Sunday, June 15, 2014


As we're reading through the book of Acts, it's interesting to note how often the word "persuasion or "persuaded" is used. Paul sought to persuade/influence people to believe. But the hostile Jews sought to persuade the people not to follow Paul and the Jesus he presented. We know that if a person is hardened, the seed will not bear any fruit in their hearts. Even miracles did not persuade some people to receive the truth. But do remember, people swing from calm to crisis. And in their times of trouble, the truths they had rejected before can yet bear fruit in their lives. Here's an amzing earthly illustration  of such: Seeds discovered in King Tuts tomb, when recently planted still bore fruit. Ya' never know, so sow! 

So how do we persuade others? How do we influence them? Proverbs 16:21 gives us a great insight- "sweetness of speech increases persuasiveness" NASB. Other ways of translating this say, "pleasant words make a man persuasive." So if we are to persuade others, we must strive to be pleasant, not argumentative. I hope I'm over my past tendency to argue with those who opposed the gospel. Armed with all my Lifelines arguments, I may have won the argument, but I never won the person over. 

1. Read 2 Timothy 2:23-26 and share how this shapes your attitude and outreach to others.

Toward those who rejected Paul's message, he moved on. But with those who were receptive, Paul continued to sow seeds. May we do the same. If someone hasn't rejected you and your witness, look for ways to continue to sow good seeds. We could wish that people would get saved as soon as we shared with them, but that's not the case with most people or in farming. We sow in one season and reap in another. So keep sowing! 

But you may say, "I'm just not a great speaker!" However, think of the great resources and mini-movies you can easily pass on to others via the internet for free. What a great time in history we live in for such. Think about it. Before, if a person wasn't a confident or gifted speaker, he would have to try and get his pastor or such to speak to his unsaved friend. Now we can touch their hearts and minds via creative mini-movies. We just need to click a few keys to do so. So sow!

2. If the following mini-movie might be fitting for a friend or two, please pass it on this week.

3. Read Lifelines pages 69-79 and share one thing you want to keep in mind as you reach out to others. (I've been looking forward to having you read this section because of the great article on page 70. Please note the author: )

Announcements / Reminders

Keep on reading through the book of  Acts. The chapter for each day's reading correlates with the day of the month. Easy Peasy.

Enjoy this month's theme of the attitude of gratitude. Be on the lookout for things to be thankful for. Being unthankful can be the beginning of a terrible downward spiral according to Romans 1:21-22. On the other hand, being thankful is one of the quickest ways to glorify God and to feel better. Try it, you'll like it. 


  1. 1. This paragraph from 2Timothy has been a convicting one for me to read so many times. As a Christian with strong beliefs I quickly get upset when I hear someone twisting the gospel, mocking the things of God, or making ignorant statements about Jesus or the church. So often I have jumped into a discussion to enlighten the poor, misguided souls who needed instruction from someone like myself. The problem is that I often jumped in with a fair amount of pride and not much patience. I loved my opinions and ideas more than I loved the people.
    Instead of following Jesus’ example of speaking primarily to those who were receptive I would engage in long discussions with people who clearly were not open to the gospel at all. The answer is not to be shy about the gospel or to adopt the wrong idea that my actions would be enough without words. Instead our mentor Paul, guided by the Holy Spirit, once again leads us into the better way.
    V. 23 tells us to avoid foolish and stupid arguments. Not win these arguments but just stay away from them. I think this would include conspiracy theories, much superstition, debates about UFOs and bigfoot, and most political discussions.
    v. 24 instructs us to not be quarrelsome or resentful but kind and able to teach. As the cliché goes, ‘people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care’. Kindness will sometimes build the bridge for truth to travel.
    v. 25 acknowledges that we have opponents but reminds us to gently instruct them with hope that God will grant them repentance.
    v. 26 brings up spiritual warfare as we are told that these difficult people may be in a trap set by the devil himself to take people captive to do his will. So we are dealing with heavy spiritual matters, not just disagreements.
    So I try to love people, care about their souls, treat them as I would want to be treated, stay away from fruitless arguments but be ready to speak clearly about Jesus and the gospel.
    #2 & 3 I will complete tomorrow.

    1. So are you saying that you don't believe in Bigfoot?!!!

    2. I'm going to resist the temptation to get in an argument about Bigfoot! On another note, I didn't answer #3 from Lifelines. Page 69 talks about the deep and difficult topic of hell. As much as we might struggle with this concept it is repeatedly taught and explained in scripture. We don't know everything about it but we know that it is real, it is horrible, repentance and faith in Christ keeps us from hell, and we are responsible to tell others. Wow, may the Lord lead us to spread his life saving and destiny changing message! I want to keep the eternal realities of heaven and hell in my mind as much as possible as I live my own life and talk with others.

