Sunday, May 11, 2014

Know and Use the Most Influential Book in the World!

You guessed it, its the gospel of John. Surely, more people have come to Christ through this book of Scripture than any other. And may God use it and you to draw your unsaved friends to Christ. Few Bible authors tell us why they wrote their books, but John does. Look up John 20:30-31 and discover why.
John specially selected 7 miraculous signs that he places throughout his gospel that are intended to stimulate faith that Jesus is truly the Christ (the promised anointed King), the Son of God (God the Son), and that by believing in Him, your friends might receive new life in his name.

Imagine an unsaved friend of yours is willing to read through the gospel of John. It would be very good to know the book well to begin with, wouldn't it? So what are those 7 miraculous signs John records? Let's look at them and their significance. (I'm including the significance of each of these 7 signs from the late Dr. Adrian Rogers, one of my all time favorite Bible teachers.)

Jesus turns water into wine- 2:1-11. Jesus is God's joy for your disappointments.
Jesus heals a nobleman's son- 4:43-54. Jesus is God's assurance for your doubts.
Jesus heals the invalid man-  5:1-9. Jesus is God's strength for your disabilities.
Jesus feeds the 5,000- 6:1-15.  Jesus is God's satisfaction for your desire.
Jesus calms the storm- 6:16-21. Jesus is God''s peace for your despair.
Jesus gives sight to the man born blind- 9:1-41. Jesus is God's light for your darkness.
Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead- 11:1-45. Jesus is God's life for your death.

Do you have a study Bible that you can write in? If so, please use it also as a wealth catcher. You might want to copy the significant statements Dr. Rogers made after each miracle in your Bible at the appropriate place. The more you do so, the more enriching your Bible will be to you. If my house caught on fire, my study Bible would be the one earthly treasure I would seek to take with me.
Signs point to something don't they? These 7 signs all point us to Jesus and to put our faith in him no matter what happens to us. 

John's gospel also records the swirl of debate among the people as to who they believed Jesus to be. Some even believed he was demon possessed and raving mad (8:52; 10:19). Ultimately, the authorities had him crucified because they claimed he was blaspheming, since he claimed to be the Son of God (19:7 aka God-10:33). John let's us know his conclusion regarding Jesus from the very beginning. 

Please post your comments regarding the following- 

1. If someone was asking you about Jesus, what would John 1:1,14 reveal to them? (short answers)
2. If they wondered about the big bang and evolution, what would John 1:3 reveal to them? (short answers)
3. Those who were the closest to Jesus, declared who they believed him to be. Please circle in your Bible all the names given to Jesus in chapter 1. Please share one of your favorite ones with me.
4. Do you have a study Bible? (really short answer:)
5. Please read pages 11-20 from Lifelines and share briefly something that you would like to share with a friend from it. What an enriching leader/influencer you are in doing so. Keep praying and sowing good seeds in your unsaved friend. Faith comes by hearing the message of Christ.

Now here are some things to enrich your reading through John.
Keep your eyes open for special  terms that are frequently used. "God" (used 82 times) so loved the "world" (79 times) that He gave His One and only "Son" (43 times) that whoever "believes" (98 times) might not perish, but have eternal "life" (36 times). Notice also how Jesus repeatedly claims that He was "sent" (55 times) by His "Father" (134 times). He came to "witness" (54 times) to the "truth" (38 times) and revealed His "glory" (42 times).

Notice also the contrasts John uses between such things as light/darkness, life/death, truth/lie, flesh/spirit, sight/blindness, from above/from below.

Keep in mind that not all of the people called his "disciples" (followers) were true believers. Some in the crowd just followed Jesus for the food- see John 6:26,60-66. 

Though even Jesus and all the apostles were Jews, John uses the word, "Jews" (71 times) most of the time to refer to the opponents of Jesus, though not every time. So let the surrounding words and verses help you understand to whom he is referring- curious followers or critics. Both were often within the same crowd- see 10:19-21; 11:36-37; 7:40-43; 8:30-59.  

Reminders and Announcements
As you know we began reading a chapter a day through this great gospel of John on Sunday, May 11th. If you were asking an unsaved friend or new believer to read through John, suggest that they underline things they like and put question marks beside things they have questions about. Then you will have much to share when you meet together. By the way, after they finish reading through John, I would encourage them to keep reading through the rest of the New Testament. Make reading and sharing the word of God be the meat of your mentoring. 

Enjoy our amazing attribute of the month- God's grace! Did you notice how Jesus is described in John 1:14,17?

Here's help in memorizing the books of the New Testament. Most people do fine with the gospels and Acts, but then things get fuzzy when many of us get to the second level of the bookshelf. Those on the second shelf were all written by Paul to churches and pastors.

