Sunday, March 23, 2014

Be A Trader, Not a Traitor

The apostle Paul was a tremendous trader. What's that? 
Please click the following link to watch a minimovie on being a trader.

The apostle Paul is such a great example to us of a radical trader. It's been good getting to know him better by reading his revealing letters of 1 & 2 Corinthians. He was so motivated to lead/influence others to Christ and Christlike living. He suffered greatly, but still remained greatly motivated to reach and teach others. The devil hates such traders and "loves" to stop them from continuing to glorify God in rescuing and serving others. The enemy certainly wants to stop you from being a trader (leader-influencer) for God's kingdom. So let's discover from the life of the apostle Paul what kept him going as a trader. From your reading through 2 Corinthians so far, blog about the following:

1. Share one or more things (principles) you discovered that motivated the apostle Paul in his ongoing service to others. Write out the verse you chose to comment on within your sharing.

2. Speaking of traders, click the following link and read a classic story, called "My Heart, Christ'Home." 
Now share one thing you like about what you read. (You might want to share this great story with your wealth partner. Your call.)

Announcements / Reminders

Prepare for a feast! Starting Sunday, March 30th, we will begin reading through Galatians a chapter a day. Then on April 5th, we will begin reading through Ephesians. On April 11th, we will begin reading through Philippians. On On April 15th, we will begin reading through Colossians. On April 19th, we will begin reading through 1 Thessalonians. On April 24th, we will begin reading through 2 Thessalonians. And on April 27th, we will begin reading through 1 Timothy. That's 7 power packed books in about a month, just by reading one chapter a day. I suggest you use a book mark and perhaps print out this guide as a reminder.

23rd-  2 Cor.7
24th-  2 Cor.8
25th-  2 Cor.9
26th-  2 Cor.10
27th-  2 Cor.11
28th-  2 cor.12
29th-  2 Cor.13
30th-  Gal.1
31st-  Gal.2

1-   Gal.3
2-   Gal.4
3-   Gal.5
4-   Gal.6
5-   Eph.1
6-   Eph.2
7-   Eph.3
8-   Eph.4
9-   Eph.5
10- Eph.6

You get the idea.

Leadership is influence. Who do you plan on  inviting to any of our Easter outreaches?  You'll be glad you did.

Call me as soon as you can quote Eph.2:1-5. c.773-742-2694. It's due by our next NGL leadership training meeting- Sunday, April 6th at 11:30. 

Here's an insight from my readings in the  book of Daniel- "...Daniel had a dream, and visions passed through his mind as he was lying on his bed. He wrote down the substance of his dream." Dan.7:1. Sounds like Daniel had a wealth catcher by his bed. How very wise Daniel was. He knew he needed to capture important truths before they faded from  his memory. How wise you are to use your wealth catcher too. Use it to also preserve good stuff from what you're reading. Right now I'm reading a book about anti-gravity. Wow, I just can't put it down! :)

A christian who lives out of state has asked me to help him on editing a few of his writing projects as they have come up. I've been happy to do this for free. A few weeks ago, he asked me for help again. I have since emailed him, called a couple times and even texted him. (Yes, I've joined the 21st century.) But I hadn't heard back from him. Today, I called again. He finally answered this time. Guess what he said as to why he hadn't returned my calls to help him? "I'm sorry, I've been busy." Ugh! It's been said that an excuse is a hallow reason stuffed with a lie. Promise me that you will never degrade yourself and insult others by ever saying, "Sorry, I've been busy." So are other people. He should have said, "I'm so sorry, I've been very irresponsible. Would you please forgive me?" This is how you restore your credibility with people. Rather than producing excuses, we should produce results. That's what our employers want too. And that's how we increase our influence at work and in the lives of others. 

So now please write out the following two quotes in your wealth catcher- "I will return calls or emails requesting my response within 24 hours." "I will never excuse poor performance with cheap excuses, such as I was too busy." 

Let's make our lives (anastrophe) attractive, not repulsive.  