    3. I've been studying this sober subject of hell this week Mike. As you know there are those that deny it, but it is an inescapable reality. O Lord, awaken me more to this eternal reality.
      Thanks also for the great article on page 70 that you wrote.

  2. 1) Our attitude, the SOUL PURPOSE of sharing with others the hope we have in Jesus Christ, needs to be one of love, knowing that Jesus is the answer to this worlds hopelessness. Our heart and motives need to be pure, ever pursuing the Lord in righteousness, faith, love and peace. At all times, we are to run from our old evil desires and sin which will disqualify us from being a witness of the power of God to transform lives. When we harden our hearts to the gentle voice of the Holy Spirit and the work he desires to do in us, we will be a stumbling block to those around us who do not know Christ. However, when we humbly submit to his leading throughout the day, we will be a sweet reflection of who Christ is. When sharing our faith with others, we should never allow ourselves to be drawn into foolish arguments for the sake of the cross, but always, as servants of Christ, answer in love and gentleness. Standing on this truth, God alone is the one that brings a heart to repentance and opens blind eyes to the truth.

    2) Thank you for sharing the mini-video It is my favorite thus far, maybe because I’m a mother and the thought of an only daughter walking in that path breaks my heart. What hope we have in a loving God, who never lets the prodigal, his prodigal child go, but chooses to love and forgive.

    3) Great story on page 70. The one thing I will always remember is to keep a humble heart. I was lost and bound, just as the person I may be sharing with. I understand what it is to be so desperate for hope - yet not knowing that hope - can be found in Christ alone. Two sentences on page 70 that conveys this truth, “Only the Gospel of Jesus Christ can change hearts. And the simplicity of that Gospel makes God’s promise of freedom from our sin so appealing… and necessary.” Just as the girl in the video saw her reflection in the mirror, who she had become and the reality that there was no way out. But the love of God channeled through her mother was there, ready forgive, ready to restore and ready to redeem.

    1. Thanks for your good and heartfelt words Bea! And may God touch the hearts of others that you pass the video on to.

  3. 1. “Correcting his opponents with gentleness” (2 Timothy 2:24a).
    Yes I agree that we need to be gentle in our approach in correcting or sharing the Gospel with people. I have seen the difference in how people treat or view me with respect when I have been gentle towards them versus being rude or ignorant because of their views and beliefs. However, I believe there are times that we need to be firm and direct towards people. Especially, since some people may need to be awakened from their slumber and death bed from living in sin (Ephesians 2:1-3). I know that the God/Holy Spirit is the one that does that, but He uses us to plant these seeds that hopefully will grow and produce fruit. For example, Jesus, John the Baptist and the Apostle Paul were very direct and firm at times when they needed to correct or share the Gospel to individuals too (Matthew 23: 32-34, Matthew 3:6-8, Acts 9:28-29). In being direct and firm at times one is still telling the individual that they care about them because they are on the pathway towards Hell.

    2. Great video I watched it with my wife…

    3. I’ll become a Christian when I’m older
    “If a person puts God on hold, at times He hangs up. We wouldn’t put a celebrity or world leader on hold. Why would we do that to the ruler of the universe? It only reveals how rebellious we can be towards God” (Dave Garratt pg77).

    Just recently I had a gestalt moment by realizing how selfish and rude we are in regards to giving the Lord reverence. For instance, last week I was giving thanks/praying before our dinner at work with some of the kids. I had asked some of the kids to bow their heads and join me in prayer. However, I took notice that some of them didn’t want to bow their heads because they were to busy eating their food already. This led me to tell them that if President Barrack Obama were to walk in the room they would stop what they are doing and give him respect. Thus I finished by telling them that the Lord is Higher and more important than our US president, so they need to learn to give him respect by simply bowing their heads and joining in prayer.

    Now this section does show people’s rebellious and sinful attitude by not bowing their heart and lives before the Lord early in life. Instead people think that the Lord doesn’t know any better because they may think that He wants to take away their fun with sin. If I run into individuals that think this way, I might tell/ask them if their favorite celebrity/world leader asked them to stop doing certain things will they do it? If so then I will follow up by asking them, why can’t they stop living in sin when the Creator of the Universe that died on the Cross them asks them too?

    1. Very good Jose! I was just thinking of you earlier today, so I'll call you soon, unless you beat me to it.

  4. 1. I am underlining the phrase "gently instructed" from verse 25 in my Bible. We need to evangelize with humility. I agree with Jose that there are times when we do need to advocate for our faith. I am still trying to figure out how and when to do this, but I know the answer is in prayer and diligent devotional times. I think the wisdom for the how and when also comes through trial and error and maturity as a Christian.

