I like Russell Crowe as an actor, but I think I'll take a pass on going to the show to see him in the "watered down" version of the biblical story of Noah. (It's gotten a flood of criticism.). But more importantly, let's talk about how we can influence people toward the Lord through it and other trending things. Jesus certainly used current events in His day to evangelize. Read Luke 13:1-5.
So how can we take a trending topic and turn it toward a spiritual conversation? Use questions! Here's a few examples-
*Are you going to go see the movie Noah?
*A lot of people are talking about it. Did you know even Jesus talked about Noah?
Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man." Mt.24:37-39.
*Do you think God will keep His promise and bring another worldwide judgment on the earth?
2 Peter 3:6-7 says regarding Noah's day that "the world of that time was deluged and destroyed. By the same word the present heavens and earth are reserved for fire, being kept for the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men."
*Why do you think God hasn't brought such worldwide judgment and destruction yet?
The same passage goes on to tell us the answer. "The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise as some understand slowness. He is patient with you. Not wanting any to perish, but everyone to come to repentance" 2 Peter 3:9.
PS- Those who think the story of Noah and the ark is just an ancient myth, fail to realize that the greatest historian who ever lived also verified such. His name? Jesus.
1. There are several places in the New Testament that refer to Noah. He definitely was an historical figure. Post a verse you found by simply doing an online search for verses on Noah in the New Testament. (I want you to get used to finding things for people when they ask you Bible questions. There's such a wealth of information available to you at your fingertips. It cost an old-timer like me a small fortune in bought books for such info. Include the link you ended up using. No fair copying the post of someone else. :)
Because God is holy and just, He had to punish the wicked world of Noah's day. And with the coming day of the Lord, He will punish this world again- but with fire. This month of April, we will be focusing on God's attributes of holiness and judgment. God's holiness means He is pure, hating evil and loving that which is good. Because He is also just, He must punish sin. A judge would not be just if he didn't punish the guilty. And God is perfectly just. I realize that God's holiness and justice are not pleasant topics of conversation to have with lost people. But they must know the truth to flee from the wrath to come to the ark of salvation provided- Christ Jesus.
This month of April, I want to welcome you to a quick trip through several of Paul's powerful letters. We're starting by reading through Galatians.
2. Wouldn't it be great if you could listen to an excellent overview of Galatians or any book of Scripture? Now you can. Click here-
Please listen to at least the first few minutes of Galatians by Pastor Ray Stedman. He is so rich, giving an overview of the Bible there as well. So jot down some of his golden insights in your wealth catcher. Now post one gem for me. Thanks! You're fulfilling Gal.6:6.
You'll want to go back to this site whenever you desire to listen to an overview of a Bible book. What a helpful site to pass on to others over the many years you will be influencing and mentoring others. What a lasting legacy you're going to have!
Bonus- Want just a 4 minute audio overview of any book in the Bible? You got it!
3. Please post one verse you've enjoyed from your daily readings in Galatians. (Don't feel obligated to comment on it.) Wow! You've gleaned a lot of gold this week to enrich you wealth partner with!
Announcements & Reminders
This coming Sunday, April 6th- Prepare for a feast of learning at our NGL Leadership Training Meeting at 11:30. So bring your Bible, pen and wealth catcher. We'll be meeting in the break room again.
Call me as soon as you can quote Eph.2:1-5. c.773-742-2694. It's due by our next NGL leadership training meeting- Sunday, April 6th at 11:30. (That date sounds strangely familiar.)
Here's our reading guide for the next couple of weeks.
30th- Gal.1
31st- Gal.2
1- Gal.3
2- Gal.4
3- Gal.5
4- Gal.6
5- Eph.1
6- Eph.2
7- Eph.3
8- Eph.4
9- Eph.5
10- Eph.6
11- Phil.1
12- Phil.2
13- Phil.3
14- Phil.4
15- Col.1
Leadership is influence. Who do you plan on inviting to any of our Easter outreaches? Way to go!
Deep thought to ponder- How much deeper would the ocean be without sponges in it?