Sunday, March 2, 2014

The Power of Example-
More is caught than taught

When I was about to graduate from Bible college, I knew that I was young and inexperienced to come to Humboldt Park and lead an inner city youth ministry. But I found comfort and challenge in 1 Timothy 4:12- "Don't let any one look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity."

God wants to use you and me to influence others toward God and godliness. For that to happen, you and I need to reflect God in our lives. So let's begin by focusing on setting a good example in our speech. Your tongue will make or break your example and leadership-influence in others lives. There are many sins of speech to guard against, but let's start with one that I've noticed has become common among some Christians- foul language. Please watch the following video-

If you have been prone to profanity, please ask God's forgiveness and help to "swear it off." As James 3:8 says, "no man can tame the tongue." But God can. Ask God to help you fulfill the following command- "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others not grieve the Holy Spirit of God..." Eph.4:29,30. May God help our tongue to be used as a powerful tool to help, not hurt others.

Of course profanity is not the only sin of speech we need to hate and have nothing to do with. Please click and read through the following article-

After reading it and watching the above video-
1. Please post your response to them here on our blog, including a verse you found on our speech.

2. State the first name of the person you have picked as your wealth partner. Then share with him/her this week some of the wealth you've been gleaning. Now you're leading-influencing!


You're all invited to my house for "sweets and sharing" Sunday, March 16th at 7:00pm- 9541 S. Oakley, Chicago. Please RSVP if you are coming by March 15th so we can plan accordingly. Thanks! You're thoughtful and responsible.

Speaking of sharing, don't forget to share some of the wealth you're learning with your wealth partner each week now. (Repetition is the mother of...)

I know you'll get a lot out of reading through 1st Corinthians. What a great book on the need for living an exemplary Christian life. The Corinthians were often such bad examples. Read a chapter a day, underlining things that strike you and putting a question mark by things you want to learn more about. Bring your Bible and wealth catcher to our March 16th get together and I'll seek to answer questions you may still have. Starting March 17th, we'll begin reading through 2nd Corinthians. The apostle Paul bears his soul in that book!


  1. While watching and taking notes on this video, it made me realize that our mouth has the power to hurt anyone. The quote that caught my attention the most was James 3:8 "the tongue is full of deadly poison" because the words that are said can kill someone from the inside which is the posion they are producing by your tongue. I learned that you have to think pure in order to control your mouth. It is able to be accomplished as the article stated "we must make our hearts right before God." If your heart is not right than all the wrong things will follow including filthy language. It is our job as Christians to speak and think pure. Not for the people but for ourselves. We need to take steps in order to succeed who we want to become.

    1. Excellent response Jasmine! Yes, it's all about our hearts, our lives being set to please and honor God. I commend you also for being the first to post.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Good evening,

    After viewing the YouTube video on "Cussing Christians" I see a huge impact the enemy is having on our society. As the millennial group, we are the generation of technology and social media. We have improved so much on technology, long distance communication at a click of a button. April 3, 1860 was the year the Pony Express, immediately captured the imagination of the nation. Riders had to be younger than 18 yrs old in order to qualify and ride the horses to deliver mail. A specialized, light-weight saddle was developed that had built-in pouches to carry the mail. It will take about a week for the mail to be delivered. Wow! Could you imagine a week to get a hold of a family member. Quickly, the time of the Pony Express only lasted for 18 months until the completion of the first telegraph to be sent to California on October 1861. Clearly technology made so much of a impact. By the 1870's the first telephone was invented,1918 wireless telephones, mid-1990's the Internet has had a revolutionary impact on culture and commerce, By this time spreading the good news of Jesus Christ was spreading not only to thousand's but million's. But we see day to day social media has it's good and bad. Lately, all you see on TV are shows about violence, drugs, gossip, profanity used in every other show. In this way, TV has become an important mass media around the world. Sadly, this resource isn't used in a way that people could get the best possible benefits from it. TV has painted a imagination of what is not real and trying to lead us more into lies to deceit. The verse that caught my eye was (Psalm 141:3-4) "Set a guard over my mouth, Lord; keep watch over the door of my lips. Do not let my heart be drawn to what is evil so that I take part in wicked deeds along with those who are evildoers; do not let me eat their delicacies". I could honestly say it has been a really long time since I said a bad word. Swearing can occur with any emotion and yield positive or negative outcomes. In today's society we see that cussing is a form of humor and verbal abuse. Originally profanity had reference to blasphemy, sacrilege or using God's name in vain. Today it includes derogatory sexual and racist expressions, as we are exposed to a lot of unhealthy radio and TV. I thank my earthly father for disciplining me with a bar of soap in my mouth whenever I talked back in disobedience or cussed. I thank the Lord for setting a lock on my mouth when the time was right. As we know society and social media are big on putting profanity out there as if we have
    grown accustomed to such language. From the music, movies, shows, Face Book, YouTube etc, it seems as if everyone is doing it and it is normal. We as Christians need to set a example to everyone and continue living godly and set us apart from the rest. We need to set the bar high so that way we could see what we need to do to improve. We can not follow the ways of the world and gratify the cravings of our flesh and follow its desires and thoughts (Ephesians 2).

