Sunday, May 18, 2014

Use Questions to Influence

By asking thought provoking questions you can greatly influence people. (Ah, there's that leadership word, "influence" again.) Here's a great question my dad, whom I greatly admired, would ask me- "Wha cha been learning?" It sure beats, "How ya doin'?"
"What have you been reading or learning?" That's a question I often ask others. (It will get you talking about significant things quickly.) And then I learn so much by listening to their response. If they then ask you what you've been learning, you've got gold to share with them. By the way, I am so enriched by reading your responses from what you're learning via this blog. Thank you! 

"So what have you been learning lately, Dave?" 
That's so nice of you to ask! I have been learning and so enjoying digging into John's gospel of belief ("believe" is used 98 times). For example, it struck me that the people who are the examples of "belief" to follow in the gospel are...well, let me first set the stage for revealing that discovery. As we know from last week, John recorded 7 miraculous signs to point people to put their faith in Christ (see John 20:30-31). But what is surprising is that after Jesus performed a miracle, often the crowd was divided with many who opposed him. For example, when Jesus healed the invalid by the pool on the Sabbath, the Jewish leaders sought to kill him (5:16-18). When Jesus fed the 5,000, they followed him only to get more free food, but abandoned him when Jesus challenged them to truly believe in Him (6:26,36,40-42,58-66). When Jesus restored the sight of the man born blind, the religious leaders greatly denounced him, calling him a sinner, demon possessed and raving mad (9:22-24; 10:19-20). And after Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, the leaders were so frustrated and furious that they made plans to kill Lazarus as well! (12:10-11). Tragically, the Jewish leaders and many of the people hardened their hearts in the face of Jesus' miracles.   

So who was a hero or an example of this saving faith that believes and follows Jesus as Savior? Well, it wasn't the religious leader Nicodemus, at least at first. The miracles only led him to believe that Jesus was a teacher sent from God (3:2). This is as far as many of the people got in their faith in Jesus. But Jesus knew the true condition of such people's hearts (2:23-25), so he declared to Nicodemus, "You must be born again" (3:1-16). John's gospel calls people to a born again, saving faith, not to a superficial faith. So many people today say they believe in Jesus, but they don't follow him. Saving faith follows Jesus. Jesus said, "whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life" (8:12). Saving faith is a following faith. 

Certainly Thomas was a true believer, but even he was not an example to follow. He didn't believe even after the other disciples told him they had seen their risen Lord. Only when Jesus appeared to Thomas did he believe and declare, "My Lord and my God!" Remember what Jesus then said to Thomas? "Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and believed" 20:29. By the way, this is a blessing that is also upon you, for you believed without having to see the Messiah and His miracles. This is what God wants for us- to walk by faith, not by sight- to trust His word, not to demand miracles, as the skeptical Jews did (see John 2:18; 6:30; 1 Cor.22). 

So were there any people who put their saving faith in Jesus as Savior without seeing any miracles? Yes! Who were these heroes in John's gospel? The examples of such saving faith are, of all things (drum roll, please), the Samaritans! What? Yes! After Jesus talked with the Samaritan woman at the well, many of the townspeople spent time with Jesus and believed in him. They said, "we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this man really is the Savior of the world" 4:42. How excellent! They heard the gospel and truly believed that Jesus was their Savior- even the Savior of the world. He so loves the world! Wow! 

Here's a great life lesson from this. The most powerful thing to get your unsaved friend to see, is not a miracle of Jesus, but the gospel of Jesus- to hear it or read it for themselves. It is the gospel that has the power to prompt salvation and transformation, not miracles (Luke 16:31). I know it can add up to a lot of money to be buying lots of the gospel of John booklets to give away, so very soon I'm going to give you as many as you wish to give away (de nada.) What a great influence you will have by simply passing these along!

1. Last week you noted the 7 miraculous signs recorded in John. Now let's note the 7 "I am" statements that Jesus declares about Himself. Please underline these in your Bible.
I am the bread of life- 6:15,48,51
I am the light of the world- 8:12; 9:5
I am the gate- 10:7,9
I am the good shepherd- 10:11,14
I am the resurrection and the life- 11:25
I am the way, the truth and the life 14:6
I am the true vine- 15:1

2. Which of these statements that you underlined, do you like best? Please write and tell me why. 

3. As of Sunday, May 18th, we were reading John 8. Please share something that struck you from your daily chapter readings so far.

3. Please read in Lifelines, pages 21-30 and share briefly something you liked.   
Thanks again for how you're enriching me, but don't neglect to enrich others with the gold you've dug up. Express your leadership/influence by sharing with others also. Way to go!

