Sunday, March 9, 2014

I want Ana! She's so attractive!

There, I've admitted it. They say confession is good for the soul. But the desire for her hasn't diminished. You want full disclosure? Alright, her full name is Ana Strophe and I've been attracted to her for a while now, okay it's been for a long while. She's so magnetic, even a man of steel would be drawn to her. This may sound like I'm excusing myself, but a man would be a fool not to want her. She's so alluring! She's famous too. There have been numerous write ups regarding her beauty. Here's a short one about my Ana Strophe and her stunning magnetism. "Wives, in the same way, be submissive to your husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior (anastrophe) of their wives, when they see the purity and reverence of your lives (anastrophe)...the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit which is of great worth in God's sight. 1 Peter 3:1-2,4.  Anastrophe is the Greek word for "behavior" in verse 1 and "lives" in verse 2. Oh, that our lives, our behavior would turn heads and hearts to Christ! I think Peter also loved Ana in her godly beauty because he highly commends her thus numerous times in his writings. See for yourself.

As obedient children, do not be conformed to the former lusts which were yours in your ignorance, but like the Holy One who called you, be holy yourselves also in all your behavior (anastrophe); because it is written, "You shall be holy, for I am holy. 1 Peter 1:14-16. 

Dear friends I urge you, as foreigners and exiles, to abstain form sinful desires, which wage war against your soul. Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds (anastrophe) and glorify God on the day he visits us. 1 Peter 2:11-12 

But in  your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior (anastrophe) in Christ may be ashamed of their slander.1 Peter 3:15-16 

But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything in it will be laid bare. Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives (anastrophe) as you look forward to the day of God... 2 Peter 3:10-12

Our behavior is to make the teaching about God our Savior attractive (Titus 2:10). So how can we make our behavior more attractive? Do you walk the talk? Would the following 7 words in the video below be true of you and me? (By the way, I believe the CEO of the company is a Christian, though their movies are made for a secular market.) 

Do you walk the talk?

There's an old saying that goes like this-
Your walk talks and your talk talks,
but your walk talks louder than your talk talks.

If we are going to lead-influence others to follow Christ, we need to walk our talk.

So please watch the video again and write down in your wealth catcher the 7 words that we need to live out well to make our lives more attractive for Christ.

1. What one do you want/need to work on  the most? (That's the first thing to post.)

2. Read 1 Peter 2:11-17. What's one thing Peter adds to the way we are to live/behave before a skeptical world? (This is the second thing to post.) 

3. What is one practical way you will seek to make your life (anastrophe) more attractive?
(That's the final thing to post. Read the simple suggestions listed below to help you or add your own to write about.)

Here are some simple suggestions to make your life more attractive- Smile a lot and express thanks. How beautifying! Respect others. Return phone calls and emails within 24 hours. Respond to invitations promptly- people need to be able to plan accordingly. Be punctual to meetings- other's time is valuable too. Get to work on time and put in a full day's work. Keep your commitments, including your NGL commitments, such as to read God's word every day. (I hope you're enjoying reading through 1 Corinthians. Boy, did they lack attractive lives! The people of the world behaved better than some of them did!) Make it to the meetings with your mentor. Complete the assignments given you. Accept correction from your mentor or others graciously. Think about their input for 24 hours before responding. Use only words that build others up. Show respect to your family members and to all people. Apologize when you blow it.  Don't make excuses or argue. Offer to help. Look for good deeds to do. The more you do the more attractive your life!  


If you have not yet sent me your brief bio sketch, please do so this week, emailing it to me at (Don't post it on the blog.) Include your name, birthdate, phone, address, family background, work experiences, Christian books you may have read that really helped you, if you're dating anyone, and anything you'd like me to know about you, etc. (Brownie points if you can include a photo.)  

Speaking of brownies, will I see you at my house this coming Sunday, March 16th? Our time of "Sweets and Sharing" is at 7:00pm (9541 S. Oakley Ave. Chicago). It's not a Bible study, but feel free to bring your Bible and wealth catcher because it's also an "open mic" time of hearing your questions and comments. Please RSVP if you're coming by this Saturday. Thanks! 

Keep your eyes open for this month's amazing attribute- the glory of God. You will certainly see it as we read through 1st & 2nd Corinthians.  Read the following excellent article by famous pastor and theologian, Dr. John Piper on the glory of God- 

For those who have not yet memorized Ephesians 2:1-5, call me (c.773-742-2694) as soon as you can quote it confidently. It's to be done by the end of this month. The key is repeated reviewing of it out loud, a bite at a time.

"Don't let anyone look down  on you because you are young,
 but set an example for the believers in speech, in life (anastrophe), 
in love, in faith and in purity." 1 Timothy 4:12 

With God's help, you can make your life beautiful or ugly. And to think, my Ana once was far from beautiful- 1 Pet.1:18; Eph.4:22. 


  1. Good evening my fellow brothers and sisters. After watching the video and seeing all the 7 words in the beginning, I know every Christian should have these attributes in their daily walk with Christ. Then again, talking about it is way easier than doing it and not following through it. That is something I used to struggle with myself when I was younger. It was to easy to lie about a certain situation and try to prove to other's I was on top of the world. But when it came to walking the walk I did not come through. So to save myself from embarrassment and shame, I put all the 7 words into action. It was not easy as it seemed. I had to build up the courage to find deep within myself the answer of all answers. What better person to quote this in full explanation D L Moody. D.L Moody captured the essence of Peter's exhortation when he exclaimed "I have more trouble with D. L. Moody than with any man I know."
    The man I see in the mirror each morning is my greatest impediment to holiness and godliness. Stop saying "The devil made me do it!". I have made that my excuse often and often, but it all starts with me.