Don't let any one look down on  you because you are young, but set an example...2 Tim.4:12


  1. 1 Corinthians 9 (19:23)
    “Though I am free and belong to no one, I have made myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible. To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jews. To those under the law I became like one under the law (though I myself am not under the law), so as to win those under the law. To those not having the law I became like one not having the law (though I am not free from God’s law but am under Christ’s law), so as to win those not having the law. To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some. I do all this for the sake of the gospel that I may share in its blessings.”
    1. There are a lot of things that motivated the apostle Paul in his ongoing service to others. But the strongest that I believe is the one I just quoted. Why? Because when he says “I have made myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible” shows how dedicated he is towards his preaching and goal. He is determined to save as many people as he can. Therefore, he has motivation towards his goal which is being able to save anyone not caring who they are and what they are under. He has also converted himself to their level so they are able to see that anyone is capable of being saved. Like he mentioned “To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some” He has a plan, and he knows where he is going with it. His strongest motivations are his faith and hope because he needs a lot of faith in order to have motivation and continue to seek his goal. Without hope he has no dreams and without dreams he won’t seek his goal.

    2. After reading the article I am speechless. It made me think about everyone in this world who shuts the door at God without ever realizing what we have done. He is always with us and watches everything we say and do, which is embarrassing for a lot of us. Therefore, we have to remember who we are and who our father is so we could brawl all of these temptations. Once you accept Christ is your life, it is an amazing feeling. The line that blew off my mind was on the first paragraph “He came into the darkness of my heart and turned on the light” because that’s exactly what happened to me once I accepted God into my life. He has the control to heal you and protect you; he is our best friend and father. We have to let go of those who cause us to sin and let God handle our life and friends because he will bring the right people to us soon. Trusting God and having faith is the key to happiness.

    1. Thanks Jasmine! Very good thoughts. God bless you!

  2. Good evening,
    Upon viewing the video of "Being a Trader" I was reminded on the countless conversations of people I came across with during my lifetime. Mainly the past 3 years of being a Christian. I was being told why do you work so much? You should go here and there and spend spend spend money! Relax and take a vacation, you really need it! The sooooooooo called friends soon then became traitors and distant themselves away from me, all because I didn't want to go to those worldly places (not McDonald's) I felt lonely, but wait that is exactly what the enemy wanted! Loneliness, depression and trying to lower my self esteem. My oh my, better luck next time because none of that happened. (Thank you Jesus). I did not want or crave those desires, in the start I did and then I noticed the consequences and then I said " No thank you". I was told your young and you should live life (Y.O.L.O) I believe in heaven and I'm not going to throw that away by abusing grace and mercy our Heavenly Father has given us. I'm going to keep on moving forward and create job opportunities for others and share the wealth. I see my line of work as worship to God because not only do I attend peoples needs but evangelize the word of God and bring people to Christ everyday. Growing up many said, with your connections in business and music you could make alot of money doing what you love and live a good life? Really? I always saw fame and fortune the root to all evil. Everything is accessible and well honestly that will be boring. I want to able to work hard and sacrifice in everything that I do so I could appreciate and cherish the opportunity more than just given. I knew deep deep in my heart all that was going to do was corrupt my state of mind and lifestyle and end up being a person I wouldn't recognize anymore even if I had mirror in front of me. I could of become a monster and not even confront it and say to myself everything is OK. I would've been a deceiver, liar and a manipulator. I know there was something greater than my will power and saying no to peer pressure, drugs and a lavish lifestyle. That's when I came to know Christ and finally understand that God was there since the beginning, I just wasn't introduced to God the right way. I am the first Christian in my family, through time and prayer I know my family will soon attend church with me alongside hand in hand, but for know I have to continue being a trader and utilize God's gifts and blessing's to my full potential. Life is far better than trying to prove others you have done good, it is about Jesus Christ and being a representative for the kingdom. Thanks for the video Brother Dave, I know for sure I will show others and pass it on. As for the story, Wow! Just amazing, another thing to share. I was in tears reading the story, throughout the message it is all clear. Christ has the title to my house and is invited without invitation everywhere I go. As a Christian we must be a example to all and be on guard no matter what.We all had that little dark closet with things that nobody should find out but with the grace of God, allowing the feelings of my parents separation fade and channel in a positive way. That little closet (dusty inside) was opened when I went to a men's retreat last year. That is where I found my wealth partner who still today mentors me. One thing I learned is the power of true forgiveness. Forgiveness was openly expressed and introduced in my family and is practiced daily.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. 1. Here is a resource from Liberty University that served me well to analyze 2 Corinthians.