    1. Thanks Eddie! Good thoughts. Glad you're on the team.

  4. Many youth are challenged daily with this battle of acceptance and identity. I was also young and wanted attention in all the wrong places. I wanted to be seen and heard. That is most of us when we are young, we want people to notice us and feel important. But in the end we get manipulated on our own trying to be someone we are not. I know I wanted to be Batman when I was just a child, I wanted to save the world and fight the bad guys. I always wanted to do good, even among the bad company and environment. Yes it was tempting but I always told myself “Was it really worth me getting in trouble”. Nobody seemed to care when I did good and noble deeds, the kid who made fifthly jokes always got attention. I never quite understood until now, the enemy is a liar and a manipulator. You are not alone, God will reward the righteous and bless them with favor as with a shield (Psalm 5:12). God loves us and accepts us of who we are, as we are created in God’s image. We don't need others acceptance, the only approval we need is God’s. I was constantly bullied in elementary and high school in regard of me not using foul language in the classroom or in a conversation. I just wasn't a big fan on hearing somebody called a profane name and laughing with the rest. (Proverbs 4:24) "Keep your mouth free of perversity; keep corrupt talk far from your lips"' I had the conviction at a early age, but I did not know the Lord and the reason why I was different than others. My mentality was being a better person and why follow when I could lead. That is when (Matthew 7:12) comes into effect "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you". Treat others as you want them to treat you, but I was still not being accepted. Kids were now thinking I was weird and crazy, but I still did not give in to the peer pressure and continued to go on, even if I didn't have that many friends or voted cool. I know I was cool and pleasing to God with the words and actions I had to go through when growing up. Building others is what I always been taught and practiced, why make people upset when you could make them happy. I love to see people laugh and smile all the time, the mood is way intriguing and uplifting. (Ephesians 4:29) "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen". That is one my favorite verses, as it speaks to me all the time when I talk to others when they are going through a unresolved conflict. The enemy knows what to do when it comes to our attitude put to the test. We have to continue being on guard with our mouths and be careful with our thoughts and heart as God knows and hears all (Luke 16:15).
    God bless!

  5. Thank you for sharing this video and post with us. The video reminds and references us back to the word of God not once but many times, how we must not allow profanity to come out our mouths. While the post reminds us it is not only our language we should watch, but be cautious of everything we say which can lead us to sin. I honestly believe this is a very important topic, that unfortunately we seem to bypass and not realize the severity of the sins. Our tongues truly is among us and to God's ear. Growing up I was never a big fan of cursing. I always wanted to remove those words from my vocabulary, not only because my parents would tell me. But because I remember when I would hear a young lady cursing how my perception of her would completely change. That's when I realized your words define you more than you think. Then I heard a saying that " An educated person is smart enough to express themselves well to capture their listener's attention without any type of profanity in their conversation". I decided from that day on to take on the battle of not allowing a single curse word come out of my mouth. And, yes battle. And a continuous one it was. But the more I grew in knowing Christ the easier it was to win the battle. Now a verse I read when I was beginning in my growth in Christ was Ephesians 4:29 "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen". I knew the choice I decided to take years ago was the right one especially since God speaks of it. So I just needed to continue working on it and not allowed myself to get easily influenced by others words and thoughts that may have also led to gossip. And now the verse that encourages me not to break that vow I have taken is Proverbs 13:3 " Those who guard their lips preserve their lives, but those who speak rashly will come to destruction."

  6. Very good Jessica. I like the quote you included- " An educated person is smart enough to express themselves well to capture their listener's attention without any type of profanity in their conversation."

  7. What great power we have. The power to influence. We have the ability to set an example and influence others by what we say and do. Indeed, we have such power in what we say and what we write and in how we act. The power of communication, expressing thoughts, ideas, dreams into words. The power to encourage or discourage, build-up or tear-down, breathe life into or set a fire to. The mind, the heart, and the tongue are such powerful instruments when unified.