    1. Commitment is the one I need to improve and work on the most. I have so many ideas and future plans to offer, but do I really want to burn myself up? I often wonder why me and not others. I do not want to carry all of the load and then others see me crash and burn. I know commitment is very stressful when you have school, work and then other activities to commit too. I could only do so much and then 1 Corinthians 10:13 "No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it". God will not send anything that you could not handle. I need to sacrifice more and stop making excuses for myself. God is faithful and will never forsake us (Deuteronomy 31:6)

    2. Peter says by doing good we should silence the ignorant talk of foolish people(verse 15) in verse 16 " Live as free people, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as God's slaves'. We need to not only submit ourselves to every human authority (Government, Police, Parents etc.) but this is something we need to always respect and honor. We need to be slave's to God and follow all of his commandment's. Even if it might seem harsh we need to be faithful and stay obedient. If you go to verse 20 and 21 it says 'But how is it to your credit if you receive a beating for doing wrong and endure it? But if you suffer for doing good and you endure it, this is commendable before God. 21 To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps'. We need to live by example and continue to back up our talk with our walk with Christ! I also noticed while doing cross referencing with King James Version, Peter uses "Beloved" eight times in his books. He wants everyone of us to know that God loves us no matter what we do.

    3. Some of the ways I show my life is attractive is by treating strangers and others like family. Being open and expressing how we are not perfect and need a Savoir! Giving and expecting nothing back, opening my home and giving the best hospitality as I could do. Being there for someone in need, calling, texting and meeting people on a weekly basis. I will continue to be a vessel for God and his kingdom and do what is called upon my life.

    Heavenly Father, thank you for giving us the ability to use these gifts for your kingdom and not for the world. Use us as instruments and pour life, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness and self control into our lives. Fill our cups with love when there is hatred, peace when there is pain. Give us the capacity to see beyond our own self and plant seeds into others with motivating and encouraging words. Thank you Lord, for this beautiful Sunday. I pray this in Christ Jesus. Amen

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thank you Eddie for the extra study you put into this and the very good words you shared!

  2. I believe I need to work on all of these seven words but the main one would be commitment. I need to be 100% committed to the things I say and do throughout my daily life. With out commitment I will not go any further than I want and supposed to be. This is why being committed is important. You can't just say you are going to do something and three days later do the opposite. When you are committed your success increases and makes people motivated including yourself. The commitment you have with yourself, God, and anybody else is what will keep you going everyday. It will direct you to good instead of bad. Remember that you are doing it to better yourself. It also requires effort and focus leading towards success. The best commitment you will have is with God like it says on Proverbs 16:3 "commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established."

    One thing that Peter says and caught my attention the most was "Live as free people, do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as God's slaves." If you look around, this world has become a disaster. We have people walking on this earth who don't believe and the ones who do believe are sinning knowing what is wrong and right but continue to live a life full of sins. We are all free in this world, therefore we should be God's slaves. We were all created for a purpose on this world and its our job to live and spread the word of God to those who need to be saved. Although we have all this freedom people use it as a cover up for evil because they use it wrong. Instead of pleasing God they please the enemy. Us, as believers, its our job to maintain our commitment to our Heavenly Father and be his slaves, instead of following the ways of this world.

    One practical way I will seek to make my life more attractive is by respecting others. The way you treat others is the way you will be treated. Although, not a lot of people treat you with respect it is our job to continue to treat them with respect. As hard as it may be at times, respect is the best way. Soon those who disrespect you will stop and realize you have done nothing wrong to them. Do not respond back to their rudeness because you are only pleasing the enemy. He is hidden in various ways and by you doing that you are allowing him to take control and grow bigger. Do not allow yourself to be weak. Being respectful is sometimes hard when you have someone being disrespectful to you. This is where our strength is tested. Being able to control yourself and responding the way you should. Disrespecting can be in various ways like the way we talk, present ourselfs, and look at one another. This is why respect is important to make my life more attractive.

    1. Thanks Jasmine. I too want to work on showing more respect. You're right, showing respect or honor does come back to us. May we then reflect it back to the Lord, who is worthy of all honor.

  3. Waking our talk is a very important in our life, especially if we are trying to lead others to salvation. We must lead by example in order for us not turn others away from Christ but toward him. In the video seven ways of life were mention; commitment, honesty, accountability, respect, courage, ethics, and integrity. I myself need help with courage. Courage is something I have always struggle with since I can remember. Therefore, I believe it's harder for me to accomplish certain things that can be simple/easy to others such as public speaking. Many who have met me find it hard to believe I'm shy. I remember how I would surprise my teachers when I would stand up and talk so confident when it came to presentations. Thanks to my parents I have always had a very strong mentally and believe being so shy is all my head. I can remember I would tell myself if others can do it, it's possible so im not letting no shyness win and keep me from accomplishing my goals. So as far as I can remember everything I have accomplished has been difficult, but not impossible especially since I found the Lord.