    Under "Weakness and Adversary" it explains how in chapter 11 and 12 explains the benefit of the struggle of a leader and how the transparency can serve to help guide others. I know that in my leadership roles I share my struggles and frustrations with my assistant to bring to light the realness of my humanity and the safety it is to not know how to do something and seeking help in others. I always want to dismantle the idea that I have everything perfect and that leaders are perfect, so I take this teaching section from Liberty's study to heart.

    2. The story of Jesus in the home was great. It was very real and emotional. I rather hear of the struggle of Christian living than hearing of someone that has it altogether. The imagery was well painted. They scene that kept repeating in my head was when the man was leaving his house in a rush and saw Jesus sitting at their meeting place, alone. Heart - wrencher.

    1. I was referring to chapters 11 and 12 as a whole so I didn't write it out.

    2. Good Ken. Glad to see how you dug and found such a good article on leadership principles. Yes, lead with a limp.

  6. In 2 Corinthians chapter 7 Paul explains his joy for the conviction his letter caused in the hearts of the Corinthians. In verse 9 Paul says “I now rejoice, not that you were made sorrowful, but that you were made sorrowful to the point of repentance; for you were made sorrowful according to the will of God, so that you might not suffer loss in anything through us.” This motivated him in his services to others because he saw the effective outcome to the way he addressed them. His letter was enough to make them aware of their need for repentance without being offensive.
    When we try to speak to others about habits that do not align with the word of God we worry about coming off offensive, which is what I think would have been a concern Paul had. But by seeing the outcome, he was pleased to see that God had placed in him the wisdom to address the Corinthians the proper way.
    This is motivating to me because it shows that even if we are unsure of what to say or do, God will work through us just as he did in the story “My Heart: Christ’s Home.” When they are in the workroom, the man tells Jesus he wants to do more but doesn’t have the skill to. Jesus takes his hands in his own and does the work through him. The man then states, “The more I relaxed and trusted Him, the more he was able to do with my life.” 2 Corinthians chapter 7 and the scene in the workroom are both motivational and powerful examples that show what we can accomplish when we let God teach us and when we do things to serve him.

    1. I'm smiling from reading your good words Socorro! Good insights!


  7. After 1st Corinthians, Paul's second letter to the believers in Corinth, matters actually got worse. So much so that Paul had to make a visit. However, the Corinthians had several concerns once they met Paul. They believed that the way he wrote and how he spoke were really different. They thought that Paul spoke strongly in his letters, but has they spoke to him and saw him, the Corinthians felt that their expectations where too high. The Corinthians seemed to have issues with trusting Paul as their teacher. We even see evidence that Paul was asked for letters of recommendation to be ministering, which Paul had none. Most teachers of those days did have some sort of recommendation showing status and qualifications. Lastly, the Corinthians brought up the issue that Paul wasn't accepting any money for his services. It was custom for a free Greek man to working, but not with their hands, in other words no manual labor. However, most teachers would go around teaching from place to place charging some sort of fee for their services, but Paul wasn't doing this. The Corinthians then wondered if Paul wasn't charging anything for his teachings, did he really have anything worth saying.

    Paul responds to all these concerns and defends his ministry for the bulk of the 2nd Corinthians. I love how Paul responds to the sufficiency of his ministry.

    2 Corinthians 3: 1-3

    Are we beginning to commend ourselves again? Or do we need, like some people, letters of recommendation to you or from you? 2 You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everyone. 3 You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.

    Paul was saying that unlike others who have come to teach, he does not need a letter of recommendation. Why? Because of the works in Corinth, the conversions of the Corinthians should qualify him enough. Paul's letter of recommendation has not come from man, but from Christ, who appointed Paul a minister of the Gospel, by His unfailing love and grace. However, I think the most interesting thing about this is that, all of our letters of recommendation, including Paul's, to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all, is the Holy Spirit. That is our seal of approval, our letter of recommendation. And since it came from Christ, that is enough and sufficient. "He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant..." (3:6)

    1. Yes, Eddie, he has made us competent through the Spirit of Christ. Trust you enjoyed the story from My Heart Christ's Home. It's a classic and worth passing along.