    In Matthew (15:10-20), Jesus talks about what really makes a person unclean, "What goes into someone's mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them." Jesus furthers his teaching by saying, "But the things that come out of a person's mouth come from the heart, and these defile them."

    As followers of Christ, we are called to be mouthpieces, heralds, and even the hands and feet for Jesus. We are His representatives here on earth.
    I know I fail at times, but I try to do my best each day. I believe in order to walk, not in perfection, but more in Christlikeness, we must learn humility.

    I believe when we humble ourselves and get a true self-view of who we are compared to Jesus Christ, not the world, we will be less apt to point the finger, complain, gossip, talk bad, boast, because we will come to a point where we realize all that we are and all that we aren't. Knowing that we don't have it all and shouldn't act like we do, but yet thank God for the incomparable riches of his grace. So much so that he has placed us sinners in a position to minister the Gospel of Jesus and be bearers of Good News.

    The deceit and uncleanliness that can come from the mouth is sinful, but it is when we surrender and release to God that He will be able to clean and mold and shape and change. Paul wrote, “Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves” (Philippians 2:3). Jesus, being the best example of influential leadership, acted in humility all the way to the cross. I pray that we would all learn to act and live in humility. The enemy has no response to humility. Jesus defeated the enemy, overcame sin and death, and conquered the world by humility.

  8. Very good words Eddie. It's been said, "The tongue weighs very little, yet very few can hold it." I like your underscoring of humility in the process of using our tongues to reflect and serve Christ.

  9. 1. The video's music was very strange. It felt eire as I was watching it. I was waiting for a scary picture to pop up suddenly. But other than that, it was very informative. I am not one for those type videos but the content was good. There was a lot of truth in the thoughts shared by the editor. The truth is is that the tongue is extremely powerful. Once something is said it doesn't come with a receipt. Words can be forgiven but never forgotten. There are a few things that have been said to me that I haven't been able to shake off since a few years ago. It is a struggle to hear painful things but it causes me to choose my words carefully. As I am currently working with elementary school kids they have a memory better than an elephant's! AND they examine my words and phrases closely. I am always guarded on the things I say. This ties into the blog because guarding your tongue is also related to gossiping, lying, etc. Our influence needs to intentional because we can validate speech for others when we may not even know it. I heard a quote stating, "Profanity are strong words coming from a weak mind." The verse that speaks to me is Luke 6:45. It causes me to look into to my heart. It almost stops you in your tracks and makes you retrace your words to see your heart's positioning. I believe that the tongue is tamable and that through the power of the Holy Spirt, our speech can reflect God more, if not equal to, our walk.

    2. Ivan.

    1. Words can be forgiven, but not forgotten....good insight Ken. Definitely going to keep me thinking.

    2. Good Ken. I also like the quote you included, "Profanity are strong words coming from a weak mind."

  10. A verse that most speaks to me in this area is Luke 6:45 “A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.” I believe the words we choose to say are directly connected to what we believe whether it’s what we believe about God, life, people and even ourselves. Our words are a reflection of what we know and current condition of our hearts. I’m reminded to pay attention to the words I say and ask myself if they align with the truth of God’s word. Are my words edifying to others, honoring to God, are my words bringing life to others and do they point others to Christ. This scripture reminds me that I can’t bring forth good on my own but only God can store up good within me If I stay near to Him intimately and allow his word to change my heart. His word will purify my heart and my words will be full of truth.

    1. Good words Nori! That's a good sign that God is filling your heart.

  11. What a great, and grave, reminder this video and article were on the power of the tongue, and our words. Our speech is both a blessing and curse. We have gone, and will go, through our life speaking blessings, and speaking curses (intentional & non-intentional); encouraging, and discouraging; speaking truth, and speaking lies; spreading good news, and spreading gossip; talking in peace, and talking in anger……..It is a never ending battle. Our words shape destinies, and set people on paths that we may never see their destination in our lifetime.

    It is no coincidence that the Almighty God demonstrated the power of words, as He spoke creation into being.

    “Let there be…”

    God was not hostage to the tongue’s power, He defined it and gave it that power. He gifted some of that power to us, to speak life and blessing into His new Creation, and only that. Until The Fall, when another purpose was discovered.

    This power was demonstrated again by the serpent in the garden. Lies. Using the tongue to orchestrate Sin’s entrance into God’s creation.

    “Did God really say…?”