Notice that Romans, the first "book" of these church letters, is the biggest (16 chapters long) and was addressed to the Christians in the capitol city of the Roman empire. (If a letter was written to Christians in Chicago, I guess it would be called- Chicagoans.) Then Paul wrote to the carnal Christians in Corinth. They were so messed up, he had to write to them a second letter as well :( 
Now we come to four funny named church letters- Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians and Colossians. These were largely Gentile churches, so we'll remember them by this silly phrase- Gentiles Eat Pork Chops- G.E.P.C. Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians. Get it? 
Then Paul wrote two letters to the Thessalonians and two letters to pastor Timothy. Since those four books all start with T, it's helpful that the next letter is to Titus. Too bad Philemon doesn't start with a T too:( (His funny name is pronounced- Fi' lee mon.)

Now we're already on the bottom bookshelf. Hebrews is also the longest of these General Epistles (letters) written to Hebrew Christians. Then the others are named after who wrote them, rather than to whom they were sent. Interestingly, James and Jude were both half brothers of Jesus. In between their letters, we have two by Peter and three by John. By the way, John the apostle is the same author who wrote the gospel of John and our last book in  the Bible, Revelation. (Yes, it is pronounced, Revelation, not Revelations.) There you have it! With a little bit of looking at this bookshelf and reviewing the names out loud, you'll have it too. Remember, what is expressed is impressed. And repetition is the mother of learning. Call me when you can quote them all without peaking- c.773-742-2694. Best of blessings!



  1. 1. It would reveal that Jesus Christ is God and that He also made Himself into a human.

    2. Everything(the world, universe, spirits, animals,people,etc) was made by Jesus Christ.

    3. Throughout the chapter, Jesus Christ was also named the Word, the True Light, the Son, and God Himself.

    4. Yes, I do have a study Bible.

    5. It is actually quite funny that I have had conversations with friends or people on pretty much all of these topics before. I usually like to share that many ancient cultures have stories about the flood and how those stories actually are additional evidence that events of the Bible did happen.

  2. Very good Alex! And thanks for leading the way as the first to comment.

  3. 1) John 1:1 - In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
    John 1:14 - And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.

    That Jesus is the living Word of God and that while living among us, He revealed himself and His Father's words to us through His life, ministry and sacrifice.

    2) John 1:3 - All things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made.

    Everything was made by God and without God nothing can be made. Therefore, something just can't come from nothing. Something has to create it. Especially when you look at the human body and all of the complex systems of this earth. So amazing.

    3) The Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world! I can only imagine that scene. I love how the recent Bible series has portrayed this section of scripture. It makes Jesus look like a super hero. I love it. I get really excited when Jesus comes on scene, coming to save the us!

    4) Yes, but unfortunately I take a lot of notes on post-its and journals. I never have written in one of my Bibles.

    5) These few sentences struck me...on page 12. You mention people not taking Jesus seriously. "Isn't it amazing how we can be very serious about our paycheck or vacation days...yet so often we don't take Jesus seriously at all." Heart check!

  4. Very good Eddie! Your study Bible includes the notes of godly men. The margins allow space for the notes of one more :)

  5. The Word of God always brings life, hope, direction, and everything we need. Looking forward to going through John with everyone.
    1) John 1:1 & 1:14 explain in very eloquent and deep words that Jesus is both part of God and also human. He is fully God and fully human. I like to say that He is part of God because the Father & the Holy Spirit are also God and distinct from Jesus. There is one God but he exists in 3 parts (it’s okay that this is too complex for us to fully grasp because He is God and we are not).
    2) John 1:3 emphasizes the fact that everything was made by and through Jesus. This is a whole big discussion but the amazing complexity and intricate design of everything we see clearly shows that it didn’t happen by accident.
    3) The Word, the light, the true light, the one and only Son, The Lord, The Messiah, the Lamb of God, the Chosen One, Rabbi, Teacher.
    4) Yes-Ryrie study Bible
    5) I don’t have Lifelines on me right now but will try to complete this tomorrow.

    1. Thanks Mike!
      Might we say that Jesus is fully God and part of the trinity?
      You get a pass on reading Lifelines, since you've done so before.

  6. 1. John 1:1 + 14 These verses show that God is everlasting and eternal and that His Son took human form all while still having the glory of God.
    2. John 1:3 Everything was made from God both through the creation of our universe to the present day. It's not simply God spinning a top and watching the product of his initial creation.
    3. John 1:31 Son of Man Although this name appears at the end of the chapter I really like it and it reminds me that Jesus lowered himself to take human form. He still has all the weaknesses of man and even faces temptation. The fact that what I face today is no different from what plagued Jesus is really encouraging especially that he overcame it all and was the perfect sacrifice for every sin done or to be committed.
    4. Yes, the NIV Fire Bible Student Edition
    5. I have two things that I would like to show to my friend: the entire section that addresses people who only believe that Jesus was just a good teacher and not the Son of God and the line on page 17 "But miracles don't always prompt faith." What an insightful truth that I, myself, have come to know by experience.