    2. Good word Brother! That was almost the passage I chose too, good analysis!

  8. Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. (2 Corinthians 4:16, 17 NIV)

    In this verse I notice one motivation on Paul's ongoing service to others. The eternal "hope" there is in Christ.
    I notice this passion behind his words, his desperate need of helping them understand that although they were outwardly wasting away, inwardly they were being made knew and strong through Christ. If they understood their momentary troubles on this earth would be outweighed by an eternal glory awaiting them they would live differently. If they grasped that truth, It meant they could live with power and truly walk by faith. It meant they would live every day of their lives with eternity in mind and live fearlessly on earth. The Hope found in Christ would strengthen anyone, would bring peace, trust in God and a joy to persevere through suffering.

    2. Don't quite have words I can share on how that article has greatly ministered to my heart. Thank you for sharing it Dave. What a beautiful picture of The Lord, pursuing us with every turn but yet waits for us to turn our eyes to his direction and his desire to show us His ways are best and most fulfilling.

    1. Very good Nori. You ministered to me with the verse you picked. Thanks!

    2. "If they understood their momentary troubles on this earth would be outweighed by an eternal glory awaiting them they would live differently." - Great word, Nori. Eternal Perspective!

  9. 2 Corinthians 1:12
    "Now this is our boast: Our conscience testifies that we have conducted ourselves in the world, and especially in our relations with you, with integrity and godly sincerity". Essentially Paul is trying to say that we have a certain behavior to show to the world. Sometimes it's hard being like Paul and being a trader. However, it's the risk we must take for the glory of God. Our relationship with Jesus Christ should be sincere. Why we even follow him should be our own doing. The traders are the ones who turn you away from God. The ones who discourage you, and try to degrade your belief. Those truly are the traders who seek the worst, rather than the best in your life.
    PS: I shared the video with my wealth catcher.

    1. Glad you passed on the video Lauren. Way to go. O to be a trader for God and never a traitor. Did you like the story- My Heart Christ's Home?

  10. 2 Corinthians 5:17-20, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.[b] The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. 18 All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation; 19 that is, in Christ God was reconciling[c] the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation. 20 Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.

    Paul became a new creation thanks to Christ and he said goodbye to his sinful past because the new life begun because of God (v17). He came to realize that he was reconciled to God by Christ, and then was given the responsibility and duty to reconcile others (v 18-19). Pauls confidence and identity was represented in the fact that he was representing Christ by being an ambassador of the Lord Jesus Christ (v 20).

    I love this section because the Apostle Paul understood the depth and truth of what happened to Him spiritually. In addition, he seriously took the responsibility of taking this Gospel and trying to reconcile those the Lord wanted him too. In the end He didn’t care what others thought about him and he was willing to go through whatever hardship he faced for the Gospel (2 Corinthinans 11: 16-33), in order to fulfill the work that was given him (2 Timothy 4:6-8).

    By God’s grace I know that the Lord has done the same in reconciling me to himself. Therefore, I pray and hope to seriously take the ministry of reconciling others to Christ and not just worry about me, myself and I. Especially, since the Apostle Paul cared and longed for others to be reconciled to Christ. This was so evident that he was willing to give up his salvation and be cut off from Christ in order to see his own people (Israelites) reconciled to Christ (Romans 9:2-4).

    1. Yes indeed Jose. What a compassionate drive Paul had to help people be reconciled to the Savior. So appreciate your willingness to even move to a tough part of Mexico to reach lost people.

    2. Amen Jose! To be willing to give up your salvation for another.....hard to comprehend, as it goes directly against our Sinful nature. Wow

  11. 2 Corinthians 5:20
    "We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ's behalf: Be reconciled to God."

    1. I think that having the honor of being one of Christ's ambassadors must have been a big motivating factor for Paul. It is a very serious responsibility. In addition earlier in verse 14, he said that Christ's love motivates them.

    2.One thing I like from that reading is that it shows how God loves us and wants to help us clean up our life. I liked how it demonstrated that when we ask for help, God becomes filled with joy at our plea for help, and He doesn't look at us as if we are dirty annoyances. I just think that is a very important thing to know about God.

    1. Very good Alex! To the point well on both topics. Good.

  12. 2 Corinthians 4:6 "Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day."

    1. Paul lived such a different life that I can't even imagine the persecution he went through. He had such courage. He never gave up! Even though he was tortured and put in jail, he never lost hope. He made a message out of he mess because he knew the price is bigger than is seen here on earth. Paul persevered and surpassed many hardships. He reminds us that our outward bodies are nothing compared to the constant polishing our spirit is going through. I'm so encouraged by Paul's words in 1 Corinthians and 2 Corinthians.

