us right and directs us towards him and everlasting life. God bless

    1. Thank you Jessica! I especially like your last line- "For the Lord guides us right and directs us towards himself and everlasting life." It's easy to think God is just wanting to guide us toward good or righteous choices, but its on that path of righteousness that leads us to Him. The right path the prodigal son took led him to his father.

  13. Proverbs 2:5-6 captured my attention. First off, this chapter, all together, made me think of how necessary a father is in our lives. When we seek help, when we seek instruction, when we seek knowledge or shelter, what better advice should we receive than our own father's advice. This verse made me think of how frightening life would be without someone to look up to like God: the fear of the Lord. Verse 5 quotes, "then you will understand the fear of the Lord...", meaning, after you have investigated God's character, after you have searched for wisdom and knowledge, you will finally discover a life without a God who brings order into life, and then you will fear the Lord.
    I am personally thankful for this fear simply because it allows me to constantly keep myself on check. It allows me to look at my life and determine whether or not I'm letting God be God.

    1. Yes Ivan, though many may not have a wise and devoted earthly father, how good to know that our Father is infinitely wise and completely devoted to us. So as you said, "What better advice should we receive than our own father's advice." I'm glad you also mentioned our character trait of this coming month- the fear of the Lord. This is huge!

  14. Proverbs 2:20-21 really inspired me and touches a crucial point in my life. "Thus you will walk in the ways of the good and keep to the paths of the righteous. 21 For the upright will live in the land, and the blameless will remain in it". Now giving the fact that every one of us has been saved and has given God our full submission of ourselves, fear of the Lord should be our priority "for great is the Lord and most worthy of praise;he is to be feared above all gods. (1 Chronicles 16;25) Now if that was not a wake up call, in (Ezekiel 33;18) shows "if a righteous person turns from their righteousness and does evil, they will die from it". Now that should be fear planted in our minds and thoughts. We need to conquer our limitations and live life's that will glorify our Father, able to build others and to live at peace with ourselves. The mind is blinded by the deceitfulness and the enemy is going to lurk around and find someone to lure into a trap. Since we all accepted Christ as our Savoir we must come to a halt and take a look around. Pause for a moment and examine yourself, I know i did. Many times when I was put into a test, i knew i had to use the many gifts God has bless me with to get out of certain sticky situations. The Holy Spirit is what got me this far, from all the wisdom and knowledge i could get. I knew it was a test from God, to prove our faithfulness and to be strengthen after every trial we come across with. As Jesus spoke on the mountainside and gave the sermon on the mound in (Matthew 5;8-10) "Blessed are the pure in heart;for they will see God, blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called children of God, blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. That is where it all makes sense. Seeing a complete transformation in my identity changed the final outcome of my daily lifestyle. God has revealed so much in both me and my wife's marriage, able to seek refuge and shelter in the Lord's arms when enjoying this incredible journey together. In conclusion, God is going to use everyone of us as a vessel for his kingdom. We all have different gifts and blessings that we could offer and as the apostle Paul said in (Colossians 2:2-3) "My goal is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. That is where (Proverbs 2:4-5) shows how we will search for our hidden treasure and understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God.

    1. Yes Eddie,your ending cross reference to Col.2:2-3 gives us the N.T. fuller revelation as to where the ultimate treasure of wisdom that we seek is hidden- it's in Christ, isn't it?! So glad you know the treasure map of God's word that leads us to Christ!

  15. As humans we seem to be drawn to seeking advice, or wisdom, on all areas of life. What does this person say about that issue, the daytime talk host says this, the advice column offers that, but the self-help book says I should do this. One reason we seek so much advice, is that life can be very complex, and seeing that we have only one life to live here on earth, we want to make the most of every opportunity, or at least try our best to do so. Most people understand that every decision we make has a consequence attached to it. Some decisions are more life-altering than others. The Book of Proverbs is a book of advice, spiritual advice ranging from the topics of money to friendships and all that in between. As my NIV Quest Study Bible puts it, "a proverb is a truth condensed into a few words and stated in a memorable fashion with application to a variety of situations in life."