    Yes, our words too have power. A doctor from Japan by the name of Masaru Emoto did several studies on the impact negative and positive words have on things. Of special attention, was his experiment on Water. Negative and positive words/phrases were spoken to separate cups of water, or written on the containers, and then the water was subsequently frozen. When examining the frozen water through a microscopic lens, it was noted that consistently the water molecular crystals in the “Positive” specimens were beautifully, and asymmetrically formed and put together, while the “Negative” water molecular crystals were broken down and in disarray. Similar instances were seen in plants. Now, I am not putting my stamp of approval on the thinking behind Dr. Emoto’s experiments, as I am sure they are not Christian based, but it would show consistency with Scripture: “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” (Proverbs 18:21 NIV)

    But something I noticed more than anything else, and the verse I personally chosen addresses:

    Mark 7:15 “Nothing outside a person can defile them by going into them. Rather, it is what comes out of a person that defiles them.”

    Defiled. No longer are you effecting just those around you when you speak foolishly, you also Defile yourself. But lets go even deeper. Our bodies are the Temple of God, and when we let out things like this from our mouth, we have desecrated God’s temple. It hurt’s those you spoke to, it defiles you, and it shame’s & angers our God. It has no place in a Christian’s life.

    Let us truly strive to control our tongue in everything we do. Let us continue to cleanse our hearts so that when bumped, blessings overflow and splash onto others, and not curses. God has given us this ability. Let us not throw it to the side of the road but use it to bring God glory in all we say, utter, and pray. This Blog posts was convicting and inspiring!!

    Lastly, the Wealth Partner I have chosen is Germán.

  12. Excellent William!
    And your wealth partner is sure to be enriched by you.

  13. The issue of profanity is something that I have struggled with in recent years. I grew up in a Christian household, my parents becoming Christians several years prior to their marriage. Within a few years I have met several people who were Christians and whom I consider to be strong in their walk with the Lord, loving and serving Him with their whole heart, but who swore. When we would talk about it they all told me that the cursing talked about in the Bible was not what we consider to be swearing today. In their understanding words are simply words until society has dubbed them as being "profanity". I have struggled with this understanding of the Bible, especially in the light of their dedicated service to the Lord. The verse from the article that really put my struggle to rest was regarding Peter's denial of Christ (Matthew 26:73-74). When he tried to convince people he was not a follower of Christ he began to, "curse and swear". This verse really made things clear to me. As Christians we are held to a higher standard in our speech. Society generally frowns on profanity in certain scenarios, but as followers of Christ not only are we to abstain from "filthy" talk, but also lying, gossip, boasting and false teaching. I see swearing as one of those things that tends to be elevated as a "worst sin" than the other sins we can commit with our mouth. In reality, when we are using our speech to bring people down or elevate our pride we are in sin. It is only through the grace of God that we can learn to control our tongue to use it to bring glory to God. I am going to purpose to evaluate my speech to God's standard. Peter's denial of Christ is a very stark picture of how our speech can cause others to read us. As D. L. Moody once said, "Out of 100 men, one will read the Bible, the other 99 will read the Christian".
    To wrap up, my wealth partner's name is Kara.

  14. Very good Sarah! What's also interesting is the difference between cursing, which Peter did, and cussing, which people do today. Both are condemned. Christians have no excuse to say they cuss because even Peter did. Not so- he cursed. I like your D.L. Moody quote. Also, even the professional standards of secular TV news reporters bans using profanity. Oh, that Christians would at least up to such re. profanity. Keep shining brightly for Him!

  15. Now in day many are influenced by the people they associate with. If the people they associate with curse, then give into cursing. As a Christian, our mouths are precious because they are our testimony. We are supposed to be the example to worldly people, rather than falling into sin right along with them. The bible verse that stood out to me was: Matthew 12:36 " I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment". The words from our mouth hold consequence. As a Christian we know right from wrong, so on judgment day God is saying you will have to explain your sins. Also, words have a bigger meaning because the can compromise your testimony and being a child of God. In short, our mouths can get us into trouble with God. My wealth partner's name is Brenda.

  16. Thank you Lauren. What a sobering verse- Mt.12:36. So glad you shared and are on our NGL team. Brenda will be enriched too.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I believe my biggest issue growing up was lying and hiding the truth. I was raised into a family of Christians and knew how I was supposed to act, but to me the look of disappointment on my mom’s face would be worse than if I just lied from the start. That and I hit a rebellious phase and I like to put that behind me. Eventually it caused more issues for me and caused distance in my relationship with my parents. I still have to bring that to God sometimes because I catch myself with those thoughts of “She doesn’t have to know” or “I’ll just say this” and I have to catch myself. Open communication and God’s grace is what saved my relationship and the devil is not going to destroy it. When we were kids my family would have us do devotions in the chapter of Proverbs. We would read a chapter a day for every day of that month and then start over the next. For my verse on the tongue I like proverbs 16:23 a wise man’s heart guides his mouth, and his lips promote instruction. Everything in the article when talking about how to tame your tongue states simply that it starts with the heart. I had it highlighted from my family devotions and I think it’s great for what we were discussing. For my wealth partner I have chosen my friend Andie and a few other people.