    2. I loved the way the article tells us Christ's place in our lives. He makes such a clear picture of His role. I was reminded of the things in my "closet" and how sometimes doubt creeps in. By spending time in the living room with Christ, I'm quickly reminded to give back my key and titles of everything to Him because without Him I'm miserable. He gives the joy no one will be ever to give you and the best thing is that it's free!

    1. Very good Lynn! I especially liked your phrase how Paul made a message out of the mess he was in. Glad you liked the article as well.

  13. Paul is motived in his ongoing service to others because of his great love for God and his people, the church. From the beginning of 2 Corinthians Paul says, “If we are distressed it is for your comfort and salvation; if we are comforted it is for your comfort which produces in you patient endurance of the same sufferings we suffer.” (1:6) And where does this tenacious love come from? (4:14-15) “because we know that the one who raised the Lord Jesus from the dead will also raise us with Jesus and present us with you to himself. All this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is teaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God.” I would like to quote the entire chapter, but you have all read it so I will refrain from doing so. Paul is also motivated to continue his ministry despite persecution because he believes he was made for this mission (5:5) “Now the one who has fashioned us for this very purpose is God, who has given us the Spirit as a deposit guaranteeing what is to come”. Outside of our readings of Corinthians, but going along with our characteristic of God’s glory, I remember this verse from a children’s musical I was a part of when I was in third grade. It is from Colossians 1:7 “To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.” I think this verse really sums up what motivated Paul as a trader. I will include the song lyrics of this verse which are so simple but which also truly sum up what it means to be a Trader:
    You are my hope of glory
    Living inside my life
    You are the One that I turn to
    In a time of joy in a time of strife
    Leading me through the valley
    My shepherd and my guide
    You are my hope of glory,
    Living inside my life
    And I want you to lead me, because I don’t lead so good
    And I want you to help me, to live my life just like I should
    You are my hope of glory
    Living inside my life
    You are the One that I turn to
    In a time of joy in a time of strife
    Leading me through the valley
    My shepherd and my guide
    You are my hope of glory,
    Living inside my life

    I also feel that this sums up the story as well. I love that story. I have heard it before, in fact my wealth partner and I heard a children’s version of the story taught at Awana once. May God continue to grow my belief and likewise to help my unbelief so that I may become a Trader for Christ.

    1. Thanks Sarah! what good words and lyrics re. Christ in us- our hope (confidence) of glory!

    If I could meet anyone from the Bible, other than Jesus, it would be the Apostle Paul. We read so much of his passion and persistence in books like 2Corinthians. He loves these people and knows that they need more of God so he is pushing them toward a deeper commitment. Chapter 4 & 5 are strong on eternal perspective and judgment, two themes that people often don’t want to discuss. I love 5:9-10, “So we make it our goal to please him, whether we are at home in the body or away from it. For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.” The reality of eternity and judgment motivated Paul to go all out in service to God.
    “My Heart Christ’s Home” is a great little story. Kind of like the classic book “Pilgrims’ Progress”. Goes along with the picture given by Jesus in Rev 3:20 where He told a church, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock…”
    It makes the point that following Christ should affect our whole life and every part of our being. Faith is not a separate box that we carry around. The Lord wants to be inside, involved, and in control of every area. James 4:5 says, “Or do you think it’s without reason the Scripture says that the Spirit He has caused to live in us yearns jealously?” I believe this is referring to the Holy Spirit being ‘jealous’ for our whole being.
    Our natural self (‘the flesh’) is often more comfortable with a Jesus that is like a landlord living in an apartment above us. If we need Him then He will show up and take care of things but He gives us privacy and space. As long as we pay the rent on time and don’t break anything we are okay. But we know that God is not just our Landlord but our Father, our Spouse (the church is the bride of Christ), our authority (the word Lord means boss or authority).
    The most disturbing thing from this story is the idea of a bad smell coming from a closet. It challenges me to ‘search the closets’ and throw out the trash. And so I will pray again for the Lord to reveal anything in my life that stinks before Him. Psalm 139:23-24 expresses this type of prayer.

    1. So very good Mike! What an excellent analogy that we sometimes want the Lord to only be our landlord who leaves us alone until we need Him to take care of something. Looking forward to our Tuesday mtg.