    2. The mini movie was excellent! I will be posting this on my Facebook as I have posted several of the other mini movies.

    3. I found that the verse, the movie and the Lifelines reading from page 70 all went hand in hand. The verse discussed the importance of humility as apart of our evangelism, the reading in Lifelines gave a stark example of the extent of our sinful nature. It is easy to "villanize" people like the Natzis or the Spanish Inquisition or slave owners. The theory that man is inherently good has triumphed in this age. We know this is not the case. If not for the grace of God we could be in the shoes of the "opponent" we are evangelizing to. We could be prostitutes, atheist, murders, self righteous, thieves, you name it. We are all born with a sinful nature passed down from Adam and only the cleansing of the blood of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit (the same power that raised Christ from the dead) allows us to break free from those chains. I find this to be the principle behind 2 Timothy 2:23-26. Lastly, the video summed up the heart of God. Let us never become so complacent in our walk with Christ that we loose our wonder and humility at the thought of what Christ did for us.

  5. 1. The thing that I noticed from 2 Tim 2 was to gently instruct opponents. Paul tells Timothy earlier to warn others against quarreling about words, because it is of no value, and only ruins those who listen. Sometimes when people reject us or do not agree with us, especially when they talk about what we believe in, we can get defensive. However, arguing won't bring anyone to the faith, because it can easily become a competition, where there is a winner, someone right and someone wrong. Unfortunately, arguments can turn to pride, developing an "aha ya I got him this time" type of mentality. Looking at Jesus and how he handled those who opposed him, we don't see him forcing anyone to listen or believe in Him. Those who have ears let them hear.

    3. I said the prayer of salvation a few times before I really surrender and my desires, habits and complete life began to change. I always wondered and thought, how can we know if that worked, just saying that prayer. It is really that true, deep confession that will lead of to repentance. As you point out, in 2 Corinth, Paul calls us to examine our faith, test ourselves. And I believe the biggest indication that we our saved is by the fruit we bear. Our desires, habits, thoughts, words, and actions all begin to change. Not a complete transformation overnight, but a consistent positive change of shedding the old wine skin and putting on the new.

  6. 1.) It makes me want to be more kind and less resentful to certain people in my life. We are held to a higher standard and should take our influence and leadership seriously.
    2.) Great video!
    3.) I loved the "The danger of being normal" section! Very powerful. What I got from it is that being normal is somehow "sinful". Its amazing how sinfully normal we could be at times. "Only the gospel of Jesus Christ can change hearts. And the simplicity of that gospel makes Gods promise of freedom from our sin so appealing...and necessary."

  7. 1) Those verses really put things in perspective for me. It makes me feel more patient towards people. It also makes me want to strive to be more kind and loving too. In addition, those verses also remind me not to be proud because pride is usually one of the reasons why we get into those kind of arguments in the first place. I really was interested last few verses in that passage from 2 Timothy: "Those who oppose him he must gently instruct, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth, and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will." This passage really brought to mind how we should see people. We should see them as "lost captives" but not as "enemies". This ultimately should stir us to witness to them and to pray for them and their salvation even more.

    3) I believe that the "There'a a habit in my life that I need to get rid of first before I come to God" section can be very helpful when we try to witness to people. It can be helpful while dealing with people who already have a faith in God but are too afraid to come to Him because they think they have to clean up themselves first.

  8. Very good Alex! How important to see people as you said, as lost captives.

  9. After a long hiatus, I am very happy to be posting again. Thank you for the grace shown me. Feels great to dig in and think heavily on the things of God, and our spiritual walk. May we always strive and continue to be the image of Christ in all times and conversations.

    1. Some time ago, I feel I would have been the opposite of what Paul is trying to say here. I subconsciously set out to debate….to Win….prove my belief was right. God really worked in my heart here. He softened it, and made me realize that God’s truth is just that - - Truth - - and that it wasn’t my place or position to debate it, but instead to treat it as such. Once I understood that, I could now move forward and not look at someone as an opponent, but instead, someone to share the Good News with. I can hope and pray they will understand and accept it, but It is now the Lord’s job to fight for their heart. It is such a relief to our heart and mind to know that the Lord is one who fights for his Word, and we are his messengers.

    2. I Shared on Facebook, and with my Wealth partner. Great Reminder of God’s love!

    3. I have to say that I really liked the quick snippet from Chuch Colson. In so many ways I thought I was a “good person”, just to look back now and see how fallen I really was. Christ brings your vision into “HD” really seeing the sin you are capable of. Such a stirring reminder to always be vigilant in our life, and always, always strive to be accountable to our Holy Lord in all things!!

  10. Excellent William! I always enjoy reading your posts.