    1. Thanks Courtney for your transparency. And what a good verse. May the Lord continue to fill and flow through you.

    2. Courtney, thanks for sharing this! I was going to say something along these lines in my post as well but forgot in the end. Lying has been a struggle for me as well and you really hit the target when you talked about disappointing your mom. SO TRUE! It's sad how we can rationalize our sin, but praise God for His Spirit in us who convicts until we repent! Just wanted to encourage you and let you know you are not alone. Thanks for sharing!

    3. Thank you Sarah! Sometimes it seems like those who are brought up into christian homes get attacked the most. I am glad I am not the only one who dealt with this struggle and had the same convictions. You are right! We are not alone. Thank you for the encouragement.

  19. 1. As I was watching the video I was reminded of the song by JJ Weeks Band. It is called "Let Them See You". There is a line in the song that goes like "let them see you in me, let them hear you when I speak." I like this part of the song a lot because it is what we should all be striving for. If we call ourselves Christians then others should know we are Christians not just because we say we are but because we are different. We should be projecting the holy spirit when we talk. I believe that Christians should not swear because it makes us look like a hypocrites.
    The verse that stood out to me was Proverbs 13:3 "He who guards his mouth preserves his life, but he who opens wide his lips shall have destruction." God blessed us with the gift of speech, but he also has warned us not to use this gift for evil. He will bless those who watch what they say and for those who are using this gift for profanity shall be doomed to destruction.
    2. Grace

    1. Thanks Araceli! Yes, may our speech reflect our Savior. Great verse as well.
      Grace will be graced by your godly influence.

  20. A verse that speaks to me is Matthew 12:36-37 "But I tell you that everyone will have to give account on the day of judgment for every empty word they have spoken. For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned.” It's scary to think about that. I often ask myself "Were the words I just said honored God?" What we say is a relection of what is in our hearts. I’m reminded to pay attention to the words I say and ask myself if they are the truth of God’s word. Our conversations with one another are to be fruitul and full of life. This scripture tells me to be very cautious with my words. It reminds me that God is a God who sees and hears and knows everything I say. I agree with Eddie. This is a common issue that is among our youth. They have that peer pressure and temptation to mimic everything they hear just to seem like they're apart of what is going on. Your body, including your mouth (your words), are God's. I don't swear because it's not in me. It's not who I am..That's my point of view. Loves the video!

    1. Good words on our words Genesis! Glad you're now able to join with us. It's going to be a great year together.

  21. Wow! Amazing thoughts and testimony's everywhere on this blog. Thank you Brother Dave for sharing your thoughts and responding to all of our post's. That alone is a great task, I just had to give credit where is due on my part. So glad to be part of a remarkable team of N.G.L ! My wealth partner is Robert R.

    1. I'm blessed too by the good things shared. This is a great group! Thanks Eddie.

  22. Growing up I was introduced to curse word since I was five years old. Before being saved, I would swear and not even realizing it. Now it disgust me how easy swear words used to roll off my tongue. Now understand that the only words that should come out of our mouths, are ones that speak life and that god himself would be proud of. The verse that really speaks to me is Matthew 15:11 "What goes into someone's mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them." This verse is forever true. When someone is seen cursing, the people around him will see him as uneducated an ignorant, and we as christians are neither.

    1. Yes Lucas, at age 8 I learned to cuss with the kids playing baseball, but I knew I shouldn't say such words at home. My foul mouth also continued until God saved me and gave me a new heart. I looked up your verse and was also struck by v.8- "These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me." O Lord, that I might honor You with all my heart!

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Wow, both the video and the article were very thought provoking and convicting in many ways. To be honest, I felt a need to make a resolution to watch my tongue even more after watching and reading them. For some reason, this also brought to mind Proverbs 17:28 "Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps silent, and discerning if he holds his tongue".

    My wealth partner's name is Augustine.

    1. Good words and a good verse Alex! Sounds like you've got a good brother for a wealth partner. Pass on the wealth to him.