  15. Reading through the Letters of Paul have been some of the most challenging and rewarding study times I have spent. What a man of Spiritual discipline and calling. Just as we all are, he was definitely someone born “for such a time as this”. As Christ’s Church was still in its infancy, the Lord sent out Paul to the world of the gentiles….Preaching his word to all who would hear. A man that would walk through the gates of Rome, Corinth, Ephesus - - - Centers of the world’s false religions, that erected grand monuments to their gods - - - and preaching the Word of the One True God. His boldness is contagious, his wisdom from God bolstering, and his heart is something to strive for.

    His message was clear, true, and and undefiled, even as he was exposed to so much opposition, contrary thinking, and pagan ideals. He righted ships (churches) that fell astray, and spoke with the authority of the Gospel to leaders of the secular and Christian world (even Peter!). In light of the fractured state of the Church of today, I harbor a longing for someone like Paul to write letters the way he did. To the Church of Chicago, the Church of London, the Church of Shanghai…..What would he put a stop to? What would he praise? The way the Lord wants us to see it, is to identify with what was happening in the Churches that Paul wrote to, and then focus on what he said to them.

    1. The scripture I chose for this assignment was:

    2 Corinthians 2:14-15 “But thanks be to God, who always leads us as captives in Christ's triumphal procession and uses us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of him everywhere. For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing.

    A powerful statement of our representation of Jesus to this world! An aroma of Christ. Have you ever noticed how an aroma usually proceeds and precedes whatever is causing it. It can usher something in, and leave something as well. Humorously, it reminds me of a person that works in my office. Such a wonderful person, yet she uses a very heavy amount of perfume. Most of us can tell she is at the office before we actually see her, and most can tell where she had been. When actually in the room together, you can’t help but notice the strong smell.

    In all seriousness, that should be us. An aroma of Christ. It should be unmistakable as we enter any given place or situation, bringing hope, conviction, truth. When we leave, something should always be positively impacting whoever or wherever we left. And when we are currently in any place or situation, the unmistakable presence of Jesus Christ should fill the room, giving peace, care, and authority. As the scripture states….This aroma should be evident to both the Saved & the Perishing. An aroma of Christ.

    What more attractive aroma to the spiritually dead, than that of the Author of Life?

    1. (Due to Character Constraints, continued)

      2. I loved the story on the Blog Post “My Heart: Christ’s Home”. So simple in it’s storytelling, yet such profound truths throughout it! I have already sent the Link to someone who, after talking to them, I felt it would minister to. Perfect timing.

      The theme I took away the most from the story was how when Christ comes into our heart, He doesn’t need you to be perfect, He doesn’t need you to be scrubbed clean. He doesn’t stand there and condemn you. He simply looks at you with love and care, and asks for permission to begin His work. The main character had so many things in her life that made her uncomfortable when the Lord looked, from the Library, to the Hall Closet. Yet, Christ already knew every intimate detail of her life. He didn’t turn and scold, judge, yell, at her. He simply asked that he be allowed to do what needs to be done.

      John 3:17 “For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.”

      What a great reminder for us all, that we serve a loving God who wants to set us on a solid foundation, the proper path. He sees through us, knows our heart, our fears, our joys, our weaknesses, our strengths…..all the while Loving us unconditionally. Praises to our merciful Lord!

  16. Thank you Will, very good writing! O to be a more attractive aroma of Christ!

  17. A lot of things motive Paul. One was God was with him and wouldn't let his suffering go to waste. He was so committed to the people and even referred to himself as a slave to the people. He thought of them as family and didn't reject anyone. Another thing that motivated him was he fact that he had confidence in his teaching. Throughout his letters to the church, he talks to them about what they need to do without sometimes saying it flat out. As if the people already knew they sinned and knew what they needed to do.
    My favorite part in the article, too was "He came into the darkness of my heart and turned on the light." God IS the light in us. When people see something good in us, it's God. We shut him out so many times without even thinking about it. And we are also unaware of how corrupted we are without God.