    2. In 1 Peter 2: 11-17, Peter mentions more then one way we should live. The one that captured my attention the most was " Live such good lives among the pagans that though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us" 1 Peter 2: 12. This verse speaks life to me by remaining me that others will always be watching the steps of Christ's followers and will find our wrongs since we are far from perfect, and if we do right they will find wrong. Therefore, we must push towards good deeds for even if they accuse us of doing wrong they will see our good deeds and praise the Lord.

    3. One way I will seek to make my life behavior more attractive would be being more punctual.

    1. Oh Jessica, I so appreciate what you've shared. How I wish following Christ made life easy, but life is difficult. The sooner we accept this, the better. God sustains us as we look to Him. May our light shine bright no matter what people may say.

  4. What I have to work on the most is respect, because when someone disrespects me I am disrespectful right back and we are not living in the old testament anymore, no more eye for an eye. In 1 Peter it says, show proper respect to everyone. For now on, I will try and be respectful to everyone even if someone is disrespectful to me. I will hold my tongue and only speak life to everyone.

  5. Wow! That's a great goal Lucas. You are following the example of Christ that Peter also talks about in 1 Peter 2:21-23. See also Jesus' words in Luke 6:27-28.

  6. One trait I need to work on the most would be Commitment. Because of my busy schedule I find many excuses to put a few tasks to the side, in order to do the ones i fell need to be done first, but I end up stressing myself out and deciding to relax instead. I have to learn to use my time wisely and work hard now and trust that God will give me rest later. In 1 Peter 2:15 he says, "For it is God's will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish people." This speaks to me because I think about the people in my life that encourage my procrastination because they do the same. By changing my bad habits I can do everything I need to do and encourage those people that they can get everything done with perseverance. There is a verse that says There is enough time in the day for what God has planned.

  7. Very good! I want to commend you Socorro that you've made time for promptly responding to this blog. I know there are many things that pull at us. It's a lifelong struggle re. the wise investment of our time. May God give you discernment Phil.1:9-11.

  8. 1.) One thing I need to work on is Commitment. I am always trying to help everyone, yet I forget about my own life. I can't go helping everyone when my life is important as well. I need God to continue to guide me as I learn how to keep promises and time management. The bible verse that came to mind was: Psalm 25:4 "Show me your ways oh lord teach me your paths". I'm still learning, and need God to help me grow up. I will make my life more attractive, by continuing to smile at everyone each day. I want to bring a change to everyone that I encounter. Peter is talking about turning away from sinful desires. In 1 peter 2:17 "Show proper respect to everyone, love the family of believers, fear God, honor the emperor". Peter is saying that as Christians we can live an active life, but should please God. To have respect for all those in higher power. If we want to make ourselves attractive, then we must shine by being the example Christians.

  9. Excellent Lauren! May the Lord help you all the more as you depend on Him to shine for Him.

  10. 1. Courage. This would be the one word that I really want to grow in. I realize courage isnt the absence of fear but rising up to face the fear. I have related many times with the apostle Peter, with his strong desire to stand beside his Savior but in the face of evil he denied his Love. A regular prayer thoughout my walk has been for God to change me as he did Peter, to be willing to the point of death to build his church. It may sound extreme but I have wondered "Will I stand for what I believe regardless of the cost?", "Would I go wherever God sent me?", "Can I release the ones I love?", "Can I serve those who ridicule or shame me?"," Could I show love to those who intentionally hate me?" I have watched the popular show "What Would You Do?" and I am often left wondering will I do or say or stand for what is right. I like to think I would be one of the heroes who do what is right regardless of reaction or consequence.
    2. I love how Peter adds in 1 Peter 2:13 "submit yourself for the Lords sake to every authority instituted among men:" I think this is so key and really does cause the pagan world to see us as different. Many respect the laws of authority because they are self preserving, they dont want to get a ticket or to go to jail. To do this for the Lords sake definitely looks different and is one way to silence the ignorant talk of foolish men.
    3. Something I can do to make my life more attractive is to walk through the crowd more slowly. For me this means to be a more intentional listener, to be responsive as opposed to reactive, to be in tune with my surroundings so I can see people, greet people, help people. To not be so intensely on the move to my next goal but to make room for people on the way.

  11. 1. Courage. This would be the one word that I really want to grow in. I realize courage isnt the absence of fear but rising up to face the fear. I have related many times with the apostle Peter, with his strong desire to stand beside his Savior but in the face of evil he denied his Love. A regular prayer thoughout my walk has been for God to change me as he did Peter, to be willing to the point of death to build his church. It may sound extreme but I have wondered "Will I stand for what I believe regardless of the cost?", "Would I go wherever God sent me?", "Can I release the ones I love?", "Can I serve those who ridicule or shame me?"," Could I show love to those who intentionally hate me?" I have watched the popular show "What Would You Do?" and I am often left wondering will I do or say or stand for what is right. I like to think I would be one of the heroes who do what is right regardless of reaction or consequence.
    2. I love how Peter adds in 1 Peter 2:13 "submit yourself for the Lords sake to every authority instituted among men:" I think this is so key and really does cause the pagan world to see us as different. Many respect the laws of authority because they are self preserving, they dont want to get a ticket or to go to jail. To do this for the Lords sake definitely looks different and is one way to silence the ignorant talk of foolish men.
    3. Something I can do to make my life more attractive is to walk through the crowd more slowly. For me this means to be a more intentional listener, to be responsive as opposed to reactive, to be in tune with my surroundings so I can see people, greet people, help people. To not be so intensely on the move to my next goal but to make room for people on the way.