  25. This beginning verse that you used (1 Tim. 4:12) to have this topic of discussion always moved me to be an example in the area of my speech. Especially, since I came from a home where my grandmother and mother used foul language regularly and normally. There were times that people would hear my mother and grandmother speak foul language and find it amusing, which led me to follow this similar example. However, after the Lord saved me and showed me His grace he quickly revealed to me that my tongue needed to change. Which I called out and asked for His Divine Help because I felt I couldn't stop swearing and by God's grace He has cleaned up my speech (PTL!). After this I did have less words in my vocabulary as Pastor Mark says:). However, the Lord helped me learn new words to Praise Him for His love, grace, mercy and goodness since he revealed Himself and gave me salvation (Titus 2:11-14).

    Even though the Lord has cleaned up my speech the deeper and harder heart issues truly do come from within a persons heart (Luke 6:45). Especially, since the Lord and yourself only know what one is thinking and eventually overflow and come out. Having a daughter (almost two) that is learning to speak and working with adolescents at Lydia Home Association that look up to me make me strive to make sure that I show them a good example of living for Christ with my lifestyle and words. If not I know that my daughter will reflect my speech and how I control my tongue, which is why I need to keep dying to myself (Luke 9:23) and getting rid of: "anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips" (Colossians 3:8, Eph. 4:31).

    In all these things I know that every single day I need the Lord's help and grace to help me think of things that please him, so my life can be a sweet aroma before His presence and those that maybe saved (2 Cor. 2:15) on account of our life and speech.

    1. How the Lord has marvelously transformed us Jose. My BC vocabulary was also quite limited. Your life gives off such a peaceful "aroma" of His presence.

  26. After watching this video and reading it, picture came to mind "my life" before Christ was in it. Growing up I had the mouth full of lies and a mouth of truck driver never really thinking what it can do to others mentally, emotionally, spiritually and maybe even physically. in fact I didn't care if I offended anyone. I was so prone on automatically doing it never realizing the consequences it would have on me and the affects it would on others. Now being saved, living in Christ I can only praise and thank God for the mouth He has given me to do and use. Definitely thankful because in this area God has given me strength to overcom and not do where on of verses helped me a lot was Proverbs 12:18 The words of the reckless pierce like swords but the tongue of the wise brings healing. Other in Ephesians 4:29 Let no unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. Ahhh children of light. That is who we should be, that this tongue is tool that has the power to build up, motivate, encourage,teach, empower... all through Jesus Christ and for His Glory.

  27. Yes indeed Ismael- all through Jesus Christ and for His Glory. So glad for how God has marvelously transformed you as well. I always enjoy talking with you. Your words are edifying.

  28. God's been putting some conviction on my heart for my words lately. Not only have I not been speaking words of life to others but I've been slipping up and using profanity in fits of frustration. The article also reminded me how I used to be blasphemous and really had a complete disregard for my speech before I really devoted my life to God. I was someone who probably pulled people away from God and planted seeds of doubt left and right in people's minds in my speech. On another note, the verse that really speaks to me on controlling my speech would have to be the one my mother constantly recites to me whenever my tongue gets out of control. That would be Ephesians 4:29 (as previously mentioned) especially the end of the verse that states, "that it(your speech) may give grace to those who hear" (ESV). Lately, I've been pouncing on opportunities to speak encouragement into others lives and share anything I can about God. Here's to building others up and not breaking them down because after all we are all children of God! (Takes a swish of bottled water :P)
    P.S. the name of my wealth partner is Olathe (O-lay-tha) and although she is a young woman I look forward to having vivid discussions with her because she is very knowledgeable about God and has experienced quite a bit despite her being my age.

    1. Thanks for your honesty Nick. God is at work in and through. See you Sunday at 3:00.

  29. The video and article had a hand full of wise insight and I think that it has given me more evidence as to why profanity is a sin and ungodly.
    1. Matt. 12:36, "But I tell you that everyone will have to give account on the day of judgment for every empty word they have spoken", stood out to me the most in this topic of profanity. To start off, this really installed the "fear of the Lord" in me. It is a scary thought for those who do not know God personally because one day they will stand before God face to face and witness all of the wickedness that came out of their mouths. God records everything and does not forget the sins of those who are not cautious of what comes out of their mouths. So, definitely, the next time I even consider using profanity, I will remember that God is ready to mark down anything empty that I say. "But because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy"(Eph. 2:4) clears all of our profanity if we choose to follow Him. Profanity is definitely an issue that is happening in every culture and in every corner of the earth, and, from what I took from the video and article, profanity can be eliminated only by a Godly speech and diction.
    2. My Wealth Partner's name is Adib Mahmud. He is my very close friend and brother in Christ, and he is as hungry for the Word as I am!