Surprise! I'd like to give you that unlimited supply of gospels of John now so that you can start giving them away to people. How could I be so generous? I found an excellent online version of such :) Check it out at-
Please start by giving at least one away to your wealth partner or another Christian friend. 

Announcements & Reminders

How ya doin' on memorizing the books of the New Testament? Use last week's bookshelf to help and call me when you've got it down- c.773-742-2694

Keep praying for your unsaved friend(s). If you think they would be open to receiving an e-gift of a gospel of John, great! If not, please seek to email them something for starters. I like starting with something to make people laugh, such as the following.  Have a laugh!


  1. 1) Many of you do not know this, but I have a bit of a green thumb. Recently, while planting and gardening, I had to prune a plant of its dead leaves. Immediately, I thought "God what do I need to prune out of my life?"

    Jesus talks about this very area of plants, pruning, and roots. Jesus describes himself as the Vine (John 15). He refers to us, those who believe in Christ the branches. Even as I write this, I am looking at a tree. What a great metaphor to illustrate our life of ultimate surrender and dependence on Jesus. A branch by itself is just a branch, and while it may be able to sustain leaves for a short period of time, it will eventually die. The branch needs nutrients to grow and to bear fruit or foliage. If a branch is not connected to its source of nourishment it will die and it most cases be used for burning. Jesus talks about this in John 15, those who don't abide in Him, will be like branches that are not bearing fruit. Those branches will be pruned and gathered and thrown into the fire.

    What does it mean to abide? Looking at John 15: 1-11 (ESV), we can find abide 10 times. Abide in the Greek meant to remain or stay. Jesus tells us to start by abiding in Him. If he is the Vine and looking at the anatomy of plants, vines are what carry the nutrients to the branches, so that they can grow. We are called to take root in Christ, being rooted in Him and His words. Not only does Jesus say abide in Him, but in His Words and in His Love. Staying connected to Jesus through prayer, devotional time, reading his words and being obedient to it while abiding in his love. Recognizing the love that the Son displayed for us on the cross and the love that the Father gave for the world. If we learn to remain connected to the Vine, we will grow in Jesus, bearing much fruits, keeping His commands - thus glorifying God Almighty - and we will have a fullness of joy.

    2) John 3:16 stuck out to me the most. Probably the most famous or widely-known verse of scripture. I had committed to memorizing John 3:16-21 previously, but I will admit I don't have every word down. I want to really embed it in mind mind to know it and perceive it. It is the Gospel in a nutshell.

    3) I liked the response on page 25. If someone was to ask why would a loving God condemn me for my sins. The illustration of someone committing a crime to you or someone you love, yet at the court trial, even though everything points to their incrimination, the judge lets them go. "It's a judge's job to punish the guilty. He (God) wouldn't be a good judge if he didn't punish wrong-doers." When we sin, we commit a crime against God, therefore we deserve to be punished. But that is why Jesus came, to save us from the wrath of God. To reconcile us to God Almighty, so that the barrier would be removed from between us and God.

    1. Excellent Eddie!
      I can tell you abide in His word and love.

  2. 2. My favorite passage was John 6:35 when Jesus refers to himself as the “Bread of Life”. Just as food is necessary for survival, Jesus was necessary for our salvation. Now I am a HUGE snacker. All throughout the day I have to have peanuts or a granola bar or fruit or something to be snacking on. It’s a very bad habit, however during fasts when I replace food with time spent with the Lord it really puts things into perspective. I should crave my time with God, I should have my Bible ready and close for when I need a “spiritual pick-me-up”. I used to keep a small notebook that I would fill with memory verses and I would take this notebook to work. Rather than spending money on junk food snacks I would take advantage of downtime at work to review my verses. I am going to purpose to resume this habit. It shouldn’t be used only during a time of fasting.
    3. I am always touched by the story of the Samaritan woman. She was a broken woman who brought her whole town out to meet Jesus. I would love to find out what happened to her. What you said, Dave, was something I had also discovered this time reading the Bible. The Samaritans, who were despicable to the Jews, were the ones who believed. That is just so amazing to me! It proves God’s goodness and grace! For those who do not know the story of the Samaritans they were the Jews who were left behind after the Jews were taken into captivity, many years before Jesus. After the Jews were allowed to return to their homeland they found that their brothers had intermarried with the Gentiles surrounding them. They turned from the Scriptures and worshiped pagan gods and that his how the returning Jews found them. You can read more about the history of the Samaritans here I found this to be very interesting, particularly the part at the end! But praise be to God! He is a God of second chances. He showed great mercy and love to his prodigal children.
    4. The answer to the “I’m gay and totally turned off to religion because of so called “Christians” always condemning me to hell.” I have to say I quiver in my boots a little when I meet a person who associates themselves as being gay. It is such a difficult subject to address for me! I have tried to answer in a similar way, but this really spelled it all out! It is sad to know that some churches display homosexuality as the “chief sin”. In reality the ultimate sin is to refuse God’s gift of a Savior and refuse to submit to Him. An excellent answer grounded on Biblical truth!