    1. Wow Lisette, very good! Thanks for your honest sharing. I can relate well to what you wrote. Blessings!

  12. 1. What one do you want/need to work on the most?
    The one that sticks out to me is courage, the video shares courage is following your conscience instead of “following the crowd” It will make you heroic. I was telling someone the other day I’m such a Moses at heart to tell God I can’t do it and then have him give me an “Erin” to speak for me. Courage is definitely something I need developed in me. It took courage to be able to see and experience the blessings and glory of God.

    2.Read 1 Peter 2:11-17. What's one thing Peter adds to the way we are to live/behave before a skeptical world?
    Submission to authority instituted among men, as a way we should behave before a skeptical world, it shows our respect for people, a sense of selflessness and fear of God to do the right thing. If we choose to submit for the sake of honoring the Lord there’s no need for foolish talk, it shows a peace in our lives and a trust in God.

    3.What is one practical way you will seek to make your life (anastrophe) more attractive?
    One practical way to make my life more attractive and yet can be so hard to apply without the Lord is learning to love people. “While we were yet sinners Christ died for us” the Lord calls us to do the same, to love others just as they are. When you think of the word “Christian” most people don’t think “oh what loving people,” unfortunately what may come to mind instead is “critical, judgmental” etc. If I loved selflessly regardless of thoughts I may have, regardless of where people are in their lives, whatever they said or did towards me it would make my life more attractive to others. What difference it would make if I followed the Lords commands Mark 12:30-31 0 “And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength. 31 The second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. No other commandment is greater than these.”

    1. Thanks Nori for your good words. Courage, submission and love are easy to think I have until they are tested. O Lord empower us or we will never be an example of You.

  13. 1. What one do you want/need to work on the most?
    Courage for sure. I like to think that I'm brave and strong, but there are many areas of my life where I lack courage because I lack trust and humility. Especially in my walk, the underlying reason I don't speak up and spread the gospel the way I should be is because I lack courage. The constant lies of "you don't know what you're talking about", "you're too young in your walk", "you're a sinner, not a true example of Christ" all too often win the battle to stand firm and be courageous. It's an ever-growing area in my life and I thank God He's allowing me to grow. Recently, a colleague and brother in Christ of mine have started a Christian network at work; and by God's grace, has given me more of an opportunity to build my courage. I'm very thankful to NGL for bringing this area to light and for continuing to water and pour into this facet of my life. It feels amazing to be part of God's work and I never thought I would be in a position to move in this way. Praise Him!

    2. Read 1 Peter 2:11-17. What's one thing Peter adds to the way we are to live/behave before a skeptical world?
    Submission to authority instituted among men . . . being God slaves. What a concept! Especially in America, there is such a negative connotation that comes from the word slave. The world would say "get out of here! you're no one's slave." But God is our master, in every sense of the word; and how are we to grow, learn, become one with Him if we don't submit to Him even if that means submitting to other authorities if it means showing respect (behaving on behalf) to Him or the greater purpose.

    3. What is one practical way you will seek to make your life (anastrophe) more attractive?
    There are so many things I could do to make my life more attractive, but one thing I know is a challenge but has to be done is be more vulnerable/humble. It takes honesty, integrity and courage to just be real and say what's on my heart. It's something I appreciate in other people like (like my mentor and fellow NGLs). They're humility is so attractive to me. So just a warning - if I'm an open book or wearing my heart on my sleeve too much, it's intentional. I want my heart out there. It's what Jesus would want for me. I think it's how He showed his love for us.

  14. Thanks for your humble honesty Christina. So glad you are a part of the team. God is growing us all as we cooperate with Him and let His word work in our lives. May the Lord all the more open doors for you, especially re. your work/venture.

  15. I know personally I need to work on areas of integrity, doing whats right instead of whats easy and convenient. I also really have been honesty reflecting on who I am in comparison to a perfect God, not the standards of the world. It is when we come before Jesus in a honest approach, looking at ourselves and our hearts, coming to him with all that we are and all that we are not, recognizing that without Him we are nothing. It helps us to learn to walk in humility and humbleness. I believe that this is so important in the development of a leader, learning how to walk in humility like Jesus.

    What caught my attention in 1 Peter 2:11-17 was verse 15. "For it is the will of God, that by doing good you should put to silence the ignorance of foolish people." We were created to do good works to not earn our glory or salvation, but to glorify God. "For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." Eph. 2:10. For it is God's will for us to do good, for us to delight in anastrophe. We are the carriers of God's spirit, we are the reflection of God, we are the imitation of Christ, because without us how will others come to know God? Paul continues in saying that we are free in Christ Jesus, but that we should not use our freedom to do evil things. We are free by the blood of Christ, yet are called to be servants to God, servants to righteousness and holiness. Paul finishes with four simple, but powerful applications: Honor everyone, love everyone, fear God, and honor the king, (or in our society the president, or government. This was because the Bible says that governments and kings have been appointed by God. And whether we agree with them or not, we should still honor them.) Again, four simple sentences, yet so challenging and hard to accomplish all the time.