    1. Excellent Nick!
      May the Lord continue to shine out brightly through you!

  7. 1) In the very beginning Jesus existed with God as the Word and the Word was/is God. Through him all things were made both seen and unseen. He was from the beginning eternal life and that life is the light that shines in our darkness. The Word became flesh in the form of the only begotten Son of God from the Father - full of grace & truth.
    2) Through Christ all things were made both in heaven and earth and without him, nothing was made. He was active in the work of creation.
    3) My favorite name for Jesus in Chapter 1 is Lamb of God. He was God’s provision, the sinless, without spot or blemish, Son of God - slain from the foundation of the world to redeem for himself a holy people, his treasured possession, set apart love, walk and intimately know him.
    4) Yes, I have a Ryrie Study Bible.
    5) One of my co-workers sweet little mother was diagnosed with cancer last week. The pain in her face brought all of us in our aisle to tears. A Christian girlfriend and I prayed with her and I know it brought her great comfort to know that God is good and loving and able hold them during this difficult time. Page 11

    1. Very good Bea. Thanks for your compassion to hurting people.

  8. 1. That the bible is Gods word and is the truth and the only truth anyone need and that it is perfect as God himself. They would also understand that Jesus is the son of God and he is basically the teachings of the bible thrown into a person. Jesus is the living breathing bible.

    2.It would be revealed that if even if there was a big bang it was done by God and they would also know that everything created was created by God. It reveals that God has the power to create everything out of nothing and gives a glimpse of his power.

    3.The one you do not know stands out to me. It reminds me that without his sacrifice we truly wouldn't know him as lord Jesus Christ our lord and savor.


    5.The part where it talks about that God lets bad things happen because God respects us too much to take our freedom away. This will really help my friends understand why bad things happen, because most of them believe that if God was real he would save everybody. What i always try to explain is that he does give us freedom to be saved, but he also gives us the freedom to do bad things in the world.

    1. Thanks Lucas! Please let me know if you are interested in getting a good study Bible. It can be so helpful and you'll use it the rest of your life.

  9. 1.If someone was asking you about Jesus, what would John 1:1,14 reveal to them? (short answers) Jesus is God in man form. God became a and dwelt among us

    2. God is the Creator, through him all things were made.

    3. John calls Jesus “the Lamb of God” and “Chosen One,” They’re my favorite names because when John named him these names he knew of Him who he was talking about. He understood who Jesus was and what he came to do and lived according to that truth. V. 20 “He did not fail to confess, but confessed freely…”

    4. Yes

    5. My Father is one of those unsaved people I am praying for and I’m always looking to sow good seed. For as long as I could remember my Father would always share something with me about history and because he’s such a history buff, I think he would benefit from “lifelines.” I especially want to share with him the part of the book , “I think the stories about Adam and Eve and Noah and the ark are just religious folklore; stories that were made up long ago in order to explain things to naïve people, much like Greek mythology.” These words sound like something my father would say. I shared with him that I’m reading “Lifelines” and that I want him to read it, hopefully he will want to read it. I especially love reading about atheists, historians and skeptics doing their own research and trying to prove Christianity as a fluke but in their findings becoming believers, not being able to deny the fact that Jesus truly rose.

    1. Oh Nori, I will pray for your father as well. God bless you.

  10. 1. John 1:1,14 reveal that Jesus Christ was God - one of the distinct personalities of an almighty God - and became man so that God’s attributes of Grace and Truth could be demonstrated and known to His creation.

    2. John 1:3 reveals that the concepts “something coming from nothing” (big bang), and “developing randomly from that something” (evolution), is incompatible with Biblical teaching, as all existence came from God, through Jesus Christ. Nothing came about apart from the creator.

    3. “Lamb of God” would have to be my favorite in this Chapter. It’s funny, because it was not a name of Jesus that I ever felt a specific affinity for. Hearing it from the mouth of John the Baptist though, with the conviction and outright excitement that you really can feel spiritually as you read it, it is too hard to escape its power:

    “Look, the LAMB OF GOD, who takes away the sin of the world!”

    One other that I love all around, and not just from the context of John 1 is simply the name/title of “Christ”. Christ - - - Anointed One - - - the King chosen by God. How Paul used it so powerfully “Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ”. How it manifests itself here in Modern times, if you simply say the word “Christ” anywhere in the world, people know who we speak of. People who are not even believers will go ahead and refer to Jesus as Christ…..unknowingly bestowing His rightful title to Him. The Statue of “Cristo de Redentor (Christ the Redeemer)” overlooking the city of Rio de Janeiro, no other name necessary, all know who stands there. God has revealed Himself through “Christ”, so that all the world may know.

    4. Yes

    5. I would like to share more with people I talk to about the different great legal minds that have studied the evidence of Christ’s resurrection and come to the conclusion that He did do as he said - - - and also the part in “Lifelines” about Jesus being a good moral teacher but not God. I feel these two points are always brought up with skeptics. I also loved the question you posed when people say the Bible is full of errors. “Oh really, name a few”…..everyone seems to be a religious expert, until you press them on their knowledge.

  11. 1.) John 1:1,14 would tell them that God and His word lives in us. Because we have His word and Him, we have grace. The word was God.
    2.) John 1:3 would tell them there is no excuse to believe anything else than the fact that God made everything. Without Him, nothing was made. Nothing can be made from nothing!
    3.) Through out Chapter 1, Jesus was named Christ, the lamb of God, Rabbi, the choose one, and Light.
    4.) Yes! It really comes in handy especially at Moody haha!