    1. YAY it finally posted! I have been having some technical difficulties lately. I will upload my other posts (which I saved) when I get home from work.

    2. Very good words Sarah! And I too am happy that you didn't have more computer problems with posting. You weren't the only one.

  3. 1) My favorite “I AM” statement that Jesus declared about himself is one I believed you missed. But to put his statement in content, let me start in John 9;54-58 “Jesus replied, “If I glorify myself, my glory means nothing. My Father, whom you claim as your God, is the one who glories me. Though you do not know him, I know him. If I said I did not, I would be a liar like you, but I do know him and keep his word. Your father Abraham rejoiced at the thought of seeing my day; he saw it and was glad. “You are not yet fifty years old,” the Jews said to him, “and you have seen Abraham!” “I tell you the truth,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I AM!”
    This blows me away. In Exodus 3:13-14 When God spoke to Moses in the burning bush, Moses ask him, Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, the God of your fathers has sent me to you, and they ask me, What is his name? Then what shall I tell them? God said to Moses, “I am who I am.” This is what you are to say to the Israelites: “I AM has sent me to you.”
    This is huge, in the little print at the bottom of my Bible it says: The I AM denotes absolute eternal existence, not simply existence prior to Abraham. It is a claim to be Yahweh of the OT. That the Jews understood the significance of this claim is clear from their reaction to the supposed blasphemy. Also referenced was, “Yahweh” the most significant name for God in the OT. It has a twofold meaning: the active, self-existent One (since the word is connected with the verb “to be”, Exodus 3:14 and Israel’s Redeemer (Ex 6:6) The name occurs 6823 times in the OT and is especially associated with God’s holiness (Lev 11:44-45) His hatred of sin (Gen 6:3-7) and His gracious provision of redemptions (Isa 5:1, 5, 6, 10)

    2) John 6:39-40 And this is the will of him who has sent me, that I shall lose none of all that he has given me, but raise them up at the last day. For my Father’s will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life and I will raise him up at the last day. How I thank God for his faithful promises, despite myself, God chooses to see the best in me. He is such a faithful friend and my soul rests in his love, and if the great I AM said he will hold me in the palm of his hand until the day of his return, I choose to believe it. ☺

    3) I’m am sorry, I left my Lifelines book at work, I will need to complete this request tomorrow.

    1. Very good Bea! Many scholars list the 7 "I Am..." statements given, but separate them from that one in John 8:58 (see also 8:24,28 and 13:19). No doubt you have noticed the foundational declaration from which the 7 descriptive I Am statements flow. Well done!

  4. 2. My favorite "i am" is the i am the shepherd. Because we are his sheep and when we fall away he is right there to put us back in place. Also the shepherd leads to the sheep to food, just like Jesus leads us to his word to feed our spirit and the shepherd protects and watches over his flock as Jesus does for us every day. I also love this because it takes a lot of pressure off of me because i know the holy spirit is guiding me.

    3. I like where it talks about close death experiences. I have always wondered when i hear stories like that if the person is dreaming or just making it up. Because i knew someone who claimed to go to heaven during a near death experience but they were not saved. So that cleared up that it possibly could have been the devil the person was seeing. which that really scares me. i would never want to know that i had any contact with the devil. But again it was very insightful.

  5. 1) Because I don't really like writing with a pen in my Bible (I feel it will rip the thin pages), I will instead highlight them.

    2) It is hard to choose a favorite from Jesus' statements about His own self. Nevertheless, I like Jesus’ statement “I am the gate.” It can be demonstrated in several ways. Jesus is the gate to the Father. Jesus is the gate to salvation and eternal life. Jesus is the gate to forgiveness and real change. The list goes on. I like it because it illustrates that the one and ONLY way to get and to receive all of these things is through Jesus Christ alone.

    3) It is funny how you can read something many times and still pass over different details. That is what happened to me in the 7th chapter of John. What stuck out and surprised me was how Jesus’ brothers treated Him sarcastically and irreverently in John 7:3-5 (NLT):

    “And Jesus’s brothers urged him to go to Judea for the celebration. “Go where your followers can see your miracles!” they scoffed. “You can’t become a public figure if you hide like this! If you can do such wonderful things, prove it to the world!” For even his brothers did not believe in him.”