    So my prayer is that by the guidance and the power of the Holy Spirit, God would help me and all of us to become more like Christ. Living and behaving (anastrophe) with love and honor for all people, our leaders, and fearing God. I will continue to come before God in honest reflect to evaluate my motives and heart in the areas of integrity and honest and even the other 5 characteristics, so that I can be more attractive for His glory. Because it is true our walks do speak louder then our talks, I can attest to this with my family. Let's make Jesus attractive. Less of me and more of Him.

  16. Thanks Eddie for more of your good and honest thoughts. May the Lord continue to fill and flow through you. You're a bright light.

  17. 1. After watching the video I would have to say I need to work on my commitment the most. I am always trying to convince myself that I can handle anything that comes my way. I always want to do everything and well to be honest I can't. Its not meant for me to take on all of these tasks by myself. I always want to help others and I don't think about how it will effect me. God knows how much I can handle so I should start letting him be in charge of that because I keep over working myself. Because I put so much on my plate I sometimes do not have time for myself.
    2. In 1 Peter 2:16 I like what he says " Live as free people, but do not use your freedom as a cover up for evil; live as God's slaves." This verse stood out to me because it reminded me that we do have the freedom but we should not use it to exalt any thing other than the Lord, our savior. He is the one that desires our freedom. The last thing we should use our freedom for is deceit.
    3. I feel like the first step for me to make my life more attractive is by making it more welcoming. I can do this by have a smile at any time of the day. I am a person who likes to smile but when I get upset I tend to lose my smile right away. When I lose my smile I am no longer representing who I want to be. I want others to look at me and know I can brighten their day just with a smile. A little smile goes a long way.

    1. Ah Araceli, I so enjoy seeing smiling people. What a great way to make anyone's life instantly more attractive.

  18. Hey Dave! Very helpful and concise video.
    1. There might be more than one characteristic out of the seven that I really need help on, but the biggest issue for me is Commitment. I always want to do a lot of things at the same time, but I have to seriously realize that It is impossible and very chaotic. One thing that touches bases with Commitment is how to say "no" and "yes". Consequentially, I struggle with saying "no", so I start to commit to things that I can not even keep up with. In this time of leadership and discipleship, I should be able to work on how to manage commitments.
    2. I think that Peter included the metaphor of a slave being a characteristic of an attractive Christ Follower. A slave in Peter's opinion - which I strongly agree- is someone who fears his/her master (Fear of the Lord), and also someone who offers honor to his/her master(Honoring God). One practical way of being an attractive Christ follower is to simply smile. Once a complete stranger receives that smile, he, all of the sudden, may have felt loved. Moreover, love is the key source of mentor-ship towards any type of person. Who would have known that a simple smile can transform a man's life?!

    1. I forgot to make a 3rd paragraph. Question #3 begins on line 11 at
      " One practical way of..."

    2. And Ivan you have a million dollar smile! You're so right, love is key in mentoring and influencing anyone. Love is the greatest. Sounds like something I read today in 1 Cor.13.

  19. For me I would say that I need to focus on my integrity. Personally, I have a habit of choosing ease over the correct or right thing to do. Sometimes, especially in regards to my homework, I take shortcuts to save energy and time particularly since I arrive home late from track practice.
    In 1 Peter 2:13 (ESV) he states that we are to have submission to authority and in particular "Be subject for the Lord's sake to every human institution..." This will help me recognize and treat authority over me as I would for that of God's authority over me.
    Two habits I could practice to improve my integrity would be to reinforce others and "recognize rationalization". When people correct me I have to not mainly be open but also thanks them sincerely for giving me the opportunity for personal growth. In addition, I can also be more active in my conscience and not only identify the temptations that sway me but also mold my thought pattern to make more conscious choices in my life.

    1. How very mature Nick when we thank others for their words of correction. Very good.

  20. 1. There are two top things that are tied for me.
    First – Commitment: I have been convicted by the Lord lately because I haven’t followed through by meeting with some people that I had made commitments too. After the few meetings that I missed I apologized to one individual and told him about my conviction and that I want to be faithful with my meetings with him and others.
    Second – Respect: I work with kids that are Wards of the state in a Residential treatment center (present day orphanage). These kids have gone through lots of verbal and physical abuse in their upbringing. Due to this these kids have become very disrespectful, since they weren't respected by loved ones growing up. With all that background it makes it hard for me and other staff members to show respect to these kids at times because they are very disrespectful with their speech and actions. However, I know the Lord calls me to respect them because He himself cares for the least of these (orphans) (Deuteronomy 10:18, Exodus 22:22-25, Deut. 27:19, Psalms 10:13-18, Psalms 68:5, 82:3, 94:6, 146:9, etc..). If I don’t respect them I myself will receive the Lords wrath and heat if I or others mistreat them. The Lord says,” If you do mistreat them, and they cry out to me, I will surely hear their cry, 24 and my wrath will burn, and I will kill you with the sword, and your wives shall become widows and your children fatherless” (Deut. 22:23-24). Knowing this truth about the Lord’s concern and awareness of the least of these makes me fear the Lord and my treatment towards the kids is with caution and care.
    However, we do correct the kids when they have been disrespectful towards us, in order to teach them how they need to respect their authority and adults. I admit that there are times that they get under my skin and I do respond disrespectfully. By God’s grace I get convicted by the Lord and later apologize then process the incident with them. With all that said I want to continuously respond respectfully towards these kids, especially when they are disrespectful. In doing so I believe and know that, “A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger” (Proverbs 15:1).