    In this book of "truths", you can find wisdom and insights that have been tested and work. As I have been reading, I thought, "why is there such a high value placed on wisdom? Why do I need to know it now? Isn't wisdom supposed to come as I get older and experience life?" It just reminded me of the many times growing up my parents would tell me, "I've been there before and I don't want you to go down that me. I was young too once you know." "Ya, ya, mom and dad, (what do you know)" only to follow through and end up getting "burned" or in some sort of trouble. "I told you so, why didn't you listen to me?" There is something about the value of wisdom and the value of obtaining wisdom; it protects you, it guides you, it directs you. It is through life’s experiences that we can come to understand wisdom, even-so-much to say that we don’t just learn from our experiences, but from other people’s experiences as well.

    1. Through my study and research, I found that in the Old Testament, wisdom was used to describe the abilities of craftsmen and tradesmen. So in proverbs we see wisdom as the skill, or ability, to live life in a way that honors the Lord. What is different about biblical wisdom is that it is rooted on the fear and reverence of the Lord. I took a step back and looked at the author of the majority of these Proverbs, Solomon. Solomon, valued wisdom so much that he asked for it from God. (1 Kings 3: 4-15) To paraphrase, God asked Solomon in a dream, for whatever he wanted. Solomon's response was (verse 9) "so give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong..." It goes on the say that the Lord was so pleased that Solomon asked for this. The Lord then blessed Solomon with, not only wisdom and discernment, but with riches and honor and (if he followed the Lord's commands) a long life. Solomon was set apart so that he would have no equal among kings.
      Solomon put such a great value on wisdom, that he said (Proverbs 8:10-11) it is worth more than silver, gold and more precious than rubies. But out of this I love Proverbs 2:5 "then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God." The fear of the Lord and the knowledge of God...Proverbs 1:7 says that "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge..." Fear is also defined as reverence or respect or even worship. So having reverence for the Lord, having respect for the Lord, worshiping the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. I believe that when we approach the Lord with fear (reverence, worship, respect, thanksgiving, praise), with the proper attitude and acknowledgment, He reveals Himself to us.

      Solomon, going back to 1 Kings, in my opinion, approaches the Lord with his request in humility. The Bible says that (1 Kings 3:7) Solomon refers to himself as a little child, "but I am only a little child and I do not know how to carry out my duties." Yes, it is believed that Solomon could be talking about his real age here, as he was probably only in his early 20's at the time. And to lead a whole nation of people was a very large responsibility. But how he stated and positioned himself as a child, just lead me to something Jesus said in Matthew, "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles themselves like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven." I think that this is just a reminder that when we approach God with child-like humility, trust, faith, reverence, when we position ourselves as child to our Heavenly Father, we can truly discover life's meanings, life's truths, and life’s insights. A wise person will humbly seek God on matters before acting, but a fool, well; they just despise wisdom and discipline, and act merely on impulses. Because "there is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death (Proverbs 14:12). But it is that person who fears God and who worships him daily, that wants that valuable “skill”, that wisdom, to live a God-honoring life to please God and to show their love for Him. 1 John 5:3 "This is love for God: to obey his commands."

    2. Wow Eddie! You've done your homework- A+! So glad to see how you studied and discovered that wisdom has the idea of skill. God gives us the Proverbs because He wants us to live and build our lives with skill. You also included the background of the author- Solomon and his plea for discernment or wisdom (they are sisters). And yes, it is to little children- the humble- that God gives wisdom. Plus, you focused on the foundation of wisdom, the fear of the Lord, and what that means, to reverence, respect, worship and obey Him. This reflects our love for Him. Very well done!

    3. Brother Eddie, love the insight the Lord has given you. thank you for sharing for definitely gave something to take hold of. love the the fact that it is a gift from God but also a skill that must be learned.