    After reading that part of the chapter, I received an even greater appreciation from knowing the fact that Jesus’ brothers did end up following and believing in Him later on. This is encouraging because even though some people who we try to influence or witness to seem like they’ll always resist and never believe in Jesus, God can soften the heart of anyone including those we would never expect. This gives me patience and makes a lot more hopeful about those that I try to witness to who struggle with disbelief.

    4) I really liked the "You have your truth and I have mine" passage from the lifelines. The beginning sentence just had me grinning a lot: "Truth is not like clay that each person can mold as he or she wants." I also liked the sentence "Truth doesn't change, even if the majority believe otherwise or it becomes politically incorrect." The whole section could be helpful when trying to help people understand that truth and absolutes do exist.

    1. Excellent Alex!
      (Caution: Oftentimes, highliters bleed through to the back side of the Bible page!)

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Pastor Dave, sorry it was some minutes late.

    1. We now have all the way to Thursday midnight! You were early!

  7. 1. My favorite “I Am” statement is John 8:12. When He says that whoever follows him will not walk in darkness is so encouraging when it comes to having faith and perseverance. It is a promise to hold onto when we are feeling like we are drowning during a trial.

    2. So far from the readings I have enjoyed when Jesus ministers to the woman at the well. I love seeing The Lords character through that event. The way He knew of her past relationships and yet still offered her living water is a reminder of how God knows our past deeper than anyone ever could, and still wants us to draw near to him. It is the greatest blessing to always have his mercy and forgiveness as an option.

    3. What really spoke to me from Life Lines this week was the section on homosexuality. At UIC we briefly touched this topic during a bible study with a college ministry. We came to an agreement that God does not hate the person but the sin itself. It does break my heart when I hear people who are gay say that they have been harshly judged and condemned by a Christian in the past. Like it says in Life Lines, homosexuality is treated like every other sin in God’s eyes. I feel that this is the area where most people forget to love their neighbor as they love themselves.

    1. Excellent Socorro! The One who knows me best loves me most!

  8. 1. Done
    2. Hard to pick one over the others but John 6:35 “Bread of Life” really sticks in my mind. It is similar to Jesus’ rebuke of the Devil in Matt 4:4 where he said, “Man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.” and John 7:38 where he says that whoever believes in him will have “rivers of living water” flow from within him.
    Having Jesus in our life is like having food inside of us. We need it! Just as the nutrition feeds our body, flows through our bloodstream, and gives us energy to live physically so the Lord works deep inside of us to bring life. He makes our soul live.
    Jesus says that we will not hunger or thirst when we believe in Him. I take this as a spiritual hunger or thirst. The restless yearning of the heart that is never satisfied, the discontentment that no product or experience can fix, the deepest desires that no person can fulfill, the heavy emptiness that threatens to envelope us like a thick cloud, the mid-life crisis that saps all hope and energy will not overtake us if Jesus truly lives inside of us as our Leader.
    3. John 8:42, “Jesus said to them, ‘If God were your Father, you would love Me; for I proceeded forth and have come from God, for I have not even come one My own initiative, but He sent Me.”
    One thing that unifies Christians is a love for Jesus. Those that love Jesus, and show that love with obedience and fruit, are truly in the same family serving the same Father in heaven.
    4. Lifelines—pages 22 & 23. The survey of people asking them, “What’s your purpose in life?” So sad that so many people never pursue a higher purpose than immediate pleasure and comfort. The answers given by people in the mall probably would be the same today. Culture changes in many ways but in other ways it stays the same. May the Lord awaken people to His purpose for their lives. May He move in our church with power and conviction and give us His priorities and values.

  9. Excellent Mike. Thanks so much for sharing and enriching us all.
    I'm intrigued by Jesus' statement, "I am the light of the world" for especially what follows- "whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but have the light of life." Here there is a strong connection between the "believe in Me" theme in John with "following" Him. True saving faith is a following faith, not some easy believe-ism.

  10. 2.) John 6:35 is my favorite. This verse is telling us that he is a necessity, not an option. We need him, just like we need "bread". I saw this quote that goes something like "The moment we start feeling whole without God is the moment we better get on our knees and pray God breaks our hearts for what breaks his." Not sure if its exactly from word to word but it definitely touched my heart.
    3.) "The validity of Jesus' testimony" really stuck out to me. Jesus tells the Pharisees over and over again who he is and they still won't believe him. I love howJesus is ccompletely humble. He doesn't claim to be anything that he is not. They can't not know him without knowing the father and they can't not know the father without knowing him.

    1. Very good Genesis! Congrats on finishing your school year!