    2.“To abstain from the passions of the flesh, which wage war against your soul.”
    Ever since the fall (Gen. 3) we have this sinful flesh that we battle with because human beings have a sinful nature from the time we are born. For instance, King David says, “surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me” (Psalm 51:5). Due to this our flesh is constantly at war wanting to feed its flesh, but thanks be to God that He paid our price and now believers have the ability to say, “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age, while we wait for the blessed hope—the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ” (Titus 2:12-13). Why can we say no to ungodliness? It is because our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ appeared and brought “salvation to all people” (Titus 2:11). The Lord Jesus Christ paid our price and this work on the Cross has given us the ability to be set free and “no longer be slaves to sin” (Romans 6:6) and now we can say yes to Holiness and use our lives to please Him because of His great love for us.

    By saying no to ungodliness and yes to Holiness the skeptical world will and does look in amazement wondering why we live in such a way, with what power and ability? All we can say is that it’s the Lord’s love on the Cross and “His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness” (1 Peter 1:3a).

    3.I have to say showing respect by speaking respectfully when the kids I work with or others are being disrespectful towards me. I had read this lesson yesterday (Tuesday) so I had decided to desire to grow in this area and have Christ shine through me. By God’s grace I was able to respectfully speak to the boys today :) even though it was hard.

    1. Excellent Jose! You have one of the hardest jobs/ministries I can imagine. You are a testament to the grace and love of God.

  21. Definitely a great way to remind ourselves about different attributes to grow and measure our life by in our pursuit of becoming more like Christ. It is such a reaffirming thought to think that Jesus was able to walk flawlessly in all of these characteristics. Then to think that his Spirit lives within us to help us walk that walk…..Inspiration and renewing of strength can flow over you. It is like being on the Basketball team with Michael Jordan, or a Soccer team with Christiano Ronaldo. Their presence boosts your confidence, because we know that they fought the fight, know what they are doing, and have won. In the same way, it is like stepping into battle with Christ….

    1. Upon looking over the different words in the video, it is sobering to note how many I can use some work on. It is also inspiring when I see some I have come to grow in as well. The one that stood out to me the most for my own life is Respect. It is far reaching, and I feel can even bleed into some of the other attributes that were listed in the 7. Respecting one’s feelings, Respecting one’s thoughts, Respecting one’s authority, Respecting one’s position, Respecting one’s faith, Respecting one’s teaching’s, Respecting one’s advice, Respecting oneself, etc.. It all comes down to releasing Pride. In the same way that Jesus, the Son of God, humbled himself to earthly authorities, and even Death, something as opposite as can be from His nature, I need to continue to be teachable, and act upon the advice I am given. Not just a hearer, but a doer. It is something that I am continuously working on in my heart, mind, and life.

    Proverbs 16:20 “Whoever gives heed to instruction prospers, and blessed is the one that trusts in the Lord.”

    2. For the second question, the Verse that stuck out to me was 2 Peter 2:15 “For it is God's will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish people.” Unfortunately, too many “Christians” have already muddied the name of Christ in someone’s mind long before we come on the scene. Through their actions, words, attitude, they have turned-off others to Christianity, Jesus Himself, and us, His followers. 

    -Is it fair? No.
-Should it be that way? No.
-Can we do something about it? Yes, and more importantly, it is God’s Will that we do.

    I have run into people that, after we talk, or after they have observed how I did things, remark how I am not like other Christians they met. I have heard stories from other Christians about similar experiences for themselves. It is not a matter of pride that I mention this, it is simply a matter of God’s Grace and Mercy. After we talk to them, they leave with a different mindset. Do they believe…..probably not there and then, but it sets their hearts open just a little more. In time, we pray that God sends another true believer to demonstrate what it is to be Christ-Like yet again, and maybe then, it will be the one who ultimately is harvester. That one interaction you have can stop a person who has slandered many Christians and Christ’s name with foolish talk. As Titus 3:3 states “At one time we too were foolish, disobedient, deceived and enslaved by all kinds of passions and pleasures. We lived in malice and envy, being hated and hating one another.” A simple act of righteousness sometimes turn a fool from their ways, just as we once did. We must make sure to follow God’s will in this way.

    3. Lastly, for the third question, something to apply that would help my walk to be more attractive is respect the time of those around me more better. To not be late, respond after a long time, etc.. If that means becoming better organized, than so be it, but at least make a step in the right direction. Also, to echo what Lisette Vasterella mentioned in her earlier post, to be more of an intentional listener, not just to people I know well,but to all people. They matter to the Lord, and they should matter to me.

    1. Very good William! May God continue to use you as a refreshing influence in other's lives.

  22. 1. Honestly, all 7 are all I need to work with daily. But "Commitment" would be the one that's sticks out for me. I've had a tendacy to put meetings, tasks, assignments overlapping some in my schedule. I really have a bad habit of not writing anything down into an agenda book that I tell a person 'yes' I'm able to do it and at the end I don't come through or have to reschedule. Now noticing that, it does not make me Christ like to that person or people especially doing it frequently then I dont become reliable. I want to be that person that is reliable and that can be trusted, let my 'yes' be yes and my 'no' be no.