  30. Well said Ivan. I like how you related it to the fear of the Lord.
    So glad you have such a hungry wealth partner. I included the link below this video and all the previous ones so you can pass on such to him and others if you wish. See you Sunday at 3:00.

  31. 1. The tongue is an area that God continues to stretch me in. Not only in holding it (when upset, gossipy or too wise), but in using it for building up, encouragement, wisdom or to share the gospel.

    James 3:5-6
    . . . the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. 6 The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one’s life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.

    God continually reminds me that the tongue is to be used to glorify Him. This verse is a reminder to use my tongue wisely or there are consequences that follow. Keeping in mind the fear of God, He provides instructions on how to speak and if we don't obey, there are negative impacts on others and ourselves.

    I like the analogy to fire since a fire can be viewed as good and bad. Good aspects of a fire are that fires keeps us warm (physically), motivated (mentally), grows rapidly, etc, but the negative impacts of a fire are destruction if not used wisely. Are words can be used the same way - for good or for bad.

    So my prayer continually is: Lord, keep me on fire for you. Guard my heart and thoughts, make them a reflection of you. Use me Lord to speak your truth, your love, your mercy, your forgiveness. I want to honor you with my speech God. Help me to turn my words into blessings not curses. Help me to motivate others to do the same.
    Specifically, give me courage to step out in faith and speak your truth to others and may the people you put in my path be open to receive your good word. To God be the Glory!

    2. I have multiple wealth partners since I could not choose one (and because I tend to share alot - I'm an open book:)). They are: Shigeta (work), Cesilia (friend) and Orlando (husband).

    1. Very good Christina! And so glad you have more than one wealth partner.

  32. This topic is very huge for me. I grew up in a household that thrived off of verbal abuse. There was a lot of anger and a lot of emotions, whatever was going on that day would let loose through the mouth. Unknowingly we were taught that if something upset you or angered you that it was okay to yell or say hurtful things. Everything was so emotionally unstable that the outlet of our words and actions was a false remedy that we thought made the situation better. (Or made us feel better). Growing up with this was all we knew, they say you apply what you learn. Growing older and getting into relationships I applied what I learned. I found out the hard way that this way of living creates death. I was involved in a relationship where I continually verbally abused her. The relationship did not end well, she was not okay, I was not okay. I was hurting somebody I truly loved; but it was because I didn’t know how to tame my tongue I wasn’t seeking help to fix my messed up view. She was hurting and in pain because of me, it was a very rough time in my life. Immediately after that relationship ended the Lord spoke to me very clearly. He said that was his daughter, and it was like an old picture show in my mind replaying the things I said to her when I was angry how I treated her with my words. I was broken and so very sorry for what I did. I immediately went to see her to apologize for the way I treated her. But a thirty second apology against four years of abuse what could really be done? I wish I didn’t have to learn this lesson this way. I began to ask the Lord to change me to fix and heal all the things in my life that made me react this way. A verse that has always stuck out to me is Proverbs 18: 21 The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit. I have learned that there is power in your words. That you can truly destroy somebody or build someone up. This is a song that I really love called “ Words” by Hawk Nelson.

    They've made me feel like a prisoner
    They've made me feel set free
    They've made me feel like a criminal
    Made me feel like a king
    They've lifted my heart to places I've never been
    They've dragged me down back to where I began

    Words can build you up
    Words can break you down
    Start a fire in your heart
    Or put it out

    Let my words be life
    Let my words be truth
    I don't want to say a word
    Unless it points the world back to You

    You can heal the heartache
    Speak over the fear
    God, your voice is the only thing we need to hear

    Words can build us up
    Words can break us down
    Start a fire in our hearts
    Or put it out

    Let my words be life
    Let my words be truth
    I don't want to say a word
    Unless it points the world back to You
    Let the words I say
    Be the sound of Your grace
    I don't want to say a word
    Unless it points the world back to You

    I want to speak Your love
    Not just another noise
    I want to be Your life
    I want to be Your voice

    Today’s a new day that I’m thanking God for! Today I choose life, to speak it, to live it, to embrace it. I can’t go back and fix all the wrong I’ve done. Nor will I sit here and dwell on it, but I choose to go forward and covered with his mercy and grace make a life statement in people instead of death.