  18. Thank you Genesis. Very good thoughts.

  19. One of the things that motivated Paul and really spoke to me was the fact that he looked forward to his eternal reward in heaven even when the worst was happening to him in the world. Particularly in 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 when he informs the church that "For this momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparisons." (ESV 2 Corinthians 4:17) Paul furthers his point in the second half of verse 18 when he states "For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal." and this could really be used as a reminder to myself that absolutely NOTHING in this world will pass on with me to the next. Of course, it is easier said than done to remember this when in the heat of moment with possessions or in fact anything that captures our attention to distract us from God. Tying it all back now, Paul's mindset was incredibly encouraging and he was really someone who went "all in" and put all his trust in the Lord. I would really like that adopt this mentality and definitely apply it especially when I feel attacked from my peers for being a follower.
    Two things I really liked about the reading were the Study and the Workroom. What really spoke to me about the Study was being embarrassed about what was present in his life. What really caught my attention was the section about the Workroom. Without God he was unable to really complete anything meaningful or outreaching. But in particular the fact that the more he relaxed and allowed the Spirit to operate through him the more impact-full his work became. This passage showed me that my approach of initiating the Spirit and having it work for me, as I have been doing with sharing to my peers in school, is radically wrong and rather than use the Spirit as a tool I need to become the tool for the Spirit and let it operate through me.

  20. Side note: Apologies again for being the last to post, again! Just want to share that I really liked this week's video - the idea of trading self-focused dreams for the kingdom-focused dream is radical but worthy! It's a real example of surrendering.

    In fact, my wealth partner had a real struggle in understanding the sentiment of surrendering the self-focused American dream and argued that the American Dream in the video was being represented as not just self-focused, but selfish. His disagreement was with making it sound wrong to have an American dream, as if it could not be aligned to a kingdom-focused dream, ie. getting married, having a family, owning a home, building a career (sustaining a simple life) – a simple American dream / even a successful American dream (building up a business, passing the success to generations after and enjoying the material things of this world). I thought it was a good critique, but answered with my sentiments above and that brought more clarity to him. Curious to see how others responded…

    In keeping with the blog questions, I believe humility is the motivating factor for Paul to serve others. Paul continuously reminds himself and others that he is nothing without the Lord. It is his humility that keeps him grounded. He knows it is not in his own doing, but what God does through him.
    1 Corinthians 1:27-31 But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things – and the things that are not – to nullify the things that are, so that no one may boast before him. It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God – that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption. Therefore, as it is written: “let the one who boasts boast in the Lord”
    1 Corinthians 2: 4-5 My message my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power . . . on God’s power

    The concept of humility is right in line with the article “My Heart, Christ’s Home”. It takes a lot of humility to surrender your heart to the Lord. It’s the thing that makes you understand you need to trade in your worldly self to Him and allow Him to make a home in your heart. I like how the article demonstrates each space in the heart as an area of comfort, but they are all areas that need Jesus. We live comfortably with broken hearts. What a concept! I think fully understanding that we are broken is the first step to allowing God to grow us.

    1. Thanks for yet posting Christina. Glad you liked "My Heart Christ's Home."
      Hope you enjoyed reading through 2 Corinthians as well. We're starting Galatians today.

  21. From reading Paul's letters, WOW such powerful, compassionate,encouraging,moving,sincere letter he wrote to the city of Corinth. Through this He has genuinely showed me the fire, the persistence, the sincerity, the "Boldness & Courage" he had passing/sharing The Good News and encouraging the church. all through the divine revalation given to him as his purpose and calling, and the ultimate message of God so graciously giving us, handing the Gift of life(Jesus) to us to receive as our Messiah and Lord that through Him weill shall receive eternal life in His kingdom!
    Through this, one of the verses that captured my eye as for him to serve others:
    1. 2 Corinthian 12:5, 12:9-10
    I will boast about a man like that, but o will not boast about myself, except about my weaknesses.
    12:9-10 "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christs lower may rest on me. That is why, for Christs sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
    For Paul has given a "thorn'. which really we don't know exactly what that was but enough to realize that all credentials and all achievements he has done was by his own doing or its not the way he spoke or carried himself but it is the very image of Jesus, that when he speaks the divine power is doing work in Paul and unto us It is when Gods perfection is being made perfect in our weakness and especially when we surrender and realize the need of Jesus to do work that cannot do. It is the continuance to rely on God for everything because I am WEAK and cannot do it alone.
    Paul also stating to Corinthians that he will boast about his flaws and how messed up he is like the rest of us, and that is when the power of Christ compells him and enables him to do the work for God and give him all the glory.

  22. Thanks Ismael! Will be praying for you for your upcoming teaching opportunity.