    2.A couple stood out. To obstain from sinful desires. Now to me that would be anything that would tempt and lead me to sin and or away from God. The other is to submit to authority. This hit me everytime because I work in a company where there is Union and a unions mentality like myself would think that management for the most part would be that their against me and my co workers on anything we do that I'm constantly arguing, disagreeing, and even filing a grievance for something that management had done to us... So this tags along with 3rd question on. one that would make me attractive is to learn to tame my tongue to management and know who I am in Christ, to walk and imitate Christ and be the servant first above all else.

    1. Good Ismael and I appreciate your honest applications. An agenda book or daily planner can be so helpful. The key is to religiously use it- writing in it and reviewing it daily.

  23. 1.Courage. Sometimes I know I should speak up and the words just won't come out. Fear overcomes my thought process and I have to pray my way out of it until I finally have the confidence to speak up. It takes me a good minute to overcome my fear with courage. I have to remind myself that God didn't give me the spirit of fear so what am I so afraid of? I love the way that God tells us over and over not to be afraid. It builds me up when I know I have to face the different "Goliaths" in my life.

    2. The verse that caught my eye was 1 Peter 2:15 "For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men:" I think about those that argue about religion. You get nothing but a visit to the doctor's office for high blood pressure. Our testimony, the way we live, and how we treat others should be evidence that we belong to God. One thing that encourages me is that God is always on my side. He's my comforter so I work for Him, not man. I love that He silences the foolish with our silence sometimes. In those situations, silence is louder than we often think especially when we're meek and soft spoken.

    3. There are a couple of things that I will work on to make my life more attractive. For one, I'm working on being punctual. It's respectful and courteous to take into consideration other people's time. I'm definitely a work in progress!

  24. Thanks so much Lynn for your honest and good words. So glad to have you on the team.

  25. Excuse my tardiness, my birthday week has been keeping me busy from responding on time.

    1. What one do you want/need to work on the most? (That's the first thing to post.)
    I have worked through these areas numerous times. I have wrestled with each together and separately. I believe that some of these I have gotten to work well with, like punctuality. But, I am far from perfect. Commitment i struggle with. I have had two sides of the coin thrown at me. I have heard that Christians need to be plugged in and very active in church and ministry. I strongly disagree. Then I have heard that we should not focus so much on church and ministry but rather family, friends, and secular gatherings. I'm indifferent on this one. Therefore, my wrestle is staying in between those two extremes. I believe that I (anyone reading this post, Dave and anyone else, I mean proper "I," not the universal "I") am built to do ministry for Christians that seek a deeper understanding and knowledge of God. But I also have a heart for the lost. so I try not to commit to ONLY churchy things but also involve myself else where to reach others. Plus, its easy to be a Christian at church around other Christians. I believe church starts when church ends (line taken from Jay-Z).

    2. Read 1 Peter 2:11-17. What's one thing Peter adds to the way we are to live/behave before a skeptical world?
    I love how he states to live in a blameless way that makes it harder for people to believe a false accusation. Being intentional to do good to others despite of their actions. To me, I believe it encompasses being above reproach. This will draw people to look at our freedom and desire it. We ought not to worry about other's malicious intentions but rather do good to all all the time.

    3. What is one practical way you will seek to make your life (anastrophe) more attractive?
    I like to pray for people right there on the spot. Lately, there hasn't been much people sharing prayer requests though. I would like to be more approachable in a way that provides a comfortable environment. I want to create an atmosphere of friendship and trust with people that I encounter for the sake of them finding joy and healing in Christ.

  26. Good Ken. I like the sign above the exit doors of a church that said, "You are now entering the mission field." That's a good reminder. It's great that you will pray with people on the spot. Congrats on completing another lap around the sun.

  27. Awesome video. Made me really examine myself. It is always important to check your motives and heart when you're suppose to be a leader and an influence.
    1.) One thing I could work on is commitment. I have a tendency to say yes really quickly with out thinking about what it is I need to do. Especially since I started attending Moody Bible and started to get more busier, time became more important. Since I am involved in a great amount of ministry, commitment is critical. I learned I have to be OK with not being able to do certain things. Ministry isn't about what or when you're able to do it but rather, its about God and glorifying him.
    2. In 1 Peter 2:11-17, we are urged to abstain from sinful desires. (Which is really hard because that is our nature!) We are to CONTINUE to live good lives even though we might be accused of doing something wrong or odd. We are to submit ourselves to the Lords authority. Surrendering to God is a slow on going process. I've learned that sometimes what we think we want, isn't exactly we we want. Only God knows the true desires of our hearts. We are to show respect to everyone. This is where "Do what to others as you would have them do to you" comes in. We are to live free but not to use it to cover up evil. This is the part of Christianity I found interesting. We were made free in Christ, but we are also free to not follow him. Although it is not his plan and will for us not to follow him, we have the freedom to do that. But if we choose THAT freedom, we are in bondage in out sin. The only true freedom we in Christ.
    3.) One practical way I will make my life more attractive is being more productive. I admitted, I am lazy and such a huge procrastinator at times. I sometimes feel convicted because I feel God calling me to do more and to get out more.

    1. Thanks Genesis! Yes, it's a paradox that we are free to choose, but we are not free to choose the consequences of what we choose. Thus, we need to choose wisely. Best of blessings!