    1. Such excellent lyrics. Thanks for your honesty as well Jesse. Very good!

    2. Sorry forgot to say, James is my wealth partner

  33. This teaching about our words rings deep and true. I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone disagree with the saying that ‘no man can tame the tongue’. It’s rare that a Bible teaching is so widely accepted but our experience backs it up.
    Like some of the other people who have posted ahead of me I have been deeply challenged by Matt 12:36 where Jesus says that we will give an account for every word we speak. That impressed me, and convicted me, early on in my Christian life. I think of all the words I have ever spoken. Although I don’t think I’m a huge talker I’m sure my full life of words would probably fill a library. And the Lord will examine each and every one of those words, not only the content but the motive, and give a judgment. Now that helps to put the fear of the Lord in me.
    I have struggled with many sins of the tongue, including those listed on the article. I have found that Matt 12:34 is so clear also, ‘Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.’ When my heart is right my words will be right. When my heart is wrong my words will be wrong. I can cover it up for a while, like spraying perfume on a full garbage can, but it doesn’t really go away unless I repent of the thougts/desires/sins that are leading to wrong words.
    By God’s grace I have seen victory but it takes constant effort to ‘keep the tongue in check’. And yes, truly only the Lord can tame the tongue. It is a spiritual battle. The Soul and the Tongue have some invisible connection. Thanks for a great emphasis in an area that we use virtually all the time every day!
    My ‘wealth catcher’ is brother Jesse Contreras who leads one of the Men’s Groups.
    (PS--having trouble posting and this might be listed as Rachel Berry but this is Pastor Mike Berry)

  34. I see your name Mike and so glad to have your good thoughts and leadership with us. Out of the abundance of the heart, inner being, the mouth speaks. How great it will be to one day be freed of the fallen nature- that manufacturing plant of worthless and unworthy thoughts, words and deeds. My wealth partners are Roger and Celso Cadena.

  35. Isaiah 6:1-2 In the year that King Uzziah died I saw the Lord sitting on the throne, high and lifted up and the train of His robe filled the temple. (2) Above it stood seraphim… (3)And one cried to another and said: Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory! (5) So I said: Woe is me, for I am undone! Because I am a man of unclean lips; And I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; For my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of Hosts.

    Growing at times was very difficult. My dad had a very bad temper and in his anger and rage, he swore and made you feel worthless. It was very easy for me as a teenager to follow in his footsteps, so needless to say, I had a major potty mouth.

    What made a difference in my speech was entering into the presence of a Holy God, and Isaiah said it so well, Woe is me, for I am undone… for my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of Hosts.

    I loved the video & reading , my favorite verses are from Matt 12:36-37 But I say to you that every idle word men may speak, they will give an account of it in the day of judgment. For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned. Wow, how sobering is God’s word. These verses always keep me in check when I forget whose presence I am in.

    1. Wow Bea, very good! Thank you for sharing. Oh that I not forget whose presence I am in!

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Wow. I can't believe how strong the tongue is.“Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life” (Proverbs 4:23) After I read this article on Monday, I used this proverb when I heard my students talk negatively about someone else. I also became more aware of the things I was saying to other colleagues about the school. As a teacher, I often forget that what I say and how I say things can have an eternal impact on some of my students. I love that God tells us how to go about controlling what we say because He knows us better than we know ourselves. I kept meditating on Phiippians 4:8 all week as a reminder that through Christ, I can speak life and encouragement into the lives of others. How cool is that!

  38. Excellent Lynn! May the Lord continue to fill and flow through you. As a teacher you certainly need it. Glad you are part of the NGL team.

  39. Psalm 141:3 and Proverbs 13:3 both speak to me the most from the video.
    From personal evaluation I noticed that I pick up the profanity habit from others after being around them for long periods of time. Psalm 141:3 is definitely a verse I will be praying from now on. So that my words speak only life into others because as Proverbs 13:3 states, " He who guards his mouth preserves his life, but he who opens wide his lips shall have destruction." Not just destruction in our own lives but we influence those around us. In the same way as my friends have influenced me unconsciously to swear, by using the same language I could be setting the wrong example for someone else who might do the same to another. Our way of speaking definitely has a large impact on those around us. In the time that I have been attending New Life I have seen a dramatic change in my attitude towards profanity. Because I hardly ever hear it from those around me, when I do hear profanity I literally cringe. And if profanity makes me cringe I cannot imagine how God feels seeing his children using that language. I just pray that everyone at New Life would be an influence in their family and friends the way they have been for me in this area.

    1. Thanks for your honesty Socorro. So glad for how God has worked and is working in your life. You illustrate well how our example influences others.