  28. *OUR sins. and please forgive my tardiness!

  29. 1. I can really work on Respect, Honesty, and Courage. I feel I have gotten better with being outwardly respectful, but I still can use lots and lots of work being respectful in my heart( For example, not grumbling). That fact really bothers me because it makes me feel insincere.

    2. Well one thing that stuck out to me is that Peter said that Christians can silence those who accuse and oppose them by being respectful and submitting to the authorities set above them by God. One example that stuck out to me was Daniel.

    3. Being more forgiving and understanding.

    1. Sorry, Pastor Dave, for the late post.

    2. Thanks for your honest thoughts Alex. Daniel is a tremendous example to be sure.

  30. Hope everyone had a great week. It’s been good to hear from several of you that the NGL time has been a good thing. Memorizing Eph 2:1-5 has been a good challenge, but I am still stuck at v. 3. Anyway, from this week’s blog post here is what I would say:
    1. Commitment. Although I believe I am committed to the right things I have too many competing time demands and often wind up giving too little time to some of the major areas in favor of less vital things. Much has been written about ‘urgent vs. important areas’ and that is an ongoing battle for me. If I have the proper commitment to the right priorities I will be able to say no to distractions and urgent requests and give enough time & energy to the right things.
    2. Peter adds a few things that I see in 1Peter 2:11-17. He mentions abstinence from the world (v. 11), submission to human authorities (13), honor (17), and love (17).
    3. I want to focus on loving the people closest to me (family and ministry). Each day I am going to take some time to seek the Lord for a deeper love for people. Although the Lord has given me an abundance of love( that is clearly not from myself) I am wired as a task oriented person and sometimes wind up more concerned about progress than people. Reading 1Corinthians in our weekly meeting hit me again so I’m planning on reading that each morning for the next week.

    1. Great insight Pastor Mike! That is a very real thing to look at, Progress vs. People.

  31. Thanks so much for your candor Mike. Ugh! To the day we die we will struggle with the tyranny of the urgent and the good vs. the best use of our time.
    I'm working on respect. There's a loved one that when stress is inserted hasn't gotten proper respect from me. But their lack of such doesn't excuse my lack. I've put some personal consequences upon myself to hopefully nip such from happening. Help me Lord. His grace is more vital than I realize.

  32. I really loved the video – the most profound little verse for me was: Our greatest human challenge is to behave the way we believe. If I believe and know that God is Holy, then I need to walk at all times in a way that reflects that.

    1) It one character that I need to work on the most is courage to take a stand for God’s holiness. It is easy to be swept away by enticing TV programs or movies on the big screen that have way too much violence, blood, vampires & bad words. I am praying that God will bring me to that place of discernment, making the right choice prior to opening a door and most of all, a humble obedience to get up and run for my life …like Joseph did when he ran from Potiphar’s wife, Matt 6:22-23 The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness
    2) 1 Peter 2:11-17 Peter encourages us to live in such a way that we are blameless before God and man. This reminds me of the life Daniel lead before King Nebuchadnezzar & King Darius. Daniel 6:4: At this, the administrators and the satraps tried to find grounds for charges against Daniel in his conduct of government affairs, but they were unable to do so. They could find no corruption in him, because he was trustworthy and neither corrupt nor negligent. Daniel was faithful to the God whom he served and that was reflected in every aspect of his life. Likewise, Peter also encourages us to live in that way.
    3) I believe that as I choose to live a life that pleases the heart of God (by seeking his face thru his work, prayer and worship), my life will be pleasing and attractive to everyone around me. When we tap into his presence and spirit my life will yield love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

  33. Good words Bea! I like how you used Daniel as an example of the life Peter exhorts us to live. Thanks for your good and godly example.

  34. I need to work on commitment. I am a person who is easily excited to start new things, but I struggle to see it through to the end. This is why consistently reading my Bible has always been a struggle for me. When meeting with Mrs. Bea and Socorro this week Mrs. Bea drew our attention to 1 Corinthians 9:25-27 where, as you all have read, Paul draws a parallel between runners and Christians. Now, I am currently training for an obstacle course in May and let me tell you, it is not something that you can train for the night before by doing a few jumping jacks. It is taking time, a lot of time and a lot of repetition of exercises. So when Mrs. Bea elaborated on this verse my ears perked up because I had (I admit) skimmed that verse in my reading. I need to train both my body and my mind to be committed. Both require endurance.
    One thing Paul adds to how we should behave in this world is that our motive for our “good behavior” needs to be to point people to God. That is the only reason. Speaking personally as someone who has always struggled with being a people pleaser this part is huge. Again, I was hugely blessed to be raised in a Christian home and my parents taught me about respect and showing kindness to people. But it is true that our hearts are SO sinful, that even our righteousness is like filthy rags. I have to work hard not to take credit for being a “nice person”. It’s a real struggle and one that I have to battle daily. I have been asked, “Why are you so nice/happy all the time?” Believe it or not I have been asked this question at every job I have worked and I am ashamed to admit that I have not always taken the opportunity to say, “Because Jesus turned my life around when I was four years old and has filled me with joy.”
    One way I want my life to be more attractive is by being better at making my deadlines…like this one… Thank the Lord our God is a God of second chances!

  35. Very good Sarah. You are a bright light in a dark world.
